"Kraven! He's going to run away, stop him!"

"I see!"

Kraven ignored Connors and turned towards the spider demon.


Connors was also stunned when he saw Maria.

"Are you, Senior Connors?"

Maria hesitated for a moment when she heard Connors' voice. She had heard that Connors had turned into a lizard man to heal his broken arm, but the Connors in front of her didn't look like a lizard man at all. .

Connors suddenly heard that Craven had just said that he could not cure Peter, but someone else could. Could it be that that person was Maria.

"Mary, do you have a way to cure Peter?"

Maria nodded and took out a red serum from her bag.

"Yes, I used Peter's broken arm to develop a serum, but I can only inject him if I catch him first."

"I see!"

Connors nodded, drew a spear from his belt, and rushed towards the spider demon.

"Kraven, let me help you!"

Although Kraven despised Connors, his chain was corroded, and he was not completely sure to subdue the spider demon on his own.

But in the end, with the cooperation of Connors, the two used two longer spears to pin the spider demon to the dock.

Connors controlled the spider demon's handle and yelled at Professor Maria.

"Maria, serum, this guy's blood is corrosive, my spear won't last long!"

"I see!"

Craven and Connors each controlled one side, and Professor Maria stepped forward and injected the serum into Peter's artery with a special penetrating syringe.

Chapter 592: The truth about my father’s generation?

As the serum was injected, Peter's heart beat wildly.

Immediately afterwards, his body began to withdraw and twist, and the gray-brown cuticle on his skin began to gradually recede.

"Quickly, pull out these two spears, or they will hurt Peter when he recovers!"

Connors understood that after being injected with the serum, Peter had lost the ability to resist, and immediately pulled out the spear.

"Ho~! Ah——!"

With a shrill wail, the spider demon's appearance gradually receded, and Peter turned back into the thin and shy boy next door.

However, his spider suit had long been torn to pieces, and he was lying naked on the ground.

In a daze, Peter saw Professor Maria and Dr. Connors.

"Professor Maria, and Doctor, I feel so uncomfortable..."

Before he finished speaking, he fell into a coma.

Craven sniffed Peter's breath, listened to his heartbeat, and finally confirmed it.

"He is fine. He just passed out temporarily. His heartbeat is very steady and strong. There should be nothing serious."

Hearing Craven say this, Connors finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Great, it's finally over."

"No, it's not over yet! The battle between the two of us is not over yet!"

Craven walked towards Connors angrily. There was absolutely no way he would let this guy go so easily.

"That's enough Craven, Peter still needs further examination, let's take him back first."

Maria stopped Craven. She didn't want Craven to continue to be entangled in this matter. The most important thing was that she understood that Connors did not intend to harm Richard.

If he really wanted to frame Richard, then he wouldn't have lost his arm.


Craven snorted coldly, took off his fur coat and put it on Peter, then picked up Peter.

Professor Maria also looked at Dr. Connors who was about to leave.

"Connors, please come with us. It's time to explain some things to Peter. And I think there are a lot of things you want to know about Peter's mutation. For example, why does he have Amazon cells in his body?"

Connors was silent for a while, and finally chose to follow.


In the research institute, Peter was lying on the experimental table, with various instruments connected to his body as Professor Maria examined his body.

Craven leaned against the door and stared at Connors with disdain, while Connors stood silently beside the experimental table.

Soon the inspection was taken over and Maria got good news and bad news.

The good news is that Professor Maria's serum worked and successfully inhibited the pro-factors in Peter's body.

But the bad news is that the matter has not been solved so easily. The complexity of Peter's physical condition has exceeded their imagination. With their research results and modern technology, they may not be able to solve the problem of Peter's genes in their lifetime.

and Dr. Connors asked after a moment's hesitation.

"Maria, you said before that you knew what happened to the Amazon cells in Peter's body, right?"

Maria nodded.

"Although it's just a guess, it's basically the same. The Amazon cells were developed by you using Senior Richard's research results combined with your own lizardman serum equation, right?"

Connors nodded.

Maria smiled.

“Senior Richard is a genius. The gene retro-decay equation he developed is several eras ahead of the entire field of biology.

So much so that even if you add your own understanding to the research process of Amazon cells, the basis for the birth of Amazon cells is still Senior Richard’s theory. "

"I know this. Rather than saying that I am the manufacturer of Amazon cells, it is better to say that I am a plagiarist of Richard's research results."

Connors said sadly. The more he studied Richard's decay equation, the more he felt the gap between himself and Richard.

"Haha, you still know?"

Kraven sneered mercilessly.


Maria glared at him and signaled him to be silent.

"Don't say that, Connors. Your research results are also a masterpiece of genius."

"Thank you, but you don't need to comfort me. I know exactly what I am like. You should first tell me what is going on with the Amazon cells in Peter's body."

"I see."

Maria continued.

“After the accident between Senior Richard and Senior Sister, all of us thought that he only left behind the decay equation, and no other research results were left.

In fact, this is not the case. Senior Richard also left behind an even greater research result, which was the culmination of his and his senior's lifetime, but none of us noticed it. "

Connors reacted suddenly. He glanced at Maria and then at Peter lying on the experimental table with an expression of disbelief.

"You don't want to say that!"

Professor Maria nodded.

"Yes, the greatest wisdom of Senior Richard and Senior Sister is Peter."

Hearing these words, even Kraven, who had an expression on his face, couldn't hold back.

Maria continued.

"This is what I discovered when I was studying Peter's genetic sequence. Peter is different, and can even be said to be extraordinary. His genes have a strong ability to integrate with other outsiders, and also with those who are not good. Things also have a strong ability to repel.

But it doesn't mean that everything's genes can be fused with Peter's genes. There is a prerequisite. "

"The Retrogene Decay Equation!"

Connors blurted out almost without hesitation.

Professor Maria nodded.

At this moment, Connors seems to have guessed the origin of Spider-Man.

In the entire New York City, the only place where organisms modified by retrogene equations still existed was the Osborne Group, where he and Richard worked together back then.

Maria looked at Peter and said.

"And our little hero, while punishing criminals and protecting the city, may have come into contact with Amazon cells somewhere, and Amazon cells are also the product of the retrogene decay equation, so they cause He developed further out-of-control mutations."

Now that everything has been clarified, Connors suddenly felt relieved for some reason.


Suddenly Peter opened his eyes, his eyes full of confusion and confusion.

"you're awake!"

Peter sat up and nodded.

"Actually, I woke up not long after you brought me back."

Professor Maria smiled awkwardly. The three of them had talked so much here, but they didn't even realize that Peter had woken up. Should I say that his acting skills were good, or that the three of them were really old.

"So, you heard everything we just said?"

Peter nodded again.

However, Professor Maria didn't say much about what it was. Anyway, there were some things that he wanted to tell him.

But you are not allowed to take the initiative to ask.

"I have a question I hope you can tell me."

"If you have any questions, tell me."

"What exactly happened back then?"

Chapter 593: Deceiving the fool Star-Lord

"Man, you said you were going to outer space to kill this guy's body? Did I hear you right?"

Stark looked at Mu En in disbelief. He originally thought that he was arrogant enough, but to his surprise, Mu En was even more awesome than him.

"That's unlikely."

Banner said, pointing in the direction of the detected electromagnetic signal transmission from neurons.

"Although we can deduce the general direction of the signal transmission, it is a bit too fanciful for you to find the entities of these things in the vast universe. After all, our current technology is not enough to support you. Interstellar travel.”

"You don't have to worry about interstellar travel, my Doletron can do it."

Kurim raised his hand and said that although the earth's technology is not enough to support interstellar travel, his Doletron is a high-tech technology, and they had already conducted an interstellar travel a few years ago.

"But Mu En, what Dr. Banner said makes sense. The universe is too vast, and there are many places that even Doletron cannot reach. It would be unrealistic to follow these weak signals to find the true nature of the flower."

"What, those two cars of yours are already capable of interstellar travel?"

"Yes, but considering the complex space environment and location factors, it cannot sail for too long."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk."

Stark smacked his mouth twice, not knowing what he was thinking. After thinking for a while, he said to Mu En.

"Mu En, if you can, please give me some time, and I can build you a special spaceship. Then we can take the entire Avengers together to defeat the true nature of this flower. After all, this involves A great event for the comfort of the earth.”


Mu En looked at the three people discussing each other, and felt a headache for a while.

"I said, you don't need to make this matter too complicated. It's enough for me to go alone. As for how to find this guy's identity, I have my own way."

"You have your own way? What way?"

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