However, the broken mechanical body spoke with its last voice.

"Break off the wire, I'm free."

Looking at the mess in this place, everyone fell into silence.

Especially Stark, he looked at the broken temporary carrier of Ultron in front of him for a long time and was unable to recover.

"it's over?"

Thor asked.

Dr. Banner shook his head, knowing it was not over yet.

"No, our work was in vain. Ultron escaped and the Internet became his escape channel."

"I'll chase him!"

Thor didn't seem to understand what was going on, so he grabbed the hammer and flew out.


Steve also felt that what just happened was a bit science fiction. Just now, a robot actually told him that he wanted to exterminate mankind. For Steve, he had only seen it in previous science fiction stories.

And Natasha realized the seriousness of the matter.

"We may be in big trouble next. He can be anywhere, files, surveillance systems, and he will know us even better than we know ourselves."

Major Rhodes said with a serious expression.

"He could be in a file, on the Internet. If, he wanted to do something exciting, what do you think he would do?"

"Nuclear bomb, he will find a way to obtain the nuclear weapon code. This should not be difficult for him."

Rhodes patted his forehead.

"It's big trouble. I'm going to have to make some phone calls, if I can still make them."

"Nuclear weapons, he said they would kill us?"

Steve said, slamming the table.

"He's not talking about death, he's talking about extinction. He wants to exterminate us humans!"

Barton nodded and reminded.

"Yes, he also said he killed someone, but are there anyone else here?"

Stark let out a long breath.

"Yes, there is another person."

With a wave of his hand, a damaged holographic projection appeared in front of everyone.

"This is?"

Dr. Banner looked at the damaged Jarvis in front of him and felt a little incredible.

"This is impossible."

Steve guessed as he crossed his arms to his chest.

"Jarvis was the first line of defense. He discovered Ultron's problem and wanted to shut it down, but he failed, so Ultron killed him."

"It is very possible that Ultron may have synchronized his data, and after getting all the data, perhaps out of anger, he finally killed him."

At this moment, Thor put on his Asgardian suit, walked through the projection menacingly, stepped forward and grabbed Stark's neck.

"Whoa oh oh, the anger is spreading."

"Don't be like this, calm down and you can have something to say."

Thor said angrily.

"I really can't describe you enough Stark."

Steve didn't want internal conflicts to escalate before the problem was resolved, so he spoke up in time.

"Thor, have you caught up with them?"

"No, the group of mechanical soldiers went north, and they took the scepter with them."

Thor put down Stark and glared at him fiercely.

"Now we just have to find it again."

Chapter 532, Dispute, Conflicting Team

The atmosphere in the whole room was extremely solemn, and the originally good party came to an end due to the sudden appearance of Ultron.

Natasha said, breaking the tense atmosphere.

"The genie has escaped from the magic lamp. I think our top priority should be to deal with Ultron."

"I don't understand why the program you developed wants to kill all of us?"

Faced with the question, Stark did not answer, but laughed under this depressing situation.

Thor, with his bad temper, directly asked with a hammer in hand.

"Do you think this is funny?"

"No! It's fear. This is scary, right? It's like, um, a birthday cake fell into the toilet, and then..."

And Saul obviously didn't want to hear these confusing words from him.

"If you don't fiddle with things that you don't understand yet, these things won't happen."

"No! I'm sorry, but you have no idea why we need him!"

Suddenly Stark became excited.

Seeing Stark who was a little out of control, Dr. Banner spoke to persuade him.

"Tony, maybe now isn't the time."

"What are you talking about? Is that so?"

Stark looked back at Banner and said.

"As long as someone accuses you, you will just be humble and want to calm down the matter, but what's the use of it?"

"But the fact is that we created killer robots."

"we do not have!"

Stark shouted.

"Are we done? Have we generated the interface? We're not done at all!"

Steve asked dissatisfiedly.

"It doesn't matter whether you have completed it or not, Stark, these things you created, what is the difference between your behavior and S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra? You just replaced the Insight Project with your Ultron! Human beings No need to fear threats!”

"Hehehe, I never thought about threatening anyone? I also want to save everyone. Do you still remember who rushed into the wormhole with a nuclear bomb on his back in order to protect the city?"

Stark said emotionally.

"Have you forgotten that time? A big hole opened in the sky, and a menacing alien army rushed out of the wormhole. We are three hundred meters below him. We are the Avengers, and we can be twenty Four hours of non-stop combat against robbers, criminals and arms smuggling, but what can we do if we face such a crisis again?"

Steve looked into Stark's eyes and said slowly.


When Stark heard this answer, he couldn't help laughing. After laughing, he stepped forward and asked seriously.

"But if we do this, maybe we will lose?"

"But we still have to share the same hatred, right?"

Looking at Steve in front of him, Stark didn't want to talk anymore. He knew that the person in front of him was not from the same world as himself. He had different visions and naturally had different perceptions of the world and crises. Suddenly, Stark felt a little lonely and helpless. Everyone here seemed to be a team. They were indeed fighting side by side, but no one could see the same realm as himself.

Helplessly, he turned around and let out a long sigh. When he raised his head, he saw Mu En in the corner looking at all of them.

No, maybe there are still people who can understand me.

"Okay everyone, I think Thor is right. Anyway, what we need to do now is to find Ultron first and then bring the scepter back."

Steve encouraged everyone to regroup. Since trouble has arisen, everyone should work together to solve him.

"The world is big, so we should narrow it down now."

Everyone got busy, and Mu En slowly stood up and prepared to leave.

"Mu En, are you leaving? We need your help."

Steve looked at Mu En and said.

Mu En spread his hands.

"You are powerful Avengers. Is there anything that I, the director of a little orphanage, can do to help you?"

"Mr. En..."

Steve was about to speak when he saw Mu En pointing at his ear and then looking at the wall.

He immediately understood that Ultron had entered the online world. He might have gone far, but he might not have left, so he needed to be careful when he spoke.

But Mu En knows that that guy must have left here now. According to the development of the plot, he will go to the ruins of Hydra's base to build a brand new body, and then find Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch to form a revenge team.

But the main thing is that Muen doesn't want to get involved just yet because he needs Ultron to develop for a little while longer.


The next day, everyone got some news. In order to create a new body, Ultron attacked many metal trading places.

The people who survived the attack were all in fear. They speculated that Ultron might have found the twins left by Hydra and cooperated with them. Unfortunately, another piece of news was received. Sitrikel, the leader of Hydra's remnant group, was killed.

Everyone gathered together to discuss why Ultron chose to kill Sitrikel at this time.

In the end, it was concluded that the unlucky guy who died might have some information that Ultron didn't want the Avengers to know.

"Good, at least we found a breakthrough, didn't we?"

Natasha logged into SHIELD's backend account and started searching, but found that all relevant data had been cleared.

"The good news is that we did find a breakthrough, but the bad news is that all the data has been cleared."

Steve said.

"Not necessarily. Although Ultron can come and go freely on the Internet, there is some information that he cannot delete."

In the end, he moved a bunch of paper documents left behind by SHIELD. Although this is an era of technology, sometimes paper documents are still very important.

"So many documents, when are we going to find them."

"Then we can only look for it slowly."

Steve distributed the file to everyone, and everyone acted together so that they could find it faster.

After working hard for a long time, I finally got something.

The giant pier in Salva, on the southern coast of Africa.

A dilapidated ship was moored near the pier, but this seemingly dilapidated ship was actually a secret arms trading place.

Ulysses Crow is eating candy in his office and doing business with the big warlords.

"You must pay according to my price, otherwise the shells I provide you next time will fly directly in front of you. Believe me, you don't want to see this."

After saying that, he hung up the phone directly.

But the next moment, the power supply in the entire cabin was cut off, and the lights dimmed.

A figure appeared in his office.

"Wow, you super people are so interesting. I know you. I have done business with your boss before. I feel sad for you about Trish Kerr. But are you here to do business this time? Something else?”

Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch slowly walked out of the dark corner.

Chapter 533, Vibranium Transaction

Facing the twins, Ulysses was very calm. Although the two of them had powerful superpowers, in his eyes, they were just brats who hadn't grown up.

"Do you want some candy? I know you are not here to do business. After all, I only talk to people who can make the decision, and you obviously can't make the decision."

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