"Hahahaha! What, Dormammu blew himself up, hahahaha, that's not funny, hahahaha..."

Wang Yi couldn't stop laughing at all, which made Mu En really want to give him a big mouth.

And Stark and Stephen also glanced at the king, and this guy really got it right, Dormammu actually blew himself up.

Mu En said a little irritably.

"Okay, what about that, you leave me a permission on the magic barrier, so that I don't have to jump repeatedly to enter and exit in the future.

I went back first. The battle with Dormammu was too exhausting, and I needed to take a good rest. "

After speaking, Mu En yawned and disappeared from everyone's eyes.

After Stephen and others calmed down, they felt a little incredible. Dormammu, the legendary existence, was directly killed by someone, and the dark dimension was taken over. This is simply unimaginable.

Wang Xian, who had had enough laughter, turned around and greeted everyone.

"Okay, let's go back to Karma Taj first. There are still many things waiting for us to deal with after the Supreme Lord leaves."

Stark scratched his head and said.

"I won't go for that. I gained a lot this time. I need to go and sort out the harvest."

After that, Stark said goodbye to everyone and left directly through a portal leading to his villa.

"Okay, let's go back, Master Supreme."

Wang and Modu looked at Stephen. They knew very well that after Ancient One left, Stephen would be the next Supreme Mage.

Chapter 672: Mu En more than a thousand years ago?


"Huh, I'm finally back. The environment in the dark dimension is really bad. It's better to be at home."

Mu En breathed a long sigh of relief, patted the dust on his body and walked towards his room.

"Mu En, why did you end up like this?"

Aixilia sensed Mu En and immediately came out to greet him, but when she took it, she saw him looking disgraced and embarrassed for a year.

Mu En scratched his messy hair.

"Haha, it's nothing. I just had a fight while trying to steal someone else's territory. It's nothing serious."

According to Mu En, the war between the two dimensional lords turned into a village brawl. As long as the dead Dormammu knew about it, he would probably cheat his body.

Um, that's not right. Dormammu gave up his body when he merged into the dark dimension, so he didn't have a corpse to deceive him even if he wanted to.

Aixilia stepped forward to straighten Mu En's clothes distressedly. Although Mu En said it lightly, she knew Mu En's ability very well, and the opponent who could turn him into this was definitely not a small role.

"Don't do this anymore, okay? It's enough for us to have Valentin. There's no need to fight for anything else."

Listening to Aixilia's words, Mu En gently held her hands.

"Don't worry, it won't happen again."

Seeing Mu En agree, Aixilia smiled.

"Okay, hurry up and take a shower and change your clothes, otherwise the children will laugh at you."

Mu En nodded and walked towards his room.

After simply freshening up, Mu En stretched out and planned to go to the yard to lie down for a while, chat with Mr. Odin about life, and listen to him brag about the time when he led Asgard's army to sweep through the nine realms. glorious deeds of the time.

"Dean Mu En."

"Dr. Banner."

Mu En looked back and found that Dr. Banner, who usually stayed in the underground base wearing a lab coat, actually changed into casual clothes and came outside on his own initiative.

You must know that unless there is a major crisis that requires Hulk to appear, he will not leave the underground base voluntarily.

"What's wrong, Dr. Banner, do you have anything to do with me?"

Banner touched his neck and said.

"That's it, Dean Pastoral. I want to leave Valentine for a while to deal with some of my own personal matters."

"Leave Valentine?"

Mu En was a little surprised.

"Of course you can leave if you want, but I have to remind you that although the previous things have passed a long time ago, there is no guarantee that no one will still have Hulk's ideas. After all, you know, Hulk's The temptation of power is too great for some people.”

Banner nodded, of course he knew this.

"I know, but there are some things I have to deal with. I will be careful."

Seeing that Banner insisted on going out, Mu En did not stop him. After all, Dr. Banner was temporarily staying at his place, and he was not being imprisoned here.

"Okay, be careful on the road, and remember to contact me if anything happens."

As he spoke, Mu En took out a bank card.

"Take it, there is some money in it, you can use it in case of emergency."

Dr. Banner did not refuse, but accepted the bank card.

"Thanks, I'll be back soon."

Mu En smiled and waved his hand.

"It's okay, actually. Now you and Hulk can live together peacefully. It's okay to go out for a walk more. It's not a problem for one to stay in the underground base, right?"

Dr. Banner smiled knowingly.

"I understand, then goodbye Dean."

Saying goodbye, Dr. Banner turned and left.

Mu En looked at Banner's back and nodded.

"That's right, that's how it should be. Regardless of your superhero status, you're just an ordinary person, right? As an ordinary person, you should enjoy your life."

Mu En turned around and walked towards the yard.

"Uncle Odin, I'm here again to listen to your bragging... No, I'm here to listen to you talk about your glorious deeds back then."

"You brat, I, Odin, was a god-king back then. Looking across the Nine Realms and outside, who hasn't heard of my reputation? You actually said I was bragging.

If I weren't older, I would have to compete with you. "

Looking at Odin in front of him, Mu En couldn't help but roll his eyes. You still know that you are the God King, but don't you look at what you have become now? Listen to what you said and look at the way you are lying down. Is there any difference between you and the gangster at the entrance of the village?

Of course, Mu En would definitely not say these words in front of him, so he had to save some face for him.

Then I saw two people, an old man and a young man, lying in the yard in the same posture.

Suddenly Odin asked.

"Mu En, I heard Ancient One say before that you have learned the magic of the entire Book of Sithorn. Is it true?"

Mu En nodded.

"Yeah, I've been alone in that weird sealed space for seven hundred years. I don't think it's even difficult to learn."

Odin nodded and then said.

"Then do you know the power of death?"

"The authority of death?"

Mu En paused for a moment, he didn't know which one Odin was referring to. Is it the cosmic entity Goddess of Death or is it referring to his eldest daughter, Hela, the God of Death.

"Isn't it one of the laws of the universe to know something? Is there any problem?"

"There should be a lot of magic about death in the Book of Sithorn."

"Of course, Sithorne is the ancestor of black magicians. If he doesn't study death, what else can he study, such as white magic and physical skills? Sithorne is not Gandalf, so why study these."

After hearing Mu En's words, Odin hummed and stopped talking.

Mu En thought there was something wrong with the old man again. After all, he was old.

But don't Asgardians become more powerful as they get older? So Odin shouldn't be invincible in the universe. How could he look so old?

But Mu En didn't ask, after all, there might be some secrets that couldn't be told.

"Mu En, you know, in fact, more than a thousand years ago, I met a person who looked very much like you."

Suddenly, a shocking word came out, and Mu En suddenly stood up.

"Mr. Odin, what did you just say?"

Odin smiled when he saw Mu En's reaction.

"Hahaha, I knew you would react like this."

Thousand;?!,,Xun,...,free."?小"?"'"say'"skirt"2:,5:,!.,5;!';,5'!"''9 ?.:5?,??"3?0':'"0 "No, don't worry about my reaction. What did you mean when you said you saved someone who looked very much like me more than a thousand years ago? "

Odin stroked his beard and said.

"It literally means that more than a thousand years ago, when I was leading Asgard's army to conquer the nine realms, I met a person very similar to you.

Interestingly, like you, he can use a magical belt to summon a set of magical suits. "

Immediately, Mu En's scalp went numb, and he suddenly had a feeling that the person Odin was talking about was himself, but he had just crossed the timeline and returned to the past.

But the question is, why did I travel across time to such a distant past?

Chapter 673, Banner, Hulk, and the Green Door

Dr. Banner, who left Valentine, returned to his former home again.

Because he has officially become a member of the Avengers, the military's accusations and surveillance against him have been dropped.

Looking at the dusty room, Dr. Banner felt a sense of emotion.

He picked up the notebook in the room and blew away the dust on it.

Opening the first page of the notebook, there is a line of beautiful small words written on it.

Happy birthday Banner, love to you Betty.

This notebook was a birthday gift from Betty when he was still in college. He has always kept this notebook in his room.

Putting down his notebook, Banner looked at everything familiar, and all kinds of beautiful memories resurfaced, but it was a pity that they were all a thing of the past.

Although I can come back now, there are some things that I can't go back to.

He was supposed to live a good life of his own, but because of that experimental accident, everything changed.

Although he has become friends with Hulk, Banner always feels that Hulk is not that simple.

After joining Valentin, he also learned more things that he never knew. The world is not as simple as it seems on the surface.

After witnessing many strange, strange, and magical events.

Banner's previous doubts resurfaced. The doubts were like a seed that took root and sprouted in his heart. As a lifelong scientist, his thirst for knowledge prompted the seed to grow rapidly.

Finally, Banner could no longer control the doubts in his heart. He wanted to pursue the truth about the birth of Hulk. Was such a powerful Hulk really just the product of an accidental experiment?

In order to solve the confusion in his heart, Banner decided to leave Valentine to find the answers to all this.

"Really, what am I thinking."

Banner smiled, shook his head, and started cleaning.

After leaving Valentine, he needed a temporary residence. In order not to cause trouble to others, he returned here.

At the same time, someone learned about Banner's return.

A man in military uniform pushed open the door to the Secretary of State's office.

"Secretary Ross."

Ross, who was talking on the phone with other politicians in his luxurious office, glanced at his former subordinate and motioned for him to wait.

Finally, after twenty minutes of Ross arguing with another politician, he hung up.

"Next time, remember to knock on the door before entering the house. I am very busy as the Secretary of State. Let's talk about what happened."

"General Ross...but Secretary Ross, just now we discovered traces of Bruce Banner."

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