On top of the hunting team's car, the pocket watch and two team members checked the instruments.

"There should be no mistake. Information shows that there are more than 20 missing persons from different places. The last place they were seen was this hotel."

"I understand, we will investigate carefully."

After taking the number plate from the waiter, Jun Ci led the disguised team members into the elevator, and then pressed the button for the third floor.


In the private room, Harry handed the menu to the three of them.

"It's rare for a few of us to come out together once. Let's order whatever we want and eat openly."

Mu En glanced at the menu and found that there didn't seem to be anything strange.

But he noticed that Peter seemed to be stuck on a certain page of the menu.

"What's wrong Peter, is there anything in particular you want to eat?"

Gwen also noticed Peter's situation and asked curiously.

Peter shook his head.

"Nothing, just a little curious."

"Since you're curious, order it and try it, waiter!"

Harry directly called the waiter and ordered several dishes in succession, including all the dishes on the page that Peter was reading just now.

While waiting for the food to be served, Peter suddenly stood up.

"Sorry, I want to go to the toilet."

After that, he left the private room.

Mu En noticed something was wrong with Peter's expression, and he was probably looking for something.

On the other side, the hunting team and others who also entered the private room on the third floor did not order food. Instead, after confirming that there was no hidden surveillance equipment in the room, they took out the portable equipment they had prepared.

Although S.H.I.E.L.D. was disbanded due to the Hydra incident, as a special team targeting Amazon, with Nick Fury's support, the entire team's complete structure was retained and was directly handed over. In the hands of the Avengers, the equipment they use is now directly provided by Stark Industries, which can be said to be more advanced than before.

"How are the preparations going?"

Jun Ci set up the equipment and asked other team members.

"You're ready, Captain."


"Okay, let's get started."

With the command of the military assassin, it was activated together, and a special energy magnetic field spread from the private room and enveloped the entire hotel.

"Captain, Amazon signal response found."

There was a corresponding reaction above them. This is a device they made specifically for searching Amazon. It uses Amazon's special biomagnetic field that is different from humans for detection. Although this is the first practical application of this device, the effect is very good. good.

"Okay, can you determine the specific location of Amazon?"

"Unfortunately, captain, we can only confirm the general location of Amazon and cannot lock the prepared target."

After all, this is the first actual combat, and there are still many shortcomings.

"I understand, then let's start taking action according to the original plan!"


In the toilet, Peter washed his face with water. I don't know why, but he often feels weak and uncomfortable recently, but fortunately, this feeling will pass quickly, and every time he experiences his own strength, he will Become stronger.

But that's not what concerned him the most.


Peter wiped the water stains off his face and looked at himself in the mirror.

Suddenly, a ringing in his ears caused a discomfort, and he seemed to see some scattered and chaotic pictures.

"here we go again!"

He held the sink with both hands, but his body still fell backwards uncontrollably.

Just when he was about to fall, a pair of strong hands helped Peter.

"Are you okay little brother?"

According to the plan, the assassin should enter the hotel's ventilation system from the toilet. He picked up Peter who almost fell down when he came in, and subconsciously stepped forward to support him.

"I'm fine, thank you."

The strange feeling dissipated, and Peter calmed down a little to thank this kind person.

But he carefully discovered that the man in front of him was definitely not an ordinary person.

Peter noticed that there was a thick layer of calluses at the seam between this person's thumb and index finger and on both sides of the index finger. This is only worn out by people who hold guns for a long time. Also, this person's eyes were very special. Perseverance and vicissitudes of life are not the eyes that ordinary people have.

"It's okay. Young people should pay attention to their health."

"Thank you, I'll keep an eye on it."

With a simple thank you, Peter walked out of the bathroom, but he kept an eye on it. It seemed that this place was not that simple.

Just when he was about to go back, he suddenly smelled a strange smell, as if he had smelled it somewhere before.

Looking in the direction of the smell, Peter saw a waiter who was responsible for collecting leftovers and pushing him towards the elevator.

This aroused Peter's confusion. He followed quietly and noticed that the waiter actually pressed the button to go downstairs.

"Minus one floor?"

After hesitating for a moment, Peter decided to follow up and take a look. It was impossible for him to feel that some leftover plates smelled strange for no reason.

Relying on his spider ability, Peter put on his suit in the blind spot of the surveillance and got into the elevator shaft, and followed the cable to the underground floor.

Entering through the vent, Peter quietly observed the waiter in the dark, and following the waiter, he actually saw that there was a kitchen underground.

"It's so strange. Are the kitchens in big hotels all built underground? No, I've seen the logo of this hotel before. The kitchen should be on the first floor."

Peter crawled along the ventilation duct with doubts, but the next moment he saw a horrifying scene.

A fat chef stood in front of the stove, cooking food in the pot, and half of his arm was hanging in the meat grinder behind him.

"This! What the hell is this?"

When he was surprised, he heard the chef say.

"Have all the guests finished eating?"

"We've finished eating, but another group of customers came just now."

"I understand. I'm preparing a batch of fresh ingredients. Come over and help."

The fat chef put down the shovel in his hand, wiped his hands with a rag soaked in oil, and then led the waiter towards the warehouse.

The next moment, Peter saw them carrying a person out of the warehouse, a living person.

"There are not enough ingredients, we need to stock up."

"It's okay. There hasn't been much noise up there lately. There are a lot of people coming here to eat."

As he spoke, the fat chef took out a sharp knife.

"Come on, let me make you delicious."


Finally, Peter, who was secretly observing, could no longer sit still, and rushed out, shooting a thread of spider silk to throw away the sharp knife in the man's hand, and then rescued the unlucky guy who almost became food.


The fat chef and the waiter were also surprised when they saw Peter suddenly appearing, but they sneered the next moment.

"Oh, I was worried about not having enough ingredients just now, but now aren't the ingredients delivered to my door?"

"Why do you want to kill the same kind of people!"

Peter asked in an atmospheric tone.

"Same kind, we are not the same kind, you are just our food!"

The fat chef and waiter stopped pretending and directly revealed their true forms. These were actually two crabs, Amazon, one large and one small. Judging from their size and ferocious appearance, they had probably eaten a lot of humans.

“You turned out to be Amazon!”

"Did you just react? It's too late!"

Amazon, the giant crab transformed by the fat chef, pounced straight at Peter.

Peter didn't dare to fight. There were many people on the other side, and he had to protect the victims. It was the right choice to evacuate first.

"I want to run away! There is no door."

Crab Amazon directly spit out a thick cloud of bubbles, which showered on the iron door of the exit, corroding and welding it to death in an instant.

"Damn it! Open it!"

Peter tried to use brute force to open the door, but it didn't work.

The hardened bubbles are as hard as cement.


There was no way Peter had to fight and retreat first and take the victim to find another way.

Chapter 553, Hungry Guests

In the private room of the restaurant, all the dishes ordered by Harry have been served, but Peter, who went to the bathroom, has not come back.

Gwen complained dissatisfiedly.

"This Peter is really late even though he's already at the restaurant. It's true."

Harry defended his good brother.

"Don't worry, maybe Peter is not feeling well. I'll call and ask."

As he spoke, he took out his cell phone and dialed Peter's number.

On the other end of the phone, Peter was running around in the underground kitchen with the victim on his back, looking for an escape.

Suddenly a ringtone rang, and Peter was a little helpless. He knew it might be Harry and the others, but he really didn't have time to answer the phone now.

"I'm talking about you two big crabs, can you pause for a moment while I answer the phone?"

"Go answer the phone in our bellies!"

The giant crab Amazon jumped up, swung the huge pincer on his right arm, and struck Peter with a heavy blow.

Fortunately, Peter was able to avoid it with his nimbleness, but the victim behind him suffered a terrible fate. The fierce fighting shook him out of his coma.

He screamed when he saw this chaotic scene.

"Hey brother, I asked you to stop screaming. I've tried my best to take you to escape now."

The little spider led the man to dodge left and right, moving around on the ground and ceiling.

The angry Cancer Amazon couldn't keep up with Peter's speed.

"Can you stop shaking like that? I'm going to throw up."

The weak victim managed to squeeze out a sentence. Being carried on the back by the little spider felt like riding a roller coaster, and even more exciting. Most people really couldn't stand it.

"Hey brother, you can vomit if you want, but don't vomit on my suit."

"You damn bug, just stand there and don't move!"

Cancer Amazon, with the help of another crab Amazon, once again attacked Peter.

"If you ask me to stand still and I won't move, wouldn't that mean I'm very embarrassed?"

After complaining, Peter seized the opportunity to use the spider silk to jump upside down on the ceiling and successfully avoided it. The giant crab Amazon hit the cement wall nearby, and the huge force directly knocked out a person on the wall. Big hole.

"Thank you, Big Crab. I'm worried about where to leave this poor place. In order to repay you, I'm going to teach you a little knowledge of biology, that is..."

Peter fell from the ceiling and shot out two spider threads to firmly grab the giant crab's back.

"Spiders are arthropods just like crabs!"

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