Stark used a cluster ray to bombard a group of mechanical soldiers preparing to attack humans.

"I left it to Kurim and he said he could handle it."

"Can he really?"

"Well, you have to believe in him!"

"I see."

While the heroes were fighting hard, Mu En sat quietly on the throne alone, controlling the battlefield through magic.

Where no one can take care of them, Mu En secretly uses magic to bring people out of trouble.

Suddenly, it sounded like Ultron's main consciousness still resides in the Internet.

He remembered that in the original work, it seemed that Surrounding had hacked Ultron and kicked him out of the Internet, but now that Surrounding has transformed into Kurim, he didn't know if Kurim still had this function.

Fortunately, Mu En still had a backup plan.

"Izzy, are you finished upgrading?"

"After the upgrade, Master, I feel something strange now."

Izzy's soft voice sounded again. After Mu En left Sokovia, he returned to the base and used the power of the Mind Stone that he had assimilated to completely upgrade Izzy.

At this moment, Izzy has become more humane, and her voice has become much softer, not as mechanical as before.

If we are not still fighting and need to take care of the battlefield, Mu En can further upgrade, but it is enough for now.

"Just be subtle. Let's slowly experience the emotions of being a human being. Now kick Ultron out and take over the battlefield."

"I see."

Izzy stopped talking and started taking action.

In the Internet space, a battle started again. All of Ultron's consciousness was searched out by Izzy, and then he was kicked out of the Internet.

Ultron, who was fighting with Curim, suddenly groaned and paused.

And at this moment of pause, he was hit by Kurim at the construction site, and it hit the ground heavily.

"Asshole! It's you! You must be the one who kicked me out of my world!"

Ultron roared, he was suddenly kicked out of the online world, which made him extremely angry, because this meant that his way out was cut off.

The violent energy instantly shattered the ground. Looking at the inexplicably furious Ultron, Kurim under the mask smiled.

"Although I don't know what you're angry about, but seeing you feeling so uncomfortable, just think it's my fault."

"You! Do you think I will care about this? No, the Internet of mankind is just a temporary residence. I will destroy mankind and establish a new order!"

Ultron roared and rushed towards Kurim.

"You are just wishful thinking, I will stop you!"

Kurim pressed the shifter on the wristband continuously.

【Come On! Solar, Winter, Commercial! Tire Kakimazerl! Weather Report! 】

The tires of several tanks flew towards each other, colliding and merging together.

"Drink! Weather forecast! Ha—!"

Several different natural abilities fell and bombarded Ultron's body, knocking him down from the air. However, since he had a body made of a large amount of vibranium, such an attack was not enough to defeat him.

On the other side, Steve and the others encountered a lot of trouble.

I don't know why, even if they were controlled and driven by Ultron, the Gurungis spontaneously approached Steve, who had transformed into Kuuga, and there were some powerful guys among them.

"Damn it, there are too many of them, I can't handle them at all!"

In the form of the blue dragon, Steve holds the green dragon stick tightly in his hand, and relies on his super high mobility to fight against the Gurungi with all his strength.

But the number of enemies is so great that it has almost caught up with the number summoned by Hydra in Washington.

As for why these guys appear here, Steve has already guessed something, but more needs to be confirmed by him after this battle is over.

"Help! Someone help me!"

A cry for help reached Steve's ears, and he immediately chose to leave the battlefield and go to Jiuyuan.

"Hold on, I'll be right here."

Steve found a child trapped under the wall, and the wall was already in danger due to the aftermath of the battle.

"Super Hen Shin!"

At the critical moment, Steve activated the power of the spirit stone and rushed forward.


The wall reached him, and Steve used his body to block the collapsed wall and move away the debris that trapped the child.

"Get out of here quickly, it's too dangerous here."

The child looked at Steve in front of him with innocent eyes.

"Thank you!"

Seeing the child's sincere eyes, Steve under the mask understood and gave a thumbs up.

"You're welcome, get out of here quickly."


After the child left, several Grunki rushed over and struck hard with their claws, landing on Steve's body.

But, it has no effect.

At this moment, Steve's fighting spirit was extremely high.

"For the sake of those innocent people and the lovely children, I must use ten times my strength, come on!"

As Steve roared, golden lightning appeared as a shadow on his armor.

He grabbed the steel bar on the side and turned it into a long sword to instantly kill the Gurungi around him.

Kuuga means warrior, growing in battle.

On the other side, Stark's battle was not as tragic as Steve's. He came out fully prepared this time. He stood in mid-air, with two maglev turrets floating beside him. After locking the target, directly spread the firepower and clean the battlefield in the most efficient way.

"Hahahaha, Ultron, compared to technology, I am your old father after all."

"Hmph! Stark, don't be too arrogant. Let's see how long you can laugh!"

Ultron's voice rang out from the bodies of the mechanical soldiers. Those stupid mechanical soldiers actually gathered together, their bodies twisting and fitting into each other.


With a roar, a huge mechanical soldier appeared.

"Tsk, how should I put it? I've already told you that I'm your old father and you still don't believe me. Compared with me, you are still far behind!"

Under the mask, Stark's smile became more and more perverted, and he put away his perverted smile.

A countable key appeared in his hand and was inserted into his belt.

"Veronica Authorize! (Veronica authorized successfully!)"

As the always cool music sounded, a beam of light fell from the sky, and huge external weapons emerged one after another.

"Don't even think about it! Roar~!"

The giant mechanical soldier swung his fist directly towards Stark.

But it’s no use! Find out when it’s time to become invincible!

The giant soldier's attack directly bounces off the selected weapon, and the weapon falls down at the same time.

Iron Man Veronica form.

Stark moved his huge body and grinned.

"This was originally prepared for Hulk, but now let's try the knife on you first!"

Taking heavy steps, he rushed directly towards the giant soldier and punched his body directly. Under the impact of the huge force, many parts and fragments flew out in an instant.

"Hahaha, come again, come again!"

Stark was completely entertained. I must try this for Ivan Vanko next time.

Ivan, who was squatting in the laboratory thinking about how to upgrade the subsequent armor, shuddered suddenly.

"Who is cursing me? It must be that damn Stark. No, I have to give him something strong next time and treat him well!"

As he spoke, he once again started a new upgrade blueprint.

Chapter 543: Get some Brazilian girls, the Avengers gather

The fighting continued. Natasha and Barton were responsible for the evacuation of the people of Sokovia. They found two large air transport equipment. Although these equipment may be able to undertake the main task of transportation in normal long-term work, But in this situation, it still seems a little inadequate. After all, they have to rescue an entire city of people.

Although Steve has a high will to fight, and the super soldier's physique coupled with the assistance of spiritual stones can give him an extremely strong physique, fighting is extremely energy-consuming, especially when the enemies he faces are tireless and unafraid of death. Mechanical soldiers and super ancient alien species.

"Natasha, Barton, how's your evacuation mission going?"

Steve asked while fighting.

Patton answered as he controlled the transport plane.

"We are already experiencing it, but there are too many people who need to be transferred."

"Okay, I understand. I will try my best to solve the problem here and come to help you!"

In Titan form, Steve swiped his sword, chopped down the two grungies, then turned around and rushed in the direction of Barton and the others.

Ultron saw this scene, was introduced to the online world by Izzy, and was beaten violently by Kurim. Ultron was very angry and had no place to vent his anger.

"You like to save people and be heroes? Okay! Then I'll let you be a hero!"

"Quick! Everyone, go this way and evacuate in an orderly manner!"

"Don't be crowded, there is still room, everyone can leave here safely!"

The twins helped maintain the order at the evacuation site, but while everyone was crowded in order to escape, unexpected situations occurred that affected the evacuation efficiency.

"Everyone just wait a moment, the carrier plane will be back soon!"

Watching the transportation equipment slowly falling, the people who had not been able to evacuate became nervous and crowded towards the front.

Seeing this situation, Wanda had no choice but to use her own abilities to calm everyone down.

However, using her power many times to influence so many people was a bit overwhelming for Wanda. After all, she had just learned to control her power not long ago.

"Are you OK?"

Pirot worriedly supported his sister, his eyes filled with distress.

"I'm fine, I'm just a little exhausted, but I can still hold on."


Suddenly a scream came. Looking in the direction of the scream, a group of mechanical soldiers rushed over.

"what happened!"

Wanda felt a little surprised. They had obviously cleared away all the mechanical soldiers and monsters in the area before.

Pirot moved his hands.

"You wait here, leave those guys to me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Pilot turned into a silver lightning and rushed towards the mechanical soldier. In an instant, wherever Pilot went, metal parts were scattered everywhere.

With its super high speed, it instantly turned the terrifying mechanical army into scrap metal.

But some mechanical soldiers rushed over from the air, and their target was the escape transport equipment that had just returned.

Wanda saw through their intentions, suppressed the feeling of weakness in her body, and cast magic again.

"Don't even think about it! I won't let you succeed!"

The dispersion of scarlet energy seemed to directly crush the unloading soldiers, but Wanda's mental power was almost reaching its limit. With their huge numbers, the mechanical soldiers broke through Wanda's obstruction and rushed towards the escape equipment.

Several arrows struck, and Hawkeye Barton stood on top of the transport plane, drawing an arrow from his bow and firing quickly.

"Hawkeye Barton, you are just an ordinary person!"

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