Just in time to see the hungry wolf Amazon being kicked from the third floor to the downstairs by Little Spider, Little Spider jumped down after him.


Gwen, who knew Peter's true identity, finally breathed a sigh of relief after seeing the lively little spider.

When Harry saw that Spider-Man was fighting alone, he found an excuse to leave, preparing to put on his suit and fight with his partner.

"Irrelevant personnel should leave here immediately!"

Pocket Watch held a loudspeaker and wanted to evacuate this group of melon-eating people who were not afraid of death, but this was the free America, how could they easily listen to others, and judging from the situation at the scene, their hero Spider-Man had already suppressed him That monster.

"Come on Spider-Man!"

"Spider-Man crush that monster."

"Come on Spider-Man!"


Hearing the cheers from everyone, Peter was also very moved, but now was obviously not the time to be moved.

"Thank you, thank you everyone, but you'd better leave here. It's too dangerous here."

At this moment, Jun Ci led four team members and rushed out of the hotel and shouted.

"Run! Everyone, get out of here!"

And everyone also saw the group of guys who were following Jun Ci and the others and were extremely hungry.


Everyone screamed and ran away.

"Well, at least now we don't have to use clones to dissuade them."

Although he said this, when Peter saw those hungry Amazons, he couldn't help but feel numb.

"But, this number is too much!"

"Everyone listens to the order and immediately forms a defense line to block! We cannot let these guys leave here!"


The members of the hunting team immediately began to take action. The base vehicle instantly transformed and turned directly into a fortress. Two members entered the fortress, and all weapons were mobilized under their control.


In an instant, countless special bullets poured out, bombarding the group of hungry monsters.

With the support of this powerful firepower, Peter felt a lot less pressure. With this flexible advantage and the spider web in his hand, Amazon was limited to the range of firepower coverage as much as possible.

But this was not enough. Amazon, an armored armadillo, stood up, stared at the cannon fire and rushed towards the fortress. As long as the fortress collapsed, the hunting team's defense line would be broken.

"Don't even think about it!"

Peter threw out a thread of spider silk to stop the armadillo Amazon, but was blocked by a spider thread from Amazon. It was over, and he met his peers. There was actually a spider Amazon among the group of Amazons.

At this moment, two shining pumpkin grenades dropped from the sky, and a familiar laughter came as a bat-shaped glider dropped from the sky.

"Haha, my partner, why don't you call me when you're fighting alone?"


Two pumpkin grenades directly blasted Armadillo Amazon's defense.

Peter breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Batwing coming.

"Batwing, great that you came at just the right time."

"Don't get too happy yet, I'm afraid these guys won't be easy to deal with."


With a roar, a tall giant bear Amazon actually lifted the fallen armadillo Amazon with his bare hands, and used its body as a shield to rush towards the defense line.

"No! Don't let him rush over!"

Peter stepped forward to intercept, but was held back by Spider Amazon.

Harry controlled the glider and prepared to use artillery fire to block the attack, but two more Amazons rushed over at the sight of the hunting team's vitality, not wanting to be shot in the body.

This time, I saw the big guy running towards the fortress. Once the fortress collapsed, everything would be over.

Just then, a voice sounded.



Accompanied by an explosion, a crimson voice rushed over, the thorn blade on the arm extended, sheathed the knife and fell.

He directly cut off Amazon, the armored armadillo, and stabbed the big guy in the heart with his backhand claw, intending to have a heart-wrenching chat with him.

But the giant bear Amazon swung out his claws with his backhand, and the two of them took a few steps back, one claw at a time.

Jun Ci looked at the scarlet figure.

"Kamen Rider Amazon Alfa!"


On the other side, the rampant Amazon attracted everyone's attention. The remaining Amazons who had not completely lost control escaped from this place through the back door. However, from today on, they can no longer obtain human flesh from here to satisfy the Amazon cells in their bodies. Craving for human protein.

"Where do you want to go?"

A joking voice sounded, and an uncle with messy hair was holding a scarred belt in his hand. He was holding a raw egg on the wall and poured the egg liquid into his mouth.

Chapter 555: Let me bear all the sins alone

Connors held his belt and blocked the path of the group of Amazons who had not yet awakened.

The leading man asked nervously and fearfully.

"Who are you and why do you want to stop us from leaving?"

Connors scratched his head and said.

"I am just a person who has carried too many sins. As for why I want to stop you, it may be to atone for your sins, or it may be to cause more sins, who knows."

"Please, please let us leave, we just want to live a peaceful life."

One woman almost broke down and said that several others were also on the verge of collapse.

"Yeah, who doesn't want to live a peaceful life? In the end, it's all my fault."

Connors muttered.

"However, in order to prevent your sins from becoming more serious, you cannot leave here."

And at this moment, someone suddenly screamed.

"Ah——! It's you! It's you, the devil! It's you who turned us into this!"

Along with this scream, others seemed to have noticed Connors' face that was covered by messy long hair.

"It's you! Connors!"

"You're the one who turned us into this."

Several people who were already on the verge of collapse became even more crazy. They were originally just a group of ordinary people, but they had some physical defects. After participating in an experiment that claimed to be able to repair the defects, they became what they are now. like this. The person in charge of that experiment was Dr. Connors.

With the violent fluctuations in emotions, the Amazon cells in everyone's bodies began to activate, and the inhibitors in the armbands were gradually consumed. After a series of rapid prompts, the person who first discovered Connors transformed into Amazon.

Dr. Connors looked at the people running away, his eyes lowered, and he whispered.

"Yes, it's me. I am the source of all sins, so let me bear your sins alone. I will kill all Amazons, including myself."


The belt was tied around his waist, and the rampaging Amazon had already arrived in front of Connors.


With fangs and claws and a bloody mouth, it seemed as if Connors would be torn to pieces and devoured in the next moment.



A powerful burst of heat instantly blew up the Amazon that rushed forward.

Connors completed the transformation in an instant. The sharp black claws and sharp blades tore into pieces the insect Amazon that was approaching him again. He jumped back with his backhand and dropped a hand knife. The sharp sharp blades directly cut the opponent in half.

The scarlet eyes were filled with madness, bloodlust, endless murderous intent and sinful regret.


Connors roared out of reluctance, regret, or because of his own sins.

This group of guys who need to rely on other Amazon hunting to satisfy their desire for human flesh are no match for Connors.

In just a few minutes, everyone was buried in Connors' hands.

"Why? We just want to survive."

When Connors' claws pierced the heart of the last Amazon, she turned back into her human form and asked Connors unwillingly.

Connors said in a hoarse voice.

"I'm sorry, I know you also want to live peacefully, but in order to prevent more people from dying because of the sins I committed, I must eliminate all Amazons, and let me bear the sins alone."


His heart shattered, and the 'person' in front of him turned into a puddle of black mucus.

Connors knew that they just wanted to live a peaceful life as ordinary people, but they had already eaten human flesh, so their desire for human flesh would be infinitely amplified. No one knew where they would go on a rampage next time. At that time, if they go berserk, countless families will be broken up.

In order to prevent them from committing such a crime, Connors must bear everything, after all, it is all his fault.

Shaking off the slime on his claws, Connors walked towards the front door of the hotel. There were many Amazons running rampant there, and the gunfire had not stopped and the battle was not over yet.



The terrifying roars were endless, and Mark was like a ferocious beast fighting against the rampaging Amazons.

Dirty blood was splashing everywhere, and body parts and pieces of flesh were flying all over the sky. Such a horrific scene made the hunting team providing fire support unable to help but feel terrified.

Peter and Harry are responsible for flexible support to prevent Amazon from taking advantage of the chaos to escape.

Mu En, on the other hand, stood in the distance with Gwen, silently watching this bloody and terrifying battle.

But there are too many opponents, and there are also several Class A Amazons. In addition to their super self-healing abilities, they also have terrifying defense capabilities. These Class A Amazons rush to the front, attracting Mark's attention. force and the firepower of the hunting team.

"Captain! We don't have much ammunition left!"

"Got it, pocket watch, call headquarters and apply for support."

"I received the message from the captain. The captain's headquarters said that support has been sent out and is on the way. Chief Hill also said that the war machine is on the way to support."

"Okay, everyone, hold on, our support will be here soon."

The military spurs inspired everyone. As long as they held on, they would not only be able to get ammunition support and supplements, but also get support from the Avengers. Everyone was suddenly full of confidence.

However, the development of things will not always conform to people's hearts.

With a painful cry, a sharp claw pierced Mark's abdomen.

"No, he needs our help!"

When Peter saw that Mark was injured, he immediately swung with the help of a spider's thread and kicked away Amazon who was attacking Mark.

"Are you OK!"

As soon as he finished speaking, another Amazon rushed towards the two of them.

Fortunately, Harry controlled the glider in time to repel the opponent.

"Hey, now is not the time to ask questions, the battle is not over yet."

At this moment, the three of them discovered that the Amazons had surrounded the three of them. For a while, they changed from the party in control of the battlefield situation to the disadvantaged party.

But Amazon did not launch an attack immediately, but planned to escape from different directions.

"No, they want to escape!"

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