Mu En stared at Gu Yi and said.

"Does it have to be that way?"

Gu Yi suddenly smiled after listening to Mu En's words. He also knew that Mu En had seen the future. Although he didn't know what method he used, he didn't expect that Mu En could even see what he wanted to do in the future.

In fact, when Mu En met Gu Yi for the first time, he only thought that Gu Yi was a kind-hearted boss. But as he became stronger little by little, and he and Gu Yi came into contact again and again, Mu En En found that Gu Yi was easier to get along with than he seemed. He didn't have the arrogance of those big guys, and was more like an approachable teacher.

Also as his strength grew, Mu En also gradually saw Gu Yi's strength clearly.

It is definitely not that simple for Ancient One to use his full strength. After all, how could a strong man who established a protective barrier on the earth and single-handedly led a group of mages who only knew how to use swords and sticks to resist the invasion of other dimensions die? In the hands of a bit player like Casillas? He was still stabbed to death with a knife. Not to mention being stabbed, even if half of his body was cut off, I'm afraid Gu Yi would be able to save himself.

Then there is only one explanation, Gu Yi himself doesn't want to live anymore. That's why after accepting Strange as his disciple, he chose to use death to encourage Strange to grow and say goodbye to this world.

Gu Yi looked at Mu En in silence for a while, then tapped his eyebrows with his fingertips, and an evil mark appeared in front of Mu En's eyes.

"I think you should recognize this."

Mu En nodded. It was a mark that appeared only when dark magic was used. It was also a symbol of Dormammu's power.

Ancient One continued.

"My existence has gone against the common sense of the world and is an existence that violates the rules. Every time I exist in this world for one more day, the dark universe will corrode me more.

Don't look at me now as if I'm a fine person. In fact, the dark power has already penetrated into my body. I endure the torture of the dark power all the time, but I can't show it because I am the leader of the mages. If they know Their leaders have fallen into darkness, what do you think they will think? "

Mu En frowned.

"Is there no other way?"

Gu Yi shook his head.

"I have also tried to find it, but I have read all the magic books and can't find a solution."

"So, what if I kill Dormammu?"

Hearing Mu En's words, Gu Yi burst into laughter.

"It's useless. Although Dormammu is the master of the dark dimension, the power of the mark comes from the dark dimension itself."

Mu En frowned and gritted his teeth.

"Then I will destroy Dormammu and take control of the dark dimension in his place."

Gu Yi looked at Mu En's serious look and knew that it was really possible for Mu En to do such a thing. After all, he dared to fight even the underworld.


After a long sigh, Gu Yi rubbed his eyebrows and said.

"Kid, I'm tired."

Mu En didn't say anything more, but stood up and left.

Chapter 583: Donald is outrageous

After leaving Kama Taj, Mu En returned to the orphanage.

While walking in the orphanage, Mu En was thinking about plans for the future.

Although Mu En didn't know why Gu Yi wanted to pay tribute to Yi's death to bid farewell to this world, for Mu En, he definitely couldn't sit idly by and ignore it.

After all, for him, Gu Yi was both a teacher and a friend. Although his magic is not directly learned from Ancient One, he basically learned it in Kama Taj's library, and Ancient One has always helped him at some critical moments. If he is really allowed to do this, According to the original work, if he was killed by Casillas, a little brat, then his role as a god would be in vain.

"So, how to solve the dark dimension and Dormammu is the key to the problem."

Although he said that he has created a god, it is not that easy to deal with Dormammu. After all, the dark dimension has existed much longer than the Heim underworld. In the dark dimension, I am afraid that Dormammu's strength is as strong as that of the underworld. There is not much difference between the gods.

So if you want to get rid of Dormammu and take over the dark dimension, you need to obtain more powerful power.

For now, the only way Mu En can think of to quickly gain power is to continue collecting and assimilating infinite gems.

"or it could be......"

While talking to himself, Mu En slowly raised his right hand, and King's mark appeared on the back of his hand.

Yes, that is life energy.

The Fangire clan can become more powerful by absorbing life energy, and Mu En, as the King of the Fangire clan, is no exception.

It's just that human life energy is definitely useless to him. Even if he drains the entire human race on the earth, it will be of no avail. But even if it is useful, Mu En will not do this, although he has never thought that he is a good person. , but he is not a pervert who can sacrifice all mankind in order to become stronger.

"Your Highness King!"

A familiar voice sounded, and the bishop walked quickly and bowed to Pastor.

Mu En waved his hand, indicating that he didn't need to be polite.

Since the Fangire clan became stable, the bishop has begun to lead Fangire wholeheartedly to develop fully in human society.

He said that he had received an order from Mu En, but Mu En did not remember that he had issued such an order to him, but forget it, seeing that the Fangire clan could integrate peacefully and stably into the human world, the bishop was extremely fulfilled every day. It seems that Mu En has no words to say.

"What's wrong, Bishop, aren't you usually busy at this time? Did you come to me with something?"

The bishop said extremely seriously.

"Your Highness King, I have almost completed the task that you have enriched me with, but there are still a few final decisions that I still need to confirm."

"Oh, what decision?"

The bishop took out a list and handed it to Pastor.

"These are the human elites we have excavated and trained. They have made considerable contributions to the execution of our missions. Now we need to select a representative from among them. Please make your decision."

Mu En was a little confused and came over to ask me very seriously to make a decision just to elect a representative?

After a brief look through it, they were all big names from the elite class, and Mu En suddenly saw a familiar name.

"Donald is outrageous?"

Immediately, Mu En was a little stunned. Isn't this my Chuanbao?

The bishop also noticed Pastor's reaction when he saw Trump and immediately explained.

"This Donald is a rare figure. He is a shrewd businessman, but he felt that ordinary business could no longer satisfy him, so he turned to politics. Although he is a rising star, he is not only a person but also a person. They are all very shrewd and handle things very smoothly."

Pastor En didn't think much and handed the information back to the bishop.

"I roughly know the matter. You can take care of it. I believe in your decision. I have more important things to do next. I will leave Fangire's affairs to you."

The bishop nodded solemnly and bowed.

"Please rest assured, Your Highness King, I will definitely not betray His Highness's trust."

After saying that, he continued his work and opened the information again on the way out.

"It seems that His Highness King is very satisfied with this Donald, right? Then it will be him."


After the bishop left, Mu En began to count all the gems that would appear later.

"Now I have assimilated the power of three gems, namely reality, strength and soul. The gems I have not yet acquired are time, space and soul."

Mu En stood in the yard and looked at the blue sky.

"The Time Stone is easy to talk about. It is in the hands of the Ancient One Master now, but he is too scared to give it to me now. The Space Stone should still be in Asgard now. As for the Soul Stone..."

Thinking of the soul gem, Mu En shook his head. If he had to give up his true love in exchange for a gem, then Mu En would rather not have that gem, or to put it more simply and directly, he could just demolish the planet for him. .

Therefore, the easiest gem to obtain now may be the space gem in Asgard.

"It seems that we have to go to Odin or Thor to have a chat. If we want to go to Asgard, their help is indispensable."

With that said, Mu En planned to talk to Odin and Frigga first to see if there was any way for them to let him go to Asgard.

However, just as Mu En was about to go find Odin, Stark called Mu En.

"Tony? What does he want from me at this time?"

Mu En remembers that Stark said he was going to buy a farm and take a vacation with Pepper, and then discuss the plan to create humans? Could it be that he is dying and needs his own secret recipe to support him?

"Hey Tony, what's wrong with me?"

Turn on the projection and Stark appears on the screen.

"Hey Mu En, you came back from the other side of the rift. Why didn't you come to us? We thought you would never come back."

"Okay, if you have any questions, just tell me. I went to Kama Taj after I came back. I just came back from Kama Taj."

"Kama Taj is the base of that mysterious mage guardian. You can always meet so many strange people. Next time you go to a party, can you take me with you? I am the little party prince. And I haven’t seen what the mage’s place looks like.”

Mu En couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

"Okay, don't talk about this. Kama Taj is not something ordinary people can enter. If you want to see what the magic place looks like, you can just go to any temple and have a look. Anyway, there is nothing special. Big difference."

Stark raised his eyebrows. He didn't pay much attention to Mu En's words. After he thoroughly analyzed the basic principles of magic with instruments that day, he must make an anti-mage suit, and then go to some Kama Taj. Take a good look.

"By the way, Mu En, I found some things here on the farm. They don't seem to be creatures that should exist on the earth, so I want you to bring Dr. Banner and Kurim over to do some research to see what's going on. What is it?"

"Extraterrestrial things?"

Mu En's expression changed slightly. He seemed to remember that no other alien creature had ever visited the earth at this time, right?

"I understand. Send me the coordinates. I'll tell Dr. Banner and Kurim right away."

"Okay, I've sent the coordinates. I'll wait for you here."

Chapter 584, Strange Flower

In Mississippi, in a farm forest on the outskirts of Mississippi, Stark established a temporary laboratory and had various instruments and equipment transported here.

In the center of the temporary laboratory, there was a strange flower isolated by a glass cover and an energy barrier. Stark continued to use various equipment to try to analyze the composition and structure of this flower.

A shining space door emerged, and Mu En, Kurim and Dr. Banner walked out of the space door.

Stark looked at the three of them stroking his mustache and smiled.

"Hey man, you guys came here really fast. I didn't think I just hung up the phone ten minutes ago."

"Didn't you tell us to hurry up? It's just opening a door. It won't take long."

Banner came to the strange plant curiously.

"Is this the strange alien life form you told Mu En? Is this a flower?"

"I don't know how to define it."

Stark called up a bunch of data and said.

"This is the data you detected during my time. This thing is very strange. It looks like a plant, but it has biological signs."

After listening to Stark's words, Kurim looked at the strange plant and said.

"Like an anemone or a coral?"

"Well, there are indeed some similarities, but its composition is very complex, and many of them are substances that do not exist on the earth. I don't know what kind of existence it is, so I did not conduct further in-depth analysis and research. "

After the Ultron incident, Stark became much more stable, and he was not as impulsive and arrogant when it came to things he couldn't handle.

He didn't know if he would attract something strange if he dissected the flower, so he called Mu En and others over just to be on the safe side.

Mu En has been looking at this flower without saying anything. Through the talent of the Fangire family, Mu En can see that this flower contains several huge life energies.

And its roots are so deep that they may even reach into the earth.

"What's wrong, Mu En, do you recognize this flower? Or did you see something special?"

When Stark saw Mu En looking at the strange flower without saying a word, he thought Mu En had discovered something.

But Mu En shook his head.

"No, I have no impression of this thing at all, but this little alien flower contains extremely terrifying life energy."

After listening to Mu En's words, Stark raised his eyebrows disapprovingly.

"Life energy? How scary is it?"

"Longer than you and Banner combined."

You must know that there is a Hulk in Banner's body. Hulk's life energy is already very terrifying, but Mu En said that a flower contains more life energy than him and Hulk combined. This is a bit outrageous. .

Qian'!.Xun!Free;:"小'...say;.skirt,.;2'5:!,:'5""'5,!',9:'."5.," ;3'0;,0 Looking at Stark's disbelieving expression, Mu En smiled and shrugged.

"Don't believe it, the universe is full of wonders. You never know how many strange alien civilizations there are in the vast sea of ​​stars. Maybe this flower is one of them. Let me show it to you. "

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