The collapsed building gradually recovered, the injured mage's wounds healed, and the king buried under the pile was also rescued.

Wang looked at Stephen in disbelief.

Stephen spread his hands and said.

"I know it violates the laws of nature."

Wang glanced at the building that had been repaired due to the reversal of time, and the sanctuary not far away that was also gradually restored.

"Well, we can't stop now."

This can be regarded as acknowledgment of Stephen's way of doing things.

"Hey guys, it's not over yet, Casillas and the others will come back."

Stark fell from the sky, and his suit also suffered a lot of wear and tear during the battle. However, due to his special anti-magic program, the damage on the suit was not repaired by the reversal of Stephen's time spell.

"Of course I know, so I must seize the time to deal with them."

"Who did you say you wanted to kill just now?"

Casillas's business was remembered, and his surviving followers rallied behind him.

The mages who were saved by Stephen reversing time also spontaneously stood behind Stephen and others.

The second round of confrontation began again.

"Fuck me! Tear them apart!"

"Masters, stay calm, we must wait until the sanctuary is repaired!"

For a while, the two parties were fighting together.

With the blessing of Stephen's time spell, Casillas's followers began to retreat steadily.


Casillas snorted coldly. He knew that Stephen must be dealt with first.

But under the deliberate protection of Stark and Wang, they had no chance to get close to Stephen.


Suddenly, Casillas attacked the king.

"Hmph, come on."

The king waved the scepter in his hand, dispersing one after another of Casillas's black magic.

However, the next moment, Casillas appeared directly in front of the king and grabbed his neck.


Stephen was startled and immediately wanted to step forward to help, but Stark stopped him.

"Don't move here. We still need your magic to repair the Holy Land. I'll go."

The thruster engine was fully opened, and Stark rushed towards Casillas like a meteor.

However, the next moment, Casillas, who was choking the king, turned into a black mist.

"No! I was fooled!"

Looking back, Casillas had already rushed towards Stephen.

"Suffer death, doctor!"

Two invisible magic blades quietly emerged and chopped directly towards Stephen's head.

Stephen immediately took a step back, protecting the ongoing time reversal spell with one hand, and immediately held up a magic shield with the other hand.


With a crisp sound, the magic blade landed heavily on the magic shield.


With a crisp sound, the magic shield instantly collapsed.

Stephen was instantly thrown away by the huge impact.

At the same time, the time spell that was maintained in his hand also collapsed at this moment, and the backlash effect of the spell hit his mind directly.


Stephen groaned and passed out.

And at this moment, time actually stopped.

The dark dimension has completely descended, and the sky of the feature film has been eroded.


"Strange! Get up!"

Stark and Wang were also startled. They didn't know whether what they were seeing was caused by time spells or the dark dimension.

"Give up, you can't beat what's bound to happen."

Casillas looked at everything in front of him like the ultimate winner and couldn't help but sigh.

"Look, it is so beautiful. A world beyond time, beyond death. Life will be liberated and will no longer be restricted."

Stephen got up in a daze, looking at everything in front of him, Casillas's words kept echoing in his ears.

"Beyond time...!"

He understood, carved a time spell on his hand, and then rushed towards the dark dimension.


The king called to Stephen, but Stephen did not respond and rushed into the strange world.

In the dark dimension, Stephen is searching.

He looked at the dead planets floating randomly around him. These were worlds that had been devoured and assimilated by Dormammu, without life or soul.

Stephen looked at everything in front of him, looking for traces of Dormammu, but the moment he turned back, a huge purple eye suddenly appeared.

Immediately afterwards, Stephen saw that eye slowly moving away from him, and finally, he saw the full picture of that existence clearly.

The being who abandoned his body and threw his soul into the embrace of the dark dimension, Dormammu.

In front of Dormammu, even the planet beneath his feet seemed extremely small.

Facing Dormammu, Stephen salivated, and then glanced at the spell on his hand.

"Hopefully this will be useful."

"Dormammu! I'm here to negotiate terms!"

However, Dormammu looked at this tiny existence and said disdainfully.

"You came here to die. Now your world is mine, just like the other worlds."

As soon as the words fell, countless darkness covered him and turned into sharp blades and swept towards Stephen.

Stephen held up his magic shield and resisted desperately, but was eventually destroyed by Dormammu's breath.

However, before Dormammu could laugh at Stephen's ignorance of life and death, he heard a voice.

"Dormammu, I'm here to negotiate terms."

"You are here to die, your world is mine, just like the others...

What? Is this an illusion? "

"No! This is reality!"

"very good!"

After just two words, Stephen was killed at once.

But even his body hadn't disappeared before the voice sounded again.

"Dormammu, I'm here to negotiate terms."

This time Dormammu really felt fucked up.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?"

Stephen said with a smile.

"Just as you gave Casillas power from your own world, I also brought some power from mine.

That's time, endless looping time. "

"You are so brave!"

Dormammu, who felt that he had been tricked, wiped out Stephen once, and then...

"Dormammu, I'm here to negotiate terms!"

"You can't keep going like this!"

"Actually I can, aren't we in the same time loop now?"

"Then you will die repeatedly in this wireless cycle!"

Dormammu killed Stephen in one attack, and then...

"Dormammu, I'm here to negotiate terms."

Stephen died.

"Dormammu! I came here to ask for it."

Stephen died again.


Stephen died again.


Stephen double pawn.


Stephen died.


Stephen sighed.

Amidst the shouts of Dormammu, I am the condition of the future, Stephen died again and again, and each time he died in a unique way.

Dormammu has been reincarnated like this so many times that he is almost numb. He has almost lost count of how many times he has heard the phrase "I am here to negotiate", a hundred times? Ten thousand times? Or a million times?

Even though he had ruled the dark dimension for so many years, he still felt that he was going crazy from being tortured. It was even the first time that he felt that killing someone would be so painful.

Chapter 669: Dormammu, I’m here to negotiate terms with you too.

In the dark dimension, everyone in Dormammu was paralyzed. In his eyes, this insect was as weak as an ant. No matter how many times he killed him, he could reappear in front of him.

Then he stood in the same position and said to himself in the same tone that he was here to negotiate terms.

This was not the most annoying thing. What really annoyed him was that this guy seemed to become stronger every time he died.

Although this growth was extremely small, he could clearly feel that this growth existed.

After he killed the little bug again and again, he had grown from a little bug that could be crushed to death to a bug that was easy to crush but was a bit difficult to handle.

"Dormammu! I'm here to negotiate terms."

That familiar voice appeared again, and the little bug cycled again.

"You will definitely lose!"

Dormammu let out a harsh word and then wiped him out with one blow.

"Dormammu! I'm here to negotiate terms."

After saying this as usual, Stephen said calmly.

"I will indeed lose when facing the powerful dimensional demon. After all, I am not the Ancient One, nor am I a god.

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