"That's it. Before you become more perfect, for the next thousand years, just be my battery and replenish my divine power."


Somewhere in the universe, the rocket rushing to a living planet finally received Gamora's distress communication.

"Finally connected. Where are you Rockets? We need help."

"I know, put the signal transmitter next to you so I can find you."

And just when the rocket was about to adjust the receiver, a space portal suddenly appeared in the cabin.

Suddenly Yondu and Rocket became nervous.

"Who are you, come out of it honestly!"

Yondu summons a sentry arrow, ready to fire at any time.

Rocket directly shouldered a weapon taller than him and aimed at the portal.

But Groot seemed to sense something and ran towards the portal.

"Be careful saplings!"

Rocket quickly stopped Groot.

"Hello guys, I just want a lift, don't be so nervous!"

Mu En walked out of the portal with a smile.

"Hey, little sapling, you're awake. I thought you were still a branch now."

"I am Groot!"

"It's you!"

Rocket also recognized Mu En as the mysterious man who had helped them on Xandar.

Chapter 595: The deadly tsundere meets the tough guy

Although Mu En had helped them before, Rocket and Yondu still remained vigilant in the face of a person who suddenly appeared on their spaceship. After all, they were both people who had been working hard to make a living at the intersection all year round. Caution was something they cultivated. habit.

"You said you wanted a ride. Where were you going? What were you going to do?"

Rocket asked, pointing a gun at Mu En.

Mu En raised his hands symbolically to show that he had no other intentions.

"Hey little guy, calm down, I really just want to hitch a ride. As for where to go and what to do..."

As he spoke, Mu En smiled.

"I'm going to find a brain floating in the universe, and then make a charcoal-grilled brain."

Rocket didn't seem to understand what Mu En wanted to do, but Yondu came to his senses.

"You want to find Egg? What is your purpose?"

Mu En looked at the two of them and said with a frank smile.

"Didn't I tell you, I just want a piece of charcoal-roasted brains. I'm not interested in the rest of you."

After a moment of silence, Yondu put away his rare words.

"As long as you don't hinder us, just stay. We are preparing to land the rocket."

"be honest!"

Rocket glared at Mu En, then put away his weapon and ran towards the cab.

Mu En found a place to sit down and waved to Groot.

"Come here little sapling, let me see if you are growing normally."

"I am Groot!"

The rebellious little sapling Groot can just jump up and kick him. Unfortunately, with his current height, even if he jumps up, he can only just reach Mu En's knees.


In Yi Ge's hall, Star-Lord was hung in the air by the light tentacle like a toy.

Egg, who had calmed down a little, stepped forward and looked at his son, reaching out and taking off the Walkman that Star-Lord had been hanging on his waist.

Press the switch and the Walkman plays a familiar song.

"It's a pity that I already have my heart set on someone else, and the love of my life is at sea.

Listen kid, this is our ocean. "


After that, under Star-Lord's desperate gaze, Ego directly crushed his Walkman, which was also the last thought his mother left for him.

"Now, come with me toward eternity!"

Ego laughed wildly and opened his mobile phone. Star-Lord's body suddenly shone with light, and these shining energies gathered on Ego's body.

"Yes, yes, that's it! Now is the time to expand our territory!"

Powerful power spread into the universe. On those planets that had been transformed into a clone seed, all the clone seeds were activated in an instant and began to assimilate and transform those planets.

On Earth, Kurim, who was resting in Stark's private farm, suddenly noticed something unusual and stood up immediately.

Banner looked at Kurim suspiciously.

"What's wrong Kurim?"

"No, I feel like something happened!"

With a cry of surprise, Kurim immediately rushed outside, followed closely by Dr. Banner.

When they arrived at the laboratory, they found that Stark, who originally asked for an upgrade to a new suit, was already standing in front of the test bench.

"You're here! The situation has changed."

"What exactly is going on?"

"Jarvis just told me that the strange flower that had been drained of the sound energy by Mu En has become active again."


Banner also realized the seriousness of the matter.

"What's the situation now? What will happen after the flower is activated? How much time do we have?"

Stark said while operating together.

"I don't know, we probably still have a few hours."

"Anyway, I have several arrangements now that I need your cooperation with."

"no problem."

"Okay, you say."

In order to prevent accidents, Stark immediately commanded.

"Mr. Kurim, go find his Fangire. Since Mu En can extract the life energy of this flower, other Fangires should be able to as well. Dr. Banner, I need your cooperation. I designed a I hope you can cooperate with me to create a life energy comprehensive suppression extractor immediately."

"I see."


"Okay, then take action now!"

Three colorful two-way start is the execution.


In the main hall, Yi Ge could feel that the clone seeds he planted were growing rapidly, assimilating one planet after another.

He felt an unprecedented sense of pleasure, and this feeling was truly wonderful.

"Open the door!"

Drax led Gamora and others and kicked open the door of the hall. Egg looked back at everyone in confusion.

At the same time, there was a roar of engines, and an old aircraft crashed directly into the main hall.


Yondu drove the aircraft directly towards Egg.

"Look at it, you scum!"

Qian".;?Xun:..?!Free?';Xiao' said,!skirt"2,.!'.5;."".5;!'!5:::9!5?! !"3:.:0"".!"0 "Boom~!"

There was a loud noise, and the huge aircraft crashed directly into Ego. The time energy dissipated immediately, and the hung Star-Lord was also freed.

"Hey! We're here!"

Rocket held the weapon in his hand and turned back to Mu En, but found that Mu En had already disappeared.

"Where did he go?"

Rocket asked Groot. Previously, Mu En had been teasing Groot.

However, Groot had his hands on his waist and looked unhappy.

"I am Groot!"

"Forget it, just ignore him, I'll open the door!"

"I am Groot!"

The hatch opened, and Groot excitedly ran to the door and waved to Drax.

However, all he waited for was Drax's words.

"Get out of the way, you little skinny sapling!"

Groot quit on the spot and punched and kicked Drax who boarded the ship.

It's a pity that Groot is too thin now, and its attacks are almost like tickling Drax.

On the other side, the arrogant Gamora lifted up Star-Lord who was lying on the ground and said mockingly.

"Look, I told you something was wrong here."

Star-Lord said without giving in at all.

"I told you a long time ago that I need comfort now."

"Otherwise, why do you think I would come back to save you?"

"Because we both have a tacit understanding?"

"Shut up, not at all!"

When a stubborn arrogant meets a tough-minded person, there is no one like him.

"Come up quickly, we need to go!"

Drax stood at the door of the spacecraft and greeted the two of them.

Gamora helped Star-Lord to the spacecraft, and Drax pulled the weak Star-Lord up.

Star-Lord, who had just boarded the ship, suddenly noticed that Nebula was also there.

"Why is this Smurfette here too?"

Xingyun turned his head and said angrily.

"I just wanted a ride home and my sister is here so why can't I be here."

Speaking of a ride, Rocket interjected.

"Hey, a hitchhiker disappeared before. Why don't you wait and disappear too?"

Chapter 596: How should I eat such a big brain?

Finally at this moment, the Guardians of the Galaxy reunited again.

Drax moved his hands and feet and said.

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