After little Peter got off the bus, today, the current Valentine and the former Valentine were simply two different places.

"Okay little guys, it's not time to be shocked yet, the inside is the most important thing today."

A middle-aged man got out of the car and said to the two of them.

He is Norman Osborne, the leader of the Osborne Group.

Harry on the side also looked shocked.

"It's such a pity that Mu En couldn't come with us."

Peter couldn't help but shook his head with regret.

"Hey Peter, where did Mu En go?"

Little Peter shook his head.

"I don't know. Mu En seems to be very busy this week. A car comes to pick him up after school every day."

"Okay little guys, stop standing outside, it's time for us to enter."

Norman and the two little guys entered the venue from the main entrance and entered the interior of the Grand Theatre. Norman met many top social celebrities and greeted them. Of course, that was because Norman himself was one of them.

Celebrities from all walks of life were seated in the luxurious hall. As the sky gradually darkened, it meant that the charity party was about to begin.

As a salute sounded, the lights went out, and then the spotlight hit the stage. The charity party really began. First there was an extremely dazzling and exaggerated opening performance, and then a high platform slowly rose above the stage. The lights were turned off again. The flashing colorful lights fill the place with a sense of mystery.


As a salute sounded, a man wearing an extremely sexy bag appeared on the stage surrounded by beautiful women. That man was really Stark.

"Everyone, good evening!"

Stark waved his hand, and passionate music played, causing a burst of applause from the audience.

"Well, actually I prefer to keep a low profile. It's a pity that my strength does not allow me to keep a low profile."

Stark's words caused everyone in the audience to burst into laughter.

Stark shrugged as usual.

"Okay, let's make a long story short. After all, I hate those locked-down rules. I'm more willing to have a drink with a beautiful woman than those rules."

As he spoke, another burst of laughter arose. This was Stark's special humor, which only people like them who often went to high-end banquet venues with Stark could understand.

Stark waited for the laughter to die down before he said with a smile.

"Okay, I declare that today's charity gala is indeed open. Now I would like to invite the representative of Valentine Welfare Home to speak. Let us use applause to invite the pastor."

Although everyone in the audience did not know who Mu En was, they still did not hesitate to applaud, because tonight's charity party was a party organized by Stark. No matter who was being promoted, giving him face was giving Star. Save face.

"Oh, my God! It's Mu En! Which Mu En is it?"

Peter and Harry were a little surprised. They applauded and looked at the stage expectantly. They wanted to see if this Mu En was the Mu En they knew.

A spotlight shines on the stage and a young man steps onto the stage.

The gray tuxedo accentuates his straight figure, and he wears a white shirt as a base and a red bow tie. The short, well-tended hair sets off a young and energetic face. Step by step, Mu En walked to the center of the stage according to the rehearsed rhythm, and bowed to everyone in the audience.

"Good evening, everyone. As a child who came out of Valentine, I am very happy to stand here and speak on behalf of the orphanage."

Peter and Harry looked at Mu En on the stage and were stunned. They were still regretting that Mu En missed a grand event before, but now they realized that Mu En was the protagonist.

Chapter 66, Alanka and Stan

Under the spotlight, Mu En was a little nervous, but still kept smiling.

After countless rehearsals, Mu En has learned the long manuscript by heart.

As Mu En's speech progressed, the celebrities in the audience gradually lost interest in the young man on the stage. At the beginning of the period, they thought that Stark had discovered such an outstanding talent, but now it seems like that.

At the end of Pastoral's speech, Stark raised his head again.

"Well, it's a pretty standard statement, but as a young person it's still worth encouraging."

Mu En bowed slightly to express his gratitude.

Stark took the microphone and said to everyone in the audience.

"Okay, the opening ceremony is over here. I think everyone has had enough of this kind of template performance. So let's do something more direct. I announce that the Valentine Welfare Institute Charity Fundraising The event is about to begin!”

A large box slowly rose above the stage. It was a donation box.

The celebrities also slowly stood up and walked towards the side of the stage.

As a representative, Stark took the lead in standing next to the donation box.

"Since this charity gala was initiated by me, I should set an example. I, Tony Stark, will donate 250 million US dollars on behalf of Stark Industries."

As he spoke, he took out a check with 250 million written on it.

Stark put the check into the donation box, and Shepherd bowed to Stark to thank him.

"Thank you. On behalf of everyone at Valentine, I want to say thank you."

Stark held Mu En's hand, patted his shoulder and smiled.

"You're welcome, we are partners, aren't we?"

The wealthy businessman behind Stark was also stunned when he heard the conversation between the two. How could Tony Stark, a majestic genius scientist, be a partner with a little high school student? I must have heard it right.

Stark straightened his tie and smiled at the man behind him.

"You heard me right, Mu En is my partner, because the more he is a genius, the more he is a super genius."

After speaking, Stark smiled and stood on the other side of the stage, leaving the spotlight and embracing a bunch of beauties.

The purpose of what he said was to show these people the value of pastoral grace. Only if pastoral grace shows sufficient value, then they, the human spirits, will help Valentin as much as possible in the future.

"Wow, little brother Mu En, since Tony has said so, then I am also optimistic about you."

The wealthy businessman also took out a check and wrote the number 200 million on it.

"Thank you, everyone in Valentine will never forget your kindness."

With the first few people taking the lead, the wealthy people behind were embarrassed to give too little, and basically donated close to 200 million.

Soon a somewhat familiar face stood in front of Mu En, it was Norman Osborn, and I have to say that Harry really looked like him.

"Hello, Shepherd, I heard my son Harry mention you."

"Hello, Mr. Norman, please give me some advice when we meet you for the first time."

Norman Osborne took out two checks, one with 200 million written on it, and one with 150 million written on it.

"I'm glad that you are willing to be friends with Harry. Harry has very few friends. Please take more care of him in the future. This one is from the Osborne Group, and this one is a little bit of my heart from Harry and me."

As expected of a man who achieved great things, Osborne was very generous. He donated 200 million in the name of the Osborne Group and another 150 million in his own name.

"Thank you very much, and on behalf of everyone at Valentine, I would like to express my sincerest gratitude."

Mu En held Norman's hand and bowed deeply.

Norman patted Mu En on the shoulder.

"Come on young man, I'm optimistic about you. If you have the chance, you can come to Osborne to visit us."

"Most definitely."

A famous socialite made a donation to Valentine on behalf of the company or consortium behind him, and soon an old man with rough hair came to Mu En.

"On behalf of the Aranka Consortium, I donated 200 million U.S. dollars to Valentin."

Mu En looked at the old man in front of him and suddenly felt a cold aura.


Mu En was shocked. Although he hid it well, Mu En still noticed it at such a close distance.

"The Aranka Consortium, that is to say, this person is Nonika Aranka!"

He was shocked. He didn't expect that this guy would also come to the charity party. Although he was shocked in his heart, it didn't show it at all on his face.

"Thank you very much, and on behalf of everyone at Valentine, I would like to express my sincerest gratitude."

Mu En wiped his clothes and stretched out his right hand.

Nonika gently held Mu En's hand, said a polite word of encouragement and left the stage.

Mu En watched him from the corner of his eye until he disappeared from his peripheral vision.

The donation ceremony soon ended. This donation raised nearly 10 billion US dollars for Valentine. At the same time, it also received funding for the Valentine Welfare Home in various aspects such as food, clothing, housing, education, etc. It can be said that starting from tonight For more than a hundred years, there will never be any problems in the Valentine Orphanage.

Mu En stood in the middle of the stage, holding a microphone.

"Really, I really want to thank you all for your support of Valentine. On behalf of everyone at Valentine, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to you all again."

Speaking, Mu En bowed deeply to everyone again.

Stark raised his head and took the microphone.

"Wow, I'm very grateful for everyone's generosity. I didn't expect that some of you actually donated more than me. Why are you trying to get involved?"

Stark's words caused a round of laughter.

Stark also laughed.

"Okay, now that the donation ceremony is over, let's move on to the last item of the charity gala."

Tony snapped his fingers, and all kinds of food and wine were delivered to the venue.

"Then let's have a good celebration for Valentine!"

After that, he took Mu En and left the venue, and the beauties began to perform on stage one after another. Celebrities are no longer reserved, they eat and drink when they should.

Now it seems that the donation is secondary, and the final banquet is the highlight.

"how do you feel?"

Stark took a glass of wine from the bartender on the side, and then brought Mu En a drink.

Mu En took the drink and smiled.

"It feels okay, much better than during the rehearsal."

"That's good, your mission is over now, enjoy yourself."

Stark took Mu En and sat down beside him.

"Hey, Tony, when did you meet this little guy? Why didn't you say anything to me?"

A chubby man in his fifties or sixties walked towards Stark holding a beautiful woman's arm.

Stark put down the wine glass in his hand and hugged the uncle.

"Wow, why are you here Stan? I thought you should be in bed at this time."

As he spoke, he glanced at the beautiful woman beside him and shook her hand in a friendly way.

"Hey, when did we meet? This beauty was not in the police room yesterday."

Stan laughed a little.

"Okay, stop talking about it, why don't you introduce me to you?"

Stan's eagle eyes looked at Mu En up and down, just like an eagle looking at a chicken.

Chapter 67, Violin

Mu En was shocked when he looked at the guy in front of him.

Star, Tony's father's partner, he and Tony's father established Stark Industries together. After Tony's father passed away, he also became the mainstay of Stark Industries. When Tony became an adult and was able to take over Stark Industries, he handed over Stark Industries to Tony again and willingly moved to the second line, assisting Tony with all his heart.

This is the outside world's evaluation of Stan, but Shepherd, who knows the plot of Iron Man, knows that this guy is a complete careerist, and his ambition to monopolize Stark Industries has not been achieved overnight. And in Iron One, he built an Iron Overlord and forcibly stole Tony's Ark Reactor.

Stark watched as Stan touched his chin.

"Ah, yes, I haven't introduced him to you, but it's not too late. This is Mu En, a little genius."

Stan cheerfully extended his right hand.

"Hello, little genius, I'm Stan."

"Hello Mr. Stan."

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