"By the way, there is another new recruit?"

"He's here. He was very excited just now, but he might need a cup of coffee now."

Sam walked to the RV and pulled the car away. He saw Ant-Man Scott lying in the RV and getting up sleepily.

"What time is it, are we there?"

And when he saw Steve, he stood up suddenly.

"Oh my God, Captain America! Alive!"

He came to Steve excitedly and held Steve's hand.

"Hello Captain America, my name is Scott Lang and I'm a big fan of yours."

Steve looked at the excited newcomer in front of him.

"Hello Scott, nice to meet you, but I'm no longer Captain America."

Scott still held Steve's hand and refused to let go and said excitedly.

"It doesn't matter, you will always be the captain in my heart. Oh my god, I never thought I would be able to meet you in person."

As he spoke, he also said to Wanda and Pilot beside him.

"Look, I shook hands with the captain. Oh, I know you too. I saw it on TV. Your name is Scarlet Witch, right? You're pretty good too. And you, Quicksilver, I saw you when you were running. What does the world look like? Is it like time has stopped? Or is it like a movie going in slow motion?"

Looking at this particularly active newcomer, Steve said solemnly.

"Okay Mr. Scott, calm down, do you know who we are going to fight this time?"

Stark then let go of Steve's hand and tilted his head to think for a while.

"A mad assassin? Or a killer from World War II?"

As he spoke, he still excitedly patted Steve's arm as he explained.

"It doesn't matter. I'm really excited to hear that. I know you know a lot of awesome people and I really appreciate you inviting me to participate in this operation."

Looking at the excited Scott, Steve poured a basin of cold water on him and said.

"Don't get too excited. First of all, I want to tell you that our activities this time are not authorized, and Bucky and I are still wanted by the United Nations, so it is illegal, you know?"

However, Scott said indifferently.

"Oh, it's okay. Anyway, I've done a lot of illegal things, but I haven't tried it yet since I'm wanted by the United Nations."

Bucky, who had been watching for a long time, spoke at this moment.

"Okay, it's time for us to leave. The helicopter is ready. We must arrive before Zemo."

"Bucky is right, let's get ready to go."

However, just when everyone was about to leave, a reminder came on the radio.

"In case of emergency, all passengers must leave the airport immediately. Repeat, in case of emergency, all passengers must leave the airport immediately. (German)"

Steve frowned and looked at everyone and said.

"They started clearing the place."

"It looks like Stark and the others are already here."

"What do we do next?"

Steve said with firm eyes.

"There's something we have to do, let's get going."

Chapter 634, Civil War

At the airport, Steve walked out of his hiding place and walked towards the helicopter that had been prepared in advance.

Suddenly there was a burst of smoke from the helicopter.

"I really didn't expect that I could actually meet someone I know at the airport."

A familiar voice came, it was Stark.

He, Rod, and Natasha came over from the other side.

Steve did not take over what Stark said, but pointed it out directly.

"Tony, I think you should know in your heart that Bucky was wronged. Zemo, the psychological evaluator, was the mastermind behind this. He used the power of memory to pretend to be Bucky and caused everything now."

Stark smiled.

"Yes, of course I know, but do they believe it? If the matter has reached this point, even if they believe it, will they be able to let you and Barnes go?"

But at this moment, a black shadow fell from the side, it was the Black Panther.


"Hello, His Majesty the King, I believe you should have investigated the truth of the matter."

In fact, long after Bucky and Steve disappeared from the German base, T'Challa re-examined the entire incident. He also discovered the flaws and found the real mastermind behind the scenes.

"It's true that it wasn't Barnes who took away my father, but that's not what I came for this time."

Stark said again.

"Ross asked us to arrest you within thirty-six hours. Otherwise, you will no longer face a simple wanted order, but the army of various countries. Twenty-four hours have passed now, Steve Do you really want to be the enemy of the whole world?

Cooperate and stop it, Steve. "

Steve's eyes were firm.

"You have arrested the wrong person."

Stark looked at Steve who was determined to go all the way to the dark side, feeling very helpless.

"Steve, don't you understand? Your old comrade has killed so many innocent people for Hydra over the years. The sins he wants to atone for are not just that simple bombing attack."

"There are five modified warriors like Bucky lying in a secret Hydra base somewhere in Siberia. Zemo's goal is to get them. Stark, we can't let them succeed."

And Natasha, who had been silent for a long time, finally spoke.

"That's enough Steve, do you know what you will face if you insist on going this way? Do you really want to fight your way out?"

"Okay, I don't have time to mess with you anymore."

Stark knew there was nothing he could do to persuade Steve to come back.

"I know your target is the jet in the hangar, but it's a pity that your plan will not succeed, Jarvis."

"Yes, sir."

Jarvis' gentle and gentle voice came from the radio.

"The propulsion engines of all aircraft have been destroyed, and the Stark Foundation will bear all losses to the airport."


Bucky and Sam's voices came from the headset.

Their original plan was for Steve to distract Stark and the others, and then the others would steal the plane and head to Siberia. As long as one person could successfully leave here, their plan would be considered a success.

But I didn't expect that Stark had already seen through everything, and directly destroyed the propulsion engines of all the aircraft in order to completely keep them.

"Okay, come out, some things seem to have to be resolved."

After hearing Steve's words, everyone walked out from the direction of the hangar.

Wanda Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver Pyrot, Hawkeye Barton, Ant-Man Scott, Falcon Sam, Bucky the Winter Soldier.

A group of people stood behind Steve.

"Steve, you asked for this. Come on out, everyone."

With the sound of the hang glider breaking through the air, Bat-wing Harry fell from the sky, and Kamen Rider Spider Peter.

A siren blared, and Murphy appeared at the airport riding a police motorcycle.

Natasha and Rhodes came behind Stark, and Black Panther also walked towards Stark.

At this moment, the troops from both sides have assembled.

Steve and Stark stared at each other.

"Tony, I never thought I would get to this day."

"Really, but I have thought about it."

"Okay, then I don't have anything to say."

The spirit stone belt appeared around Steve's waist.

Stark also took out the drive.

"Hen Shin!" x2

"Stark Authorize!"


Stark and Steve completed their transformations at the same time and rushed towards each other.


Super ancient power and modern technology collided, and a civil war began.

As the leaders of both sides opened the curtain of the battle, others also joined in the melee.

Harry stepped on the glider and the Falcon and rushed to the high altitude. Quicksilver's super speed was controlled by Murphy's transformed human body.

As the most normal among the two teams, Hawkeye and Black Widow fought together.

"Clint, you shouldn't have gotten into this."

"But there's something we have to do, right?"

The entire airport turned into a battlefield, and the Eight Immortals crossed the sea to show their magical powers.

Facing Stark's many hot weapons, Steve directly switched to the Sublimated Titan and chose to fight head-on.

"Steve, stop it. Jarvis has already recorded all your abilities."

"Stark, you should understand that what is truly powerful is not a person's ability, but his belief!"

"Faith, then your faith is to sacrifice the entire alliance for your old comrades!"

Stark almost roared out these words, and punched Steve's thick Titan breastplate. Even a full blow only made Steve take half a step back, and Stark He stepped back a few meters.

But a key appeared in his hand.

"Veronica Authorize!"

With a sound effect recall, a satellite fell from the sky and landed on Stark's body. The next moment, a sonorous sound of mechanical transformation sounded, and Stark appeared in the form of Veronica.


Along with Stark's roar, he punched Steve.

Steve, too, immediately switched to the Ascend Azure Dragon and dodged the punch with his super high jumping ability and speed.

But as if Stark had calculated this step, Veronica's entire arm flew out, turning into a huge shackle and cuffing it towards Steve.

Steve watched the huge shackle quickly dodge, but every move he made had been clearly calculated by Jarvis.

Seeing that there was no way to avoid it, Steve suddenly rushed towards the shackles, switching forms as he approached.



There was an explosion, fire and smoke rose into the sky, and the all-powerful sublimation form appeared.

Under the mask, Stark also became serious, because he knew that in Europe, Steve used this form to kick out a spectacular scene that was close to a nuclear explosion.

Chapter 635: Kurim takes action

The battle escalated further, and Almighty Ascension and Veronica collided.

It's just that Steve didn't dare to use all his strength. The explosion in Europe was still fresh in his memory.

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