Casillas gathered magic with his hands, the surrounding space quickly distorted, and then pushed out with a palm.

The ceiling suddenly collapsed, turning into a huge palm that directly pushed Stephen to the ground.

"That mage wearing iron skin, are you also a believer of Dormammu?"

he asked Stark again.

Stark said disdainfully.

"Who is Dormammu? Is he worthy of my belief?"

"You are not a believer of Dormammu, so where did you get the dark energy in you?"

"Tch, you short-sighted idiot, how awesome is it that he even put on a smoky eye for you? Who said that only Dormammu has dark energy?"

Stark mocked unceremoniously.

"There are countless dimensions in this world, and there are countless dark dimensions among them. Dormammu is just a frog in a well."

Casillas was very angry. He didn't expect that someone would dare to say this about his beliefs, but he was a little unsure when facing Stark, who also had dark energy.

It is obvious from his words that he has also been favored by a dark god, and the huge energy source in his body seems to be more powerful than the power he obtained.

"Hmph, no matter which dark god you believe in, I tell you that the earth will belong to Dormammu sooner or later!

When the great Dormammu comes, you will only die. "

"Haha, you don't have to wait for Dormammu to come, you have to explain here now!"

After the voice fell, Stark took a step forward.

In an instant, the floor beneath his feet surged like a wave and swept towards Casillas.

Casillas hurriedly defended, but he fell into Stark's trap. His real purpose was to rescue Stephen.

Under the cover of Stark, Stephen, who was suppressed under the "Five Finger Mountain", successfully escaped. He immediately used magic to prepare for a counterattack.

And Casillas is not stupid. He knows that he is no match for the two of them.

"Just wait, we will come back, and then the great Dormammu will give me more powerful power."

After saying that, Casillas slapped his hands on the ground, and instantly his body turned into a burst of black smoke and dissipated. When he disappeared, he turned into smoke together with his men.

Stephen also wanted to intercept, but it was too late to save him.

"Are you okay? It's a shame you let them run away."

Stark spread his hands, feeling helpless.

Stephen turned back to look at Stark, and the magic condensed on his hands had not dissipated.

"Stark, is it time you told me what's going on?"

"What's going on?"

"Dark magic."

"Hmm, dark magic is just dark magic, it's just a type of energy."

Looking at Stark who didn't care, Stephen said seriously.

"Do you know what dark magic means? You should be very clear about Karma Taj's attitude towards the dark dimension."

"Relax man, it's not as serious as you think."

Stark released the transformation and patted his shoulder and said.

"We are all scientists before we become mages. In the eyes of scientists, there is no difference in energy. What I believe in is that people control power, not that power controls people.

Only fools are dominated by power, just like the black-eyed monster just now. "

Stephen dispersed the magic condensed in his hands and shook his head.

"I don't think you should say this to me."

Chapter 662: Control life and death?

As soon as Stephen finished speaking, a man hurried up.

"Strange, and Stark, it's great that you are okay."

Finally, the transit hall leading from Karma Taj to various sanctuaries was urgently repaired, and Modu hurried to the New York Sanctuary, but by the time he arrived, the battle was already over.

Stephen responded calmly.

"Relatively speaking, I'm doing pretty well."

And Modu also noticed the cloak he was wearing.

"That magic cloak, it seems he likes you very much."

"I think we should pay attention to more than just the magic cloak."

"Being chosen by a magic cloak is a very rare thing."

Ancient Yi's voice sounded, and Stephen looked back, only to see Ancient Yi slowly walking out of the corridor at the other end.

Stark looked at Gu Yixiao and asked.

"Hey Master Gu Yi, you obviously came back before me, why are you here later than me?"

"The transfer station at Kama Taj needs me to be repaired. I went back to Kama Taj first, so I came a little late."

Stephen said immediately when he saw the Ancient Master appearing.

"Supreme Mage, Casillas and the others ran away."

"You guessed it, they won't be caught so easily, and they will come back."

Stephen agreed with the words of the Ancient One. He had read the magic book. If he wanted to summon Dormammu, he must destroy three temples and completely destroy the magic barrier protecting the earth. Only in this way can he complete the ritual to summon Dormammu.

"And Casillas is more powerful than we previously thought. He can change and fold objects in space and the environment at will."

This actually surprised Gu Yi.

"You said he can fold matter outside the mirror space? In the real world?"


Gu Yi frowned slightly.

"It seems that the power Dormammu has invested in the real world is stronger than expected. Now that the London Sanctuary has been destroyed, the power he can invest will increase, and Casillas will also... ..."

"Becoming stronger?"

"Yes, how many are there?"

Stephen thought about it.

"There are about a dozen people, but their power is not as strong as Casillas."

Gu Yi said after thinking for a moment.

“The London Sanctuary has been destroyed, leaving only the New York Sanctuary and the Hong Kong Sanctuary to protect us from the dark space.

Now that you have been recognized by the cloak, you are already more powerful than other mages. I hope that you will now guard the New York Sanctuary. This place needs to be guarded by magic, Master Strange. "


Stephen suddenly turned around and said with a somewhat excited expression.

"It's Dr. Strange, not the Wizard, not the Sir, it's the Doctor.

I am a doctor, and my duty is to treat illnesses and save people, not to participate in some mysterious war to fight the darkness!

When I was studying medicine, I made a vow that I would not harm any life but save a life. "

Gu Yi looked at Stephen and shook his head.

"No, you only study medicine for one person, and that's yourself."

"What do you mean? You think you have seen through me, do you?"

"What I see is the truth. You are arrogant and arrogant in your heart. You are immersed in the satisfaction that saving people brings you. You like to challenge operations that others dare not try, because it makes you feel that you are better than anyone else." Excellent people.

That's why you feel collapsed after losing your proud hands, and feel that the whole world has collapsed. You want to return to your own delusion and control everything, including death. Unfortunately, no one can control death.

Not even the arrogant Dr. Stephen Strange. "

Looking at the two of them, Stark came to Modo curiously.

"Hey man, can all mages see into people's hearts? Why can't I? Why don't you see what kind of person I am."

Mordo glanced at Stark, hesitated and said.

"A arrogant, conceited, super-genius and wealthy scientist?"


Stark raised his eyebrows.

"You read it accurately. Which book is this spell in? I will learn it when I have time."

Modu suddenly felt the corner of his mouth twitching. Do you need to learn any spells to see what kind of person you are? You just have to write those things on your face.

"No one can control life and death?"

Stephen chuckled.

"Not even Dormammu?"

Hearing Stephen's words, Gu's expression changed slightly.

\u0026quot;He can give eternal life,\u0026quot;

"The more humans fear death, the stronger Dormammu will be. He relies on this to survive."

"So you're saying we supported him?"

Stephen slowly walked up to Gu Yi.

"You also lied to me about controlling death. I know how you did it. I saw the ritual in Cagliostro's missing page."

"I would like to remind you of your next words, doctor."

"Because you don't like hearing it?"

"Because you probably don't know what you're talking about."

Stark scratched his head.

"What are they talking about? Where did Stephen see the missing pages of Cagliostro? Good guy, he found something good and didn't share it with me, it's true."

Mordo ignored Stark, but looked at Ancient One and Stephen with disbelief. He couldn't believe what Stephen said, but he also wanted to know what else Stephen had discovered.

However, Stephen took the initiative to answer Stark's words.

"The night you were away, I couldn't sleep and went to the library to read the Book of Time. Then I used the time reversal technique to see the incomplete pages of the human face. At the same time, I also discovered the secret of his immortality.

He draws energy from the dark world to become immortal. "

Mordo was stunned when he heard this, but Stark didn't care much.

"Speaking of which, you also have dark energy in your body, so Stark, are you also pursuing eternal life? Sure enough, eternal life is a topic that will never be cliched. People will pursue eternal life after gaining unimaginable wealth."

"No, this is not true. The Supreme Mage is the guardian of the earth. How could he absorb dark energy?"

Mordo still didn't want to believe what Stephen said.

“What I said was true, I saw the ritual that was missing in the book and I knew how he did it.

He keeps saying that he is protecting the earth from being invaded by the dark dimension, but he is absorbing the power of the dark dimension. "

Facing Stephen's words, Gu Yi was indifferent, but turned around and said.

"Casillas will not let go of the New York Temple. He and his fanatical followers will make a comeback soon. If you want to defend the New York Temple, you may still need some manpower."

After speaking, Gu Yi directly opened the portal and left.

Modu's expression was a little complicated, because the Supreme Mage he believed in and respected did not refute what Stephen just said. Could it be that everything he said was true.

He couldn't believe it and came to Stephen excitedly.

"Do you know what you were talking about just now?"

But Stephen just said calmly.

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