Nick Fury asked, slamming the table.

"Director, according to big data analysis, it should be Dark Kiva fighting a weirdo who once appeared at the Stark Expo."

Nick Fury frowned, looking at the chopped up earth and the destructive power that ordinary thermal weapons could not match, which made him feel uneasy.

"Notify everyone to stay away from the area where they are fighting and avoid being accidentally injured!"


"Director, we found the captain, but he seems to be seriously injured."

"Where is he? Take me there quickly!"

Although some unpleasant things happened with Steve before, Steve's contribution in this incident is obvious to all, so he must not let anything happen to him.

"Director, the situation has changed. Stark and the others seem to be in trouble!"

"Stark and the others will handle it on their own, let's do what we should do first!"

At the same time, on the battlefield in Washington, with the help of Shepherd's magic, the Grungki were dispersed as much as possible to sparsely populated areas, but some of them still entered the urban area.

Stark wore a steel suit and wiped out Grunge. Although these guys were far more powerful than humans, they were still not enough in front of Stark's suit.

"Jarvis, help me prepare for the post-war compensation. If possible, it would be best to buy this block directly for me. It is too slow to kill the insects one by one. I am going to give him a big one." "

"Yes sir, we are working on the purchase plan."

Chapter 512: Kamen Rider Eternity, the power of the world and the will of man

Stark, who was rich and wealthy, directly bought an entire street, and then dispersed several floating cannons to gather Grunge together.

"Come on, let's show you the power of technology, Jarvis, use the Ultimate Drive!"

As he spoke, Stark pressed on one side of his belt.

"Stark! Maximum Drive!"

The core on Stark's breastplate shone, and a huge energy burst out.


In an instant, scorching energy beams poured out, and the street was instantly engulfed in a white light. Gurungi was swallowed up in an instant before he could react to what was going on.

"The remaining units are being detected. The detection is completed and no surviving units were found."

Jarvis's voice echoed in Stark's ears, and Stark's face was filled with pride.

"That goes without saying, don't look at who I am? I'm the genius Tony Stark!"

However, as soon as he finished speaking, an energy whip struck and directly pulled Stark down from the sky.


Stark, who barely stabilized his balance, looked back at the direction of the attack. A familiar guy dragged two thick whip ropes towards Stark.

"Ivan Vanko, you are not dead yet!"

Ivan sneered.

"Of course, you are still alive and well, how dare I die like this?"

As he spoke, he flicked the whip rope in his hand, and the car beside him was instantly cut in half.

"I heard that you got rid of that bastard Mandarin. He was really nosy and left me with nowhere to vent my anger. So I'll let you do it for him!"

After that, the propulsion engine started, and Ivan rushed towards Stark like a running beast.

"It's just a defeated general. Since you still want to experience the taste of failure, come on!"

Stark did not give in at all and rushed towards Ivan Vanke.


Another mushroom cloud rose over Washington. Not only that, but a series of explosions came from the distance.

The showdown between two violent scientists creates explosions wherever they go.


On the other side of the battlefield, the battle between Mu En and Brother Xiao Ming has reached a fever pitch.

Mu En held the Demon Emperor Sword tightly with both hands, and the Demon Emperor's power in his body was flowing crazily. He felt as if something was burning in his body, and the fighting spirit was rushing uncontrollably. He also wanted a more intense battle, a battle that could fully stimulate his potential.

Brother Xiao Ming laughed during the battle.

"Yes! That's it! More! More, more! Show more power that I have never seen before! Your potential should be more than this!"

While laughing, he knocked Mu En back with a sword, and then raised the Lord of the Rings sword in his hand to draw a scarlet ring in the air, with a ferocious demon god branded in the ring.

"Let me see what you are really capable of!"

As soon as the sword fell, the demon god revived, and a Shura who seemed to come from the abyss of the Lord of the Rings appeared and slashed at Mu En. In this slash, Mu En seemed to see a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.


"I understand, Your Highness King!"

A scarlet whistle condensed and appeared. Kivat II detached himself from his belt, picked up the whistle and blew it hard.

At that moment, what sounded seemed to be the voice of the world, the meaning of reality.

The power of the Reality Stone assimilated was intensified at this moment. Dark Kiva evolved again, and the armor on his body became more ferocious and domineering. A pair of jewel-like scarlet bat wings spread out behind Mu En, and at the same time, it seemed as if there was a blood moon. Mu En rose behind him.

"Dark Kiva, armed with reality!"

The Demon King Sword in his hand exploded with sword intent, and instantly turned into a flying sword. With his wings waving, Mu En rushed towards the Lord of the Rings Shura's sword and slashed with his sword.


The majestic energy exploded in an instant, and the sky was dyed blood red.

Even the people who were fighting hard below raised their heads at this moment.

"Ahem~! What an interesting junior."

Brother Xiao Ming covered his chest and coughed, but his eyes were full of excitement.

"It's really exciting to actually assimilate the power of this world, but that's not all I have!"

Holding the sword in one hand, the sky and the earth draw a circle, fall!

Two golden rings fell towards Brother Xiao Ming, and a powerful force dyed the scarlet armor on his body golden.


The sound of a wolf howling seemed to come from another world across space, and the blade of the sword in his hand also turned into a golden color.

"Is there a second form?"

Mu En looked at Brother Xiao Ming and was stunned.

Brother Xiao Ming moved his neck and pointed at Mu En with the sword in his hand.

"Sa, let's start the second round!"

The moment he finished speaking, he rushed in front of Mu En, and when his sword fell, Mu En raised his hand to block.

"Cang~!" A sound of sword sound knocked Mu En back far.

"It's so powerful, and there are other powers mixed in his sword edge. It's not just as simple as strengthening it!"

After being hit by Brother Xiao Ming, Mu En was surprised to find that his movements seemed to have slowed down a little. Although it was only a little bit and could not be noticed without paying attention, in a battle of this level, even the slightest change was possible. directly affects the final battle.

But before Mu En could figure out what was going on, the second sword had already arrived in front of Mu En.

"Don't get distracted when fighting others!"

But with precautions, it's impossible to hit the same move a second time!

Mu En accurately judged the location of the opponent's attack, but something strange happened.

The moment he raised his sword to block, the sword in Brother Xiao Ming's hand had passed through Mu En's sword edge and landed on his body.


With one sword, Mu En was chopped down from the air.

"How is this possible! Is it an illusion? No! No, it's jet lag! It's the ability of the time system!"

The moment he fell to the ground, Mu En finally understood what was going on. He had felt that there was other power mixed in his attack before, and it was really that power that affected his movements. It turned out that it was time.

"Have you discovered it? But I really want to see how you can crack my ability!"

The power I got from Shougo was originally just to try out what would happen if it was added to the power of the knight's unexpected system. Unexpectedly, the effect was better than expected.

Just when Brother Xiao Ming was guessing how Mu En would crack the ability he had acquired by chance, he saw Mu En on the ground actually canceling his transformation.

"No, it's not about canceling the transformation, but he wants to change his armor. It's interesting, but on the battlefield, do you think your enemy will give you this time!"

In order to give Mu En a long memory, Brother Xiao Ming directly slashed out with his sword energy.

However, Mu En raised his hand to directly blast away the tentative sword energy. At the same time, a belt and a special memory appeared in Mu En's hand.

"The power of the time system is indeed very difficult, but I think the only thing that can resist time is eternity."


After taking off the memory, a majestic voice sounded from the universe, and at the same time, the memory emitted a dazzling and bright light like the starry sky.

Mu En grabbed the memory with his left hand and inserted it into the single-sided drive. Brother Xiao Ming raised his right hand and pointed it in the air.

"Hen Shin!"


In an instant, it seemed as if the entire world had lost its color, and the energy in the universe, like a sea of ​​stars, poured towards Mu En.


With a roar, Kamen Rider Eternal arrived. Different from the eternity of the W world, Mu En's body had many star map-like ornaments, and the eternal robe symbolizing the infinity of the universe enveloped Mu En's body. , what is imprinted on the cloak is an endless sea of ​​gorgeous stars.

"Oh, Eternal? He actually got Eternal's approval. No, this doesn't seem to be the Eternal in Gaia's memory."

Brother Xiao Ming looked at Mu En, and he could clearly feel the power contained in Mu En.

That powerful force no longer belongs to the knight system, but more like the power of this world, embodied by the image of a knight under the influence of Mu En's will.

In other words, the Eternal transformed by Mu En is a combination of the power of the world and human will.

"おもしろい! (Interesting)"

Brother Xiao Ming raised the sword in his hand and swooped down towards Mu En.

"Then let me see your will!"

Chapter 513, S.H.I.E.L.D.’s Redemption

With the appearance of eternity, the battle between Mu En and Brother Xiao Ming has reached a new level. The earth can no longer bear the power of the two. In order to avoid destroying the city because of himself, Mu En directly takes the battlefield to the universe. among.

In the universe, Mu En's movements are accompanied by fluctuations in cosmic energy.

Seeing Mu En's changes, Brother Xiao Ming laughed.

"It's really interesting. You can already change the world with just a few moves. It's really exciting!"

However, Mu En's expression was extremely calm. He held his hand in the air, and the eternal dagger appeared in his hand. The dagger flew up and down in Mu En's hand, and finally pointed at Brother Xiao Ming.

"Come on, the second round begins!"

Seeing Mu En and Brother Xiao Ming leave, Nick Fury breathed a sigh of relief.

"How's the situation with the captain?"

Nick Fury walked into the makeshift ward and asked the medical staff.

"This is simply a miracle, Director. The damage the captain endured as he grew, even if he was injected with the super soldier serum, has already exceeded the limit of what he can bear. But not only did he survive tenaciously, but his injuries are still healing on their own. "

The doctor who was doing a physical examination on Steve reported this surprising discovery to Nick Fury.

Another voice kept recording the changes in Steve, and then asked.

"Is it possible that the power of the serum has changed in the captain's body?"

"It shouldn't be possible. Maybe the super serum developed by Professor Erkins is very magical, but the limit of what he can reach is already there. I think this is more like the captain's own power."

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