"What is he doing?"

Stark asked curiously.

Kurim was also stunned for a moment. As the partner who has been with Mu En for the longest time, he understood what kind of power Mu En had.

"He is extracting the life energy of this flower. You should know Tony, Muen is the King of Fangire."

Stark was silent for a moment. Having experienced the vampire incident and the Fangire incident, he understood what was going on.

As the life energy was extracted, Egg, who was tricking Star-Lord on the living planet in outer space, suddenly felt a sense of discomfort.

"What's going on? Someone is extracting the power of my clone? Where is that clone's location, Earth?!"

Egg was confused. He hadn't been to Earth for just a few years. When did such an awesome person appear on Earth, who could actually absorb his own power?

"What's wrong, Dad?"

When Star-Lord saw that Ego, who was giving a passionate speech just now, suddenly stopped talking, he thought something had happened.

Egg said with a smile.

"It's nothing, I just felt a little uncomfortable suddenly. I'm fine now."

He decided to ignore the clone he left on the earth for the time being. His main task now was to trick Star-Lord, this idiot, into making him a part of him, and then he could start his grand hegemony.

In the makeshift laboratory, everyone saw that the flowers that had been drained of life energy by Mu En were obviously wilting a lot, and the originally bright colors began to dim.

"Is this going to be successful?"

Banner asked with some confusion.

Kurim and Tony shook their heads. He found that Mu En's ability was effective, but it was unclear whether it was successful or not.

Mu En was surprised to find that the life energy contained in this small flower exceeded his imagination. It was not that the quantity was huge, but that the quality of the life energy was a bit too good.

He could feel that after absorbing this life energy, his abilities were also growing bit by bit. Although it was small, it was a real increase. You must know that this is only a small part of Ego's split clone. If it can swallow the life energy of the entire living planet, perhaps its own strength can be greatly improved.

"That's it, squeeze it out in one go!"

Just when they wanted to drain the life energy of this flower directly, Mu En triggered the protection mechanism left by Keyi Ge.

The flowers on the ground wilted and withered, and their trunks shrank directly underground.

As for the underground part, Mu En is also somewhat powerless.

"How was it? Was it successful?"

Stark asked curiously.

Mu En shook his head.

"No, I accidentally triggered its self-protection function. It directly abandoned its ground part and shrank its main trunk underground."

"Then what should we do? Dig down?"

"No, I have a better way."

Mu En looked up at the sky.

"I'm going to kill it directly."

In Mu En's impression, the living planet Ego wanted to take advantage of his son, but was killed by his eldest son Star-Lord. He was really a kind father and a filial son. It was a pity that Star-Lord was not a Kamen Rider. .

Although it feels like there are some plot killing factors in it, Mu En knows that everyone in the Guardians of the Galaxy still needs to be alive in the timeline, so the living planet Ego has entered a certain death situation.

But if I get the life energy of the entire planet of Ego...

Mu En had a premonition that the time for his second meeting with the Underworld was coming soon. He didn’t know how the second meeting under the Underworld would come, so he had to improve his strength as soon as possible, otherwise If I were to directly confront its true form, I would have no chance of winning.

Chapter 589: Kraven the Hunter

At the New York Airport, Professor Maria was anxiously waiting for the plane that was about to land.

Soon, the sound of the radio came to mind in the airport reception hall. A plane from a certain country in Africa landed on time.


Professor Maria stood on tiptoes and looked up at the crowd coming out of the theater. Soon a tough guy with wheat-colored skin appeared in his field of vision. He had a rough look and was wearing a heavy denim T-shirt. A pair of blue eyes are as domineering as a lion.


Professor Maria waved to Kraven from a distance.

Craven also noticed Professor Maria and walked towards Maria carrying his own package.

"Haha, long time no see Maria."

He stepped forward and hugged Maria into his arms. Craven, who was full of male hormones, made Maria's face flush for a moment.

"That's enough Kraven, we're not getting any younger."

Professor Maria struggled a bit, but it was of no use in front of Craven's arms that were thicker than her own thighs. She could only remind Craven with a complaining tone.

"Really? But I feel like I'm still very young, like I just left the United States not long ago."

Craven also let go of Maria. He also knew that this was not the grassland of Africa but New York, a place that was said to be full of elites, so there were some things that he should pay attention to.

Indeed, when Maria looked at Kraven in front of her, Professor Maria was extremely emotional. He was still as young as when he left.

They are researchers who graduated from the same class. As early as more than ten years ago, due to some research problems, Craven left New York and went to the African grasslands full of primitive wildness.

But later I heard that Craven experienced something on the grassland, and changed from a scientific researcher to a hunter, a hunter who can hunt male lions alone.

In the past ten years, Craven also returned to New York, but he had some unpleasant experiences with some people. In the end, he chose to return to Africa.

If I hadn't dialed the number he left this time, I'm afraid he wouldn't have come back to this place again.

"Let's talk somewhere else. This is not the place to talk."

The two of them changed restaurants, and in the private room, Craven ordered a lot of meat.

While ordering, Craven spoke.

"I heard, you were in some trouble some time ago? Someone wanted to take you away, right? Who were they?"

As he spoke, Kraven's eyes were filled with fierce murderous intent.

Maria was also a little surprised. How did Craven, who was far away in the African grasslands and had just returned to the United States, know these things.

"Don't be surprised."

Noticing Maria's surprised look, Craven said.

"I am a hunter. In the process of hunting, collecting information is also a very important process. Although I am not in the United States, I know it a lot of the time. You understand, I don't care about many people. Senior Richard and After my sister passed away, the only person I care about is you. Even if you don't call me, I will come back in the next two days."

Maria was silent. She didn't expect that Craven would value her so much.

But she remembered one thing. It is said that the more primitive people live, the more simple and pure their emotional relationships are. Perhaps it was the land full of primitive wildness that changed Craven.

"It's Hydra."

After understanding this, Maria didn't intend to hide anything, because he knew that even if he didn't tell, Craven would probably find out something, so Maria told everything that happened during this period.

Listening to Maria's words, Kraven, who was really eating meat, also frowned.

"You said that spider kid is Richard's child? And his genes have mutated?"

"That's right."

Professor Maria nodded.

"You should still remember the research direction of Senior Richard. Under the sponsorship of the Osborne Group, I think Senior Richard has actually made breakthrough progress, but his research results may have been disseminated by some organization. He was targeted, so he ended up like that in the end.”

Listening to Maria's words, Craven put down the intact piece of meat in his hand, and a surge of anger instantly rose.

"Those guys, they must have killed Richard, and Osborne and the others are probably not good people either!"

After leaving New York, in the past few years, he received the news that Richard and his wife were killed in Africa. He couldn't believe it, so he rushed back from Africa to investigate the truth of the matter.

But in the end, he encountered layers of resistance, and in the end he had no choice but to break up unhappy, leaving him to stay in Africa for more than ten years.

Looking at the furious Craven, Professor Maria realized that something was wrong and immediately dissuaded him.

"That's enough Craven, those things are in the past. I came to you this time because I have something else to ask for your help with."

She hurriedly told Craven everything about curing the genetic mutation of the little spider.

"Peter is the only child that Senior Richard has left in this world. The only thing we can do is to prevent him from having any accidents."

Craven suppressed the anger in his heart and took a big bite of the steak.

"I understand, we just need to find the spider boy, control him and inject the serum into his body, right?"

"That's right, but I'm afraid it's not that simple to do this thing about Kraven. Peter's power is more powerful than you think."

Craven smiled and said.

"Lions and tigers are not equally powerful than humans, but in front of humans, they also become prey. And even if Spider Boy is powerful, he will become the prey of me, Kraven."

As he spoke, he cleared away the meat on the table in a few mouthfuls, wiped the corners of his mouth, and walked outside with his bag in hand.

"Wait a minute Craven, New York has changed a lot in the past ten years or so. It's better for me to help you find traces of Peter."

Kraven waved his hand.

"No need, as long as it's a jungle, it's my hunting ground. Isn't this city just a jungle made of reinforced concrete?"

"This guy."

Looking at Craven, Professor Maria shook her head helplessly.

Who could have imagined that the most introverted and shy researcher back then would turn into such a wild hunter now.

However, Professor Maria settled the bill and hurriedly followed him. Although she did not doubt Craven's strength, the serum was still in her hands. Otherwise, even if he found Peter without the serum, his work would have been in vain.

She knew how fast the genes in Peter's body mutated, and no one knew how effective the serum in her hand would be.

Chapter 590: The city is a jungle of reinforced concrete

At the docks on the outskirts of New York City, abandoned warehouses are full of clinging spider webs.

A ferocious giant beast was curled up and resting in a nest made of spider webs deep in the warehouse.

And it is the spider demon that Peter mutated into after losing his mind.

Not being able to eat, and having recovered from its injuries after the battle with Connors, its body is now consumed tremendously, and it can only temporarily relieve the weakness caused by the lack of energy through hibernation.

However, there was no more time for him to recover.

Kraven, who had put on a short animal skin shirt with a sawtooth dagger on his waist, followed some remaining traces from the place where Connors fought the spider demon yesterday to the dock.

Although it is a suburban terminal, the cargo capacity here is extremely huge. There are stacked containers and sealed warehouses everywhere.

Craven slowly crouched down, picked up a handful of gray dirt on the ground, rubbed it, then put it under the tip of his nose and smelled it.

"That's the smell."

Although Kraven looks like just a stronger ordinary person, he also has some abilities that are different from ordinary people.

In the grasslands of Africa, he received a special potion by chance, and with the help of local indigenous sacrifices, he gained wild beast-like power.

From then on, Kraven was like a humanoid beast.

Chasing the remaining scent of Peter, Craven carefully looked for other traces.

Soon, he discovered some tough and slender spider silk.

Under the cover of darkness, these spider silks are almost invisible, and ordinary people may not feel anything if they step on them.

But none of this could escape Craven's eyes.

"Interesting, is it the spider's instinct? He can monitor the nearby situation through the small movements on the spider silk, and he can be considered an excellent hunter. But your opponent is me, Hunter Kraven."

Stepping over the spider silk laid by the spider demon, Kraven sneaked towards the direction where the spider web was densest.

Soon he saw a huge hole dug out by something on the wall of a dusty warehouse, and the hole was surrounded by spider silk.

"Found it, the prey's lair."

Just as Kraven was about to sneak into the lair and subdue the ferocious beast.

The roar of a motorcycle came from a distance, and judging from the change in the sound, he was still heading this way.

"Damn it, who is it?"

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