Seeing that Steve seemed to be convinced by him, Stark quickly added.

"As long as you sign this agreement, I can immediately submit an application to the higher authorities and ask them to reinstate you, Wanda, and Pilot to their positions."

Steve frowned immediately.

"What happened to Pilot and Wanda?"

"It's nothing. They are fine. The brother and sister are inside the base now. It's just that people from the United Nations are guarding them and they can't go out for the time being."

Steve said with some dissatisfaction upon hearing this.

"Tony, I admit that we have caused huge damage in Europe, but it is all my fault. It was caused by me alone. It has nothing to do with Pilot and Wanda."

"Yes, that's why they can stay leisurely in the Avengers' base instead of the prison. There is a private swimming pool cinema there. Is there anything wrong with that?

Don't let them out. This is to protect them! "

"Protection? If I protect you like this, will you? Tony Stark! This is a prison term for you!"

Stark's temper also rose. He felt that he had made enough setbacks.

"Steve, they are not citizens of the United States, and they don't even have passports. According to the law, they should be expelled, but now they are just asked to stay in the base!"

"Please Tony..."

Seeing what Steve wanted to say, Stark couldn't help but yelled loudly.

"Wanda's ability to control human minds on a large scale makes them very worried. As long as she wants, she can even make the controlled people commit suicide. Do you think they will issue a visa to a weapon of mass destruction?"

When the word weapons of mass destruction came out, Steve looked at Stark in disappointment.

"So have you finally spoken out your inner thoughts? All of us are weapons like your steel suit, right! Me, Hulk, Wanda, Pilot! We guys who are just like monsters, In your eyes, it’s just a weapon, right?”

"I'm not doing this once. That's enough. You still think things are not troublesome enough, right?"

"We were a team before the crisis came, and now we are trouble, aren't we!"

"Steve! You are also a soldier and you should understand!"

"I don't understand. If there is no major crisis now, it's better to kill the rabbit than the dog and hide the bird, right?

Yes, we are not like you Tony Stark. You are the president of a wealthy party, but what about us? Just a bunch of mutated freaks! "

At this moment, the conflict between Stark and Steve completely broke out.

Chapter 630, Pirated Winter Soldier, Zemo’s Memory

A car slowly drove into a power station dedicated to the German army. After checking a series of documents, it was let through without even checking the goods carried on the car.

The driver pulled the goods to the power station as agreed and pulled down a heavy box.

"Hey man give me a hand."

The two guards called to the side worked together to open the heavy alley, and then a strange device appeared inside. The guard asked puzzledly.

"What is this?"

The driver was also confused.

"I don't know. Isn't this what you asked me to send?"

"Didi, di, di, di, di~!"

There was a rapid beeping sound, the device started, and a special electromagnetic wave spread instantly, destroying the power supply system of the entire power station.

In the German base, they actually monitored the psychiatrist hired by the United Nations to conduct a psychological evaluation on Bucky.

Suddenly, the power supply to the entire base was cut off, and the base suddenly fell into panic.

"Don't panic, everyone should not leave their posts, notify the logistics to activate the backup power supply, and watch Bucky Barnes!"

In the cell where Bucky was imprisoned, Zemo took off his glasses and the power went out. The final act of his revenge drama was finally about to begin.

"Okay, Barnes, let's talk about something interesting. Let's talk about your hometown. It's not the one in Normania or the one in Brooklyn. Let's talk about your real home."

Bucky looked at Zemo solemnly.

"Who are you exactly?"

"It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is who you are."

He took out the small notebook given to him by Brother Xiao Ming, opened it, and began to read the secret words on it.

“Longing (Russian)”

When he heard this word, Bucky felt bad.


“Rusty (Russian)”

"Fucking stop!"

Zemo ignored Bucky and kept reciting the secret words to himself.

However, Bucky suddenly realized that he seemed to have no reaction.

Just when Zemo read the key part, a voice sounded in his mind.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for awakening the super god system...

Hahahaha, okay, no joke.

Hello Bucky, when you hear this voice, it means that guy Zemo is trying to use you to cause trouble, but don't worry, I have removed the control machine on your head and face. Don't ask me who I am. , because maybe when I see you I will hold you down and let someone beat you up.

Let’s get to the point. Zemo wants to use you to find the locations of the other Winter Soldiers and the video of you killing Stark’s parents, so I don’t think I need to remind the Winter Soldier what to do next. "

This is the magic voice that Mu En left in Bucky's mind after he performed the surgery, just for this moment.

After hearing this, Bucky probably understood what was going on.

He didn't expect that the control device in his mind would be removed.

And he also recognized that it was Mu En's voice just now. He really didn't expect that the guy who stopped him and beat him up was actually to remove the controller in his mind, and he seemed to have predicted that what happened today would happen. Thing, how is it done.

But the problem that needs to be solved now is this guy named Zemo. It seems that he was the one who did the initial frame-up.

The more he thought about Bucky, the angrier he became. This guy not only made himself the scapegoat, but also turned Steve into a criminal. He was really a bastard.

It wasn't until Zemo finished reciting the secret words that he realized why there was no response.

"Strange, could it be that the secret code they gave me was wrong?"

Zemo looked at Bucky in confusion.

Bucky glared.

"Look at your father from behind, little Zha."

Zemo was also stunned when he heard Bucky scolding him.

"Why aren't you being controlled!"

"Just because you want to control me, who are you? The controller in your father's and my head has already been taken out."


Zemo was also a little surprised. He didn't expect that after planning so much, he would make a miscalculation in this part.

However, he was stunned for only a moment before Zemo sneered.

"Although I didn't expect that the controller in your head would not be removed, do you think I have no other way?"

Zemo took out a golden memory from his pocket.

"Dummy! (Dummy!)"

Pressing the button, Zemo inserted the memory into his arm.


A burst of strange light appeared, and Zemo turned into a white dopant.

"Although I don't feel like using what he gave me again, for my plan."

As he spoke, in Bucky's surprised eyes, he actually turned into Bucky.

"What! How is this possible!"

"Haha, nothing is impossible."

Zemo used his imitation mechanical arm to directly tear open the prison that restrained Bucky.

"What are you doing?"

Zemo replied calmly.

"Bucky, the Winter Soldier, escaped from prison by injuring a prison guard."

"You still want to frame me!"

"What do you mean I framed you? I'm not you!"

"You bastard!"

Bucky was furious and rushed towards Zemo the moment he broke the shackles.

It's a pity that Zemo now copies all of Bucky's abilities, including combat skills.


Two identical robotic arms collided.

"Do you think you can beat yourself?"

"You bastard!"

Bucky felt like he was in a dream, fighting another version of himself in a prison.

He felt that his brain was in a mess, and he knew that the person in front of him was fake and that he had framed him.

But in anger, he lost his mind and launched a desperate attack on Zemo, but did not notice that he fell into Zemo's trap step by step.

"Haha, I took the bait."

Zemo chuckled secretly, pulling Bucky and walking out.

The moment he came to a place with people, Zemo instantly transformed into a passerby and fled outside.

"Asshole! Stop!"

Bucky chased after him regardless.

"No! Bucky Barnes escaped from prison!"

The guards spotted Bucky and surrounded him.

However, now Bucky only sees that bastard Zemo, chasing him all the way.

On the other side, as soon as Bucky escaped from prison, Steve, Stark and others also chased him.

"Bucky Barnes, stop being so stubborn!"

Natasha spotted Bucky first and jumped directly towards Bucky from the second floor.

Bucky, who was in a rage, didn't show mercy, so he slapped Natasha to the ground with his backhand.

"Go away, I didn't do those things. If someone framed me, don't stop me!"

"Barnes, don't you even recognize me?"

"I recognize you Male Gobi!"

Bucky kicked Natasha away, who was still trying to stop him, and chased in the direction where Zemo fled.

As soon as Natasha was dealt with, Black Panther T'Challa rushed up.

"Bucky Barnes, where is my father."

Bucky raised his mechanical arm to block the flying kick.

"How the hell do I know where your father is? If you go to find your father somewhere else, I have no interest in being your father."

T'Challa, who was not wearing the Black Panther suit, was no match for Bucky, and Bucky didn't want to get into more trouble and chased towards the roof.

Arriving at the top of the building, he saw that Zemo had been waiting there for a long time.

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