Having said that, he kept recalling what he saw in the environment, and for a while he was a little distracted when he spoke angrily.


At this moment, Stark suddenly exclaimed.

"What's wrong?"

"Look at this."

Stark directly showed the latest picture to everyone. He saw a big green guy beating another big guy outside the city, and the guy being beaten was the out-of-control Hulk, and the one who was beating the Hulk was The hatred that disappeared after being forcibly taken away by Dark Kiva.

Steve also recognized the big guy and frowned.

"Why is the Abomination here?"

Hawkeye was also a little curious. SHIELD had been investigating the whereabouts of the abomination for a long time, but had gained nothing.

Stark rubbed his eyebrows and said.

"This is the reinforcement that Mu En said. Although I don't know how he did it, it is indeed very effective."

Hulk, whose anger grew again, was still beaten by the hatred given by Mu En with new power, which made him very angry. The power of anger expanded at one time, but as the power of anger grew, the magic Wanda cast was also lost. Effect.

Suddenly Dr. Banner's consciousness came to his senses again. He realized the destruction he had caused in the city, and Abomination was obviously trying to stop him.

"What have I done!"

Realizing his mistake, Hulk's anger immediately dissipated.

Seeing Hulk's eyes clear again, Hatred also loosened his clenched fists.

"Tch, have you recovered? That's all. This battle can be considered a happy one."

He originally turned himself into this ghostly appearance just to gain powerful power and to be able to compete with monsters like Hulk. In the end, he also became a monster. Although he was killed by another monster before he could compete with Hulk. A monster took him away, but now he has fulfilled his wish.

He said looking at Hulk.

"I know you will definitely be dissatisfied, but I advise you to be more honest and stop causing damage, otherwise my master will personally come to deal with you next time."

Speaking of hatred, he pointed at his chest, and a dark green kiva mark appeared.

Seeing that familiar mark, Hulk also remembered that bad memory, and then directly returned control of his body to Banner, hiding himself deep in Banner's subconscious.

Banner, who had regained his human form, looked at the hatred in front of him that had grown taller, and subconsciously screamed out.


Abomination sneered.

"Goodbye Dr. Banner, I look forward to our next meeting."

A shining magic door appeared behind him again, and Abomination turned around and left without stopping.

Chapter 536, Safe House, Cradle of Life

Passing through the magic door, Abomination returns to the dragon's castle.

"Master, the task you ordered has been completed."

The huge body of Hatred knelt in front of the throne.

Mu En sat on the throne and said calmly.

"How was it, how did it feel fighting the Hulk?"

Hatred recalled the feeling of using power wantonly, and couldn't help but clenched his fist.

"That feeling, it's great, it's a great feeling to be in control."

Upon hearing the hateful reply, Mu En smiled slightly.

"Control the power? Can you call it control the power even if you are neither a human nor a ghost?"

Hate lowered his head and remained silent, becoming like this ghost and unable to recover was only a piece of his mind.

Mu En looked at the hatred kneeling under the main hall and slowly spoke.

"Seeing that you have completed this mission very well, I will give you a reward."

Scarlet energy surrounded his fingertips, and Mu En pointed out a bit of powerful energy and landed on the abominable body.


Abomination suddenly pulled out and howled, and his huge body gradually shrank and became smaller.

Soon, he returned to his normal size.

Bronsky stood up and looked at himself in disbelief.

"This! I'm back again! This is amazing."

Mu En sat on the throne and looked at Bronski who was as happy as a child.

"Blonsky, you have committed many sins because of your own desires. To be honest, I won't have any conscience uneasiness even if I kill you directly, but you are a real good material. As long as you surrender loyally. To me, then I can give you more power."

Speaking of dividing the call transfer.

"Of course, if I want, I can take back everything about you in an instant, including your life."

Mu En's voice was as cold as the shrill cold wind, biting to the bone.

Bronski immediately knelt on the ground and said respectfully.

"Blonsky is always loyal to his master."

Seeing the other party swearing allegiance, Mu En nodded. For this kind of role, Mu En just felt that the other party still had some value worth using. As for whether the other party would betray him.

No kidding, is kivat's seal so easy to break free from?

"Don't worry. After all, I'm not a devil. As long as you behave well, it won't be a problem for you to go back and see your family occasionally."

Hearing this, Bronski couldn't help but tremble. It seemed like he was promising benefits to him, but in his ears it was a warning.

As a special mercenary, he protected his family very well, and basically not many people knew about it.

"I know Master."


On the Avengers' special carrier aircraft, everyone was physically and mentally exhausted, as if they were still immersed in a fantasy world and had not broken free.

But in the final analysis, the most difficult thing for people to overcome is often the test in their own hearts. Maybe they dare to face dangerous enemies on the battlefield, but sometimes, the things deep in their hearts are the ones they dare not face the most.

Dr. Banner sat in the corner, wrapped in a blanket and closing his eyes to meditate.

Steve sat aside, not knowing what he was thinking.

Even Thor, who usually chirped, was pacing back and forth in the cabin with uneasiness written on his face.

Agent Hill in the base spoke to everyone through remote communication.

"The news is all about you. The battle at the pier and the Hulk's destruction have a great impact. So far, I have not received any official news that the Hulk is going to be captured, but the public voice is very high. On the contrary, the sudden appearance of hatred, But he has received a lot of praise and support, and now some people call him the new patron saint."

Dr. Banner, who was taking a nap, could not refute. After all, it was hatred that prevented him from destroying the city this time.

But Stark and Steve were noncommittal about Thor's new Patronus, but there was nothing they could do about it. After all, people only wanted to believe what they saw.

Stark asked, fumbling with his mustache.

"Regarding the destruction of the city, has the Stark Foundation taken any action?"

"They have arrived at the scene and started to compensate the victims."

Agent Hill said and asked again.

"How's the team doing?"

Stark hesitated for a moment, glanced at everyone, and then said.

"Everyone... well, we've been hit hard, physically and mentally, and we need to get out of this."

Agent Hill knows that the Avengers are in a bad situation now, and their reputation outside is also very bad.

"My advice here is that it is best to remain invisible and avoid it for the time being."

Stark didn't understand.

"You mean you want us to hide? We obviously won the battle...well, well, at least half of it was won."

Agent Hill shook his head.

"I can't give you any better advice until we find Ultron."

"Hey, me too, so let's do this for now."

Stark sighed. Even though he considered himself a genius, he couldn't think of a better way now.

After ending the communication, a feeling of fatigue came over him, but Stark knew that he had to hold on.

He came to the main driver's seat and patted Button on the shoulder.

"Hey man, are you still holding up? Do you want to switch shifts?"

Barton looked back, then shook his head.

"It's okay, I can still hold on, but you'd better take a rest. No one can bear so much alone. You can take a nap for a few hours before reaching your destination."

Stark glanced at the route and found that the destination was an unknown place.

"That's where we're going?"

Barton's stiff old face finally showed a smile.

"A safe place."

After arriving at their destination, they learned that Hawkeye, a thick-browed guy with big eyes, actually had his own family, with two lovely children and a pregnant wife.

Everyone felt that they had been deceived by this guy, because he had obviously said before that he didn't even have a girlfriend.

Stark touched his mustache and said.

"You, I thought I would be the first to have a complete family, but you don't have martial ethics."

Barton laughed.

"Besides being an agent, I also have my own life, don't I? This place was arranged for me by Nick Fury after I joined you. There is no record in SHIELD. I like this. It's relatively safe here and I can temporarily Renovate here for a while.”

Looking at the warm atmosphere in front of him, images kept flashing back in Sol's mind, and finally he walked outside the house alone.

"Where are you going Thor?"

Steve gave chase.

"I saw something in the witch's vision, and I need to find the answer, but I can't find it here."

After that, he shook the hammer in his hand and left.

Seeing Sol leaving, everyone had nothing to say.

On the other side, in the genetics laboratory in Seoul, the country of Bangzi.

As soon as Dr. Zhao Hailun entered the laboratory, a pair of scarlet eyes lit up.

Ultron said looking at him.

"Hello, doctor, I suggest you don't make any screams or other sounds, otherwise I'm afraid that I will get rid of the entire laboratory to reduce unnecessary trouble."

Dr. Zhao Hailun immediately covered her mouth for fear of screaming.

Ultron continued.

"You were at the party that day. I could have killed you, but I didn't."

"So, do you want me to write you a thank you note?"

"Hahaha, glib, but I think you should know what is unnecessary?"

Dr. Zhao Helen also realized something.

"The Cradle of Life."

A recording was played, which was what she said to Stark.

"This will be a new generation of technology."

Ultron said, stroking the cradle of life.

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