"Kuuga, today is the day you die!"

After that, he took the lead and charged towards Steve.

"Avengers! Prepare to fight!"

Steve gave the order and the Falcon soared into the sky, preparing to gain air superiority.

However, several Gurungi that could fly rushed towards him.

There was no other way, so Falcon had to rely on the faster speed of the aircraft to pull.

The Scarlet Witch also used her own abilities in an attempt to control this guy's mind, but unfortunately, this move was obviously of no use to Grunge.

In other words, Kuaiyin can gain a certain advantage by relying on his speed. Unfortunately, his ability consumes too much physical energy. He cannot last long before he needs to slow down for buffering.

Steve, on the other hand, went directly against Rhino Grunki.

In just an instant, the entire street became a battlefield.

Although Steve has mastered three sublimated forms, the number of Grungi is too many, and they soon fell into a disadvantage.

"Sam, request support from headquarters, we need help!"

"A help signal has been sent, but Agent Hill said there is no one at the headquarters. Natasha has gone on other tasks. He is contacting Mr. Stark and Dr. Banner."

"I understand, let's all try our best to hold on until support arrives, fight while retreating, and pull the battlefield out of the city!"



Thousand?.!Xun;:'!Free!:Fee;?.Small:,':Said;,.skirt:';,2""5!5:;?,,5.:''9.:! 5;"".3:?!'0'''0 Rhinoceros Grunki pushed away a companion who was standing in front of him, then arched his body and rushed towards Steve.

The speed is as fast as a running train.

Steve couldn't dodge in time, and with a thud, his whole body was pushed out.

"Ahem! Good guy, I feel like I've been hit by a train."

With the dual blessing of super serum and spiritual stone belt, Steve could barely bear it.

"Tch, you won't be so lucky next time."

Rhinoceros Gurungi's feet scraped against the concrete pavement and charged towards Steve again.

"Suffer death!"

Steve tried to dodge, but Tian discovered that no matter how he changed his position, this guy could accurately lock onto him.

"No, you are looking down on others too much!"

Simply, Steve decided to confront this guy head-on.

Slap twice on the belt.


The power of the spirit stone was activated, and lightning-like energy gathered on his feet.

He rushed forward directly following the rhinoceros Gurungi, leaving a golden energy footprint on the ground with every step he took.


With a leap, he turned over and jumped high into the air, facing the rhinoceros Gurungi with a flying kick.


This kick hit the rhino directly on the head, and his sharp rhino horn broke instantly.


With a whimper, Steve was knocked to the ground.

"It worked!"

Seeing the rhinoceros being kicked over, Steve felt happy. Sure enough, offense is the best defense.

"This time, I will deal with you directly!"

Steve assumed Bisho's posture once, planning to add another kick to deal with this guy directly.

However, at this moment, several light bullets hit Steve directly.

"Boom boom boom!"


Unprepared, Steve took several shots head-on.


A falcon that was watching Steve's battle also screamed in surprise, and because of his distracted efforts, he was directly shot down from the air by two Gurungi.

On the other side, Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch were almost unable to hold on.

There are simply too many Gurungi.

Seeing the Avengers retreating steadily, Zemo, who was hiding in the dark, had a satisfied smile on his face.

"That person really didn't lie to me. These monsters are indeed very easy to deal with. Just like that, work harder, work harder..."

Grunge gradually surrounded Steve and others, and they wanted to completely surround Kuuga and his followers here.

However, at this moment, an electronic whistle came along with mechanical sound effects.

"I-x-a Ca-li-bu-r R-i-se U-p!"

“Ixa Judgment”

A ball of light like the sun rose above the streets outside the city, and a figure slashed out with a sword in the light.

Several Gurungi were directly killed with one sword.


Everyone was shocked when they saw this sudden situation.

But it's not over yet.

"Skull! Maximum Drive!"


A purple skeleton appeared in the sky, and then kicked down towards the Gurungis.


Several more Gurungi were directly swallowed up by the explosion. In just this moment, half of the Gurungi were lost.

And two figures also walked out of the smoke and dust of the explosion.

Steve recognized it immediately.

"Kamen Rider IXA and Kamen Rider Skull!"

Eric waved his hand.

"Let's wait a moment before saying hello. Let's deal with these guys first."

Frank didn't speak, but took out another memory from the side of his belt.

With the two joining in, Steve immediately rushed into battle and prepared to organize a counterattack.

"Avengers, it's time to fight back!"

Chapter 619: The whereabouts of Hydra

With Eric and Frank, two experienced knights, joining the battlefield, the situation suddenly reversed.

The combat power displayed by the IXA, which has been repeatedly upgraded by Mu En and Stark, and the Skull, which has a memory proliferation interface, is obviously not something that the Grunge can handle.

The handsome looks and gorgeous moves of IXA and Skull really taught the newcomers of the Avengers a lesson. It turns out that fighting can still be like this, with flying kicks and explosions.

But there was one thing that left Steve speechless. He had previously emphasized minimizing damage, but IXA's ruling and Skull's flying kick were both demolition-level skills.

Fortunately, they moved the battlefield outside the city in advance. Otherwise, if they were still in the city center, they might really become a demolition squad.

"Sam, inform headquarters that the support has been cancelled. Our area is now safe."

With that, Steve released his transformation.

"Thank you both. If it hadn't been for your timely support, I'm afraid we would have been in big trouble."

"You're welcome, this is what we should do, and we are already tracking these monsters."

Eric and Frank also released their transformations.

"Long time no see Steve."

"haven't seen you for a long time."

Eric looked at Steve and then asked curiously.

"Is the belt you are using newly developed by Mu En?"

"Uh, no, actually I don't know where this belt came from."

Steve spread his hands. He was telling the truth. He only remembered that in the battle when SHIELD was destroyed in Washington, he and Bucky fell into a coma after falling from the exploding helicarrier. After coming, he got the belt when he entered into a battle.

He also asked Mu En if he had given it to him, but Mu En told him that was not the case.

"Steve, are these two Avengers too?"

Sam asked curiously. They seemed to be very familiar with Steve. Could they be Avengers who had never shown up before?

"No, these two are not Avengers, but Kamen Riders who move freely."

At this moment, Frank, who had been silent, looked around and suddenly spoke.

"This is not the place to talk. Let's leave here first and chat slowly in another place."

Steve thought for a moment and nodded. Their mission target had been killed, so naturally they wouldn't stay here without you.

"In this case, let's go to our temporary base first,"

Steve agreed to Eric's suggestion without much thought. He had a lot of doubts, and it was a good time to ask these two knights who often lived in Europe to answer them.

Led by Eric and Frank, Steve led the new Avengers to their temporary stronghold.

It is said to be a stronghold, more like an underground warehouse that has been installed.

However, it is well-equipped with all kinds of computers and communication monitoring equipment.

"Sit wherever you like. After all, there are usually only two of us here, so it seems a bit chaotic."

Frank and Eric are tough guys who like to keep things simple, and wouldn't even need the equipment if their goals weren't tricky.

"Wow, is this Kamen Rider's stronghold?"

Kuaiyin looked at this simple base curiously, it was a little different from what he imagined.

Falcon Sam is obviously more interested in Eric. After all, he is a legendary vampire hunter, and his stories were widely circulated in the past.

Steve asked straight to the point.

"You have been active in Europe for a long time. Do you have any information related to Hydra?"


Eric frowned at the familiar name, but shook his head.

"No, they are not on our hunting list, so there is basically no relevant information."

But Frank seemed to remember something and said.

"It's not impossible. There was a remnant of Hydra codenamed Crossbones who entered Europe before, but I don't know the specific whereabouts."

This information was given to Frank when Nick Fury came to Europe and asked him to pay attention to it. Frank originally didn't want to pay attention to it, but he happened to hear some relevant information during an operation.


The codename reminded Steve of someone.

Falcon Sam also raised his eyebrows.


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