According to legend, the Eternal Spear is made of the branches of the World Tree combined with all other materials. In this world, the World Tree is part of the universe. It is difficult to say that eternity as a cosmic entity does not have a certain relationship with it.

After Odin finished explaining, Frigga stepped forward and held Mu En's hand.

Frigga looked at Mu En's sincere request.

"From now on, I ask you to take more care of Thor and Loki."

"Don't worry, Sol is my friend and this is what it should be."

After saying that, Frigga looked at Mu En and pondered for a moment, and finally spoke.

"And Hela. In fact, Hela is also a poor child. She also begs you."


However, Frigga didn't say anything more, but returned to Odin's side and held Odin's arm, and their bodies gradually turned invisible.

Looking at the two disappearing people, Mu En sighed.

He knew that Odin and Frigga had not really left yet, because Thor and Loki had not returned to Earth to see them for the last time.

"We will meet again, right?"

Mu En held the Eternal Spear tightly in his hand and looked towards the direction where the two disappeared, then turned around and left.


On the outskirts of New York City, Banner, wearing a windbreaker and a peaked cap, was sitting on a rickety bus with several sleeping passengers.

Banner looked out the bus window. The old roads were lined with weeds.

In the end, he chose to get off the car at a fork in the road that was almost covered by bushes. Without saying anything, Banner walked directly away from the road covered by weeds and headed deeper.

After having that strange dream that day, Banner did a lot of research and finally discovered that in addition to having the properties of waves and particles like light, gamma radiation also has a third special existence.

And this third special existence is very likely to be the truth about the birth of Hulk. In order to find out the truth, he planned to go to the place where Hulk was born, the secret military research institute where he once worked.

It's just that this research institute was abandoned a few weeks after the experiment failed, and since he became an Avenger, the military also gave up on capturing the Hulk, and they also gave up on research on gamma radiation.

But maybe you can find something there.

After passing through the thick bushes, Banner finally saw the dilapidated research institute submerged by weeds and bushes.

"Really, I haven't been back here for a long time."

Banner smiled bitterly, thinking about how high-spirited he was back then, as a person with seven doctoral academic committees, and how bright his future was.

It's a pity that everything has changed.

But he feels that it's good now. Hulk is like his friend and brother, and he can also use Hulk's power to protect the people and things he cares about.

Chapter 677: Information brought by Natasha

Mu En, who returned to Valentin, looked a little dazed. First, Ancient One left, and now Odin is leaving as well. The cutting-edge combat force guarding the world is suddenly reduced by two.

Thor has not yet grown up, and Stephen has only become the Supreme Mage for more than a month.


Mu En let out a long breath.

"Really, why don't you old guys do this and just leave all the burdens to me? Don't you have an heir yourself? Can't you wait until your heir grows up before leaving?"

"Mu En, what's wrong with you? You seem to be in a bad mood."

Entering the base, Kurim noticed that Mu En seemed to be a little depressed.

Mu En scratched his head and sat down on the sofa.

"It's nothing, I'm just feeling a little sad that Mr. Odin and Mrs. Frigga have left."

"That's it."

Kurim nodded.

Mu En asked curiously.

"How about it? Did you find out anything about the guy who was suspected of being a barbarian?"

After the heavy acceleration phenomenon occurred around the world that day, Kurim launched an investigation to find out whether the wild beasts had also come to this world.

"No, I only found two suspected products of mechanical mutants. After analyzing their remains, I found no traces of barbaric technology. The specific systems of these guys are closer to the technology of this world."

"In other words, someone in this world has cracked the technology of heavy acceleration, right?"

Kurim nodded, not surprised by this incident.

Because he knows that the technology tree of this world is very crooked, and the Drive system has been exposed for a long time, it is hard to say that someone will not analyze something during his battles again and again.

Just like Stark before, he also directly analyzed part of the power of the knight's kick after watching several battles between himself and Mu En.

"By the way, Dr. Banner has been away for a month, and no news has come back at all. Nothing will happen to him."

Kurim still cares about Dr. Banner very much. After all, they have been together for such a long time, and the two scientists both have a feeling of sympathy for each other.

"There shouldn't be any problem. Although all kinds of superhumans are emerging now, there should be no existence that can arm-wrestle with the Hulk yet."

Even though Hulk was treated obediently by Mu En, if someone else dared to anger Hulk, Mu En guaranteed that that person would definitely experience the same treatment as Loki.

"By the way, Mr. Belt, do you know what Dr. Banner went out to deal with?"

Although Banner told himself before that he was going to deal with personal matters, it shouldn't be that simple. Maybe Kurim would know something.

"You said this, he really didn't tell me again."

When Mu En asked this question, Kurim also became curious about Banner's behavior.

"But in the period before he left, he asked me a lot of questions about the birth of various superpowers, such as my knight system, heavy acceleration, and Gaia memory."

"The birth of superpowers?"

Mu En suddenly frowned and thought to himself.

Could it be that Banner went to investigate the origin of Hulk?

Although the most widely recognized origin is that of a laboratory accident, Banner turned into the Hulk after being exposed to gamma radiation due to an experimental accident.

However, Mu En also knows a theory of origin. Hulk's power does not come from science, but from gods.

"It's broken. Isn't it really what I thought?"

Head towards Mu En and prepare to find Banner.

As soon as he left the underground base, an old acquaintance came up to him.

"You really make it easy for me to find you, Mr. Dean, what are you doing in the church, confession or prayer?"

Natasha looked at Mu En with a playful expression.

Natasha, who had changed into the clothes of a nanny, was a little less heroic than when she was an agent, and a little more easy-going, making her look a little more friendly.

"Natasha, why don't you bring the children to me?"

"My principal, this time is the children's morning reading time, and Aunt Caris is in charge of it, okay?"

Mu En couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

"Aunt Caris is only in her forties. Are you embarrassed to call her aunt?"

As soon as she finished speaking, Natasha suddenly rushed in front of Mu En, grabbed him by the collar, and said angrily.

"Don't you know that age is a taboo for women?"

Mu En spread his hands and pushed Natasha's hand away.

"Okay, if you have any questions, please tell me. I still have things to do."

Natasha glared at Mu En and took out a USB flash drive from her pocket.

"Thank you for bringing you information, but you still treat me like this."

Mu En took the USB flash drive and asked with some confusion.

"What information is this?"

"The military has started taking action again, and they still have no intention of letting Banner go. To be precise, Banner's ex-father-in-law, Ross, hasn't let him go yet.

Haven't various super humans appeared frequently in recent years? Ross gathered a group of people to secretly form a team loyal to himself. "

Mu En looked at the USB flash drive in his hand and frowned.

"These guys, the last Avengers Civil War was because of this idiot Ross, and now they are trying to get Banner's attention again.

By the way, he became the Secretary of State, right? Haha, it’s good that such a person didn’t go to jail, and he actually got promoted. "

The more I think about it, the angrier I get. Damn it, what kind of world is this? I can’t go back and ask the bishop to cure this guy.

Mu En put away the USB flash drive and looked at Natasha.

"Didn't you say you had retired? Why did you start collecting intelligence again?"

Natasha spread her hands and sat down on a chair nearby.

“I do want to retire, but unfortunately you should understand that it’s not that easy for people in our industry to quit.

Moreover, after all, Dr. Banner and I can be regarded as partners who have fought side by side. I can't really watch him being plotted and ignore everything. "

She paused before continuing.亣

"Furthermore, as you just said, Ross is a very mysterious person. It was obviously because of him that monsters like Abomination were created and Broadway was destroyed into ruins. But in the end, all the responsibilities were taken away from him. Pushed onto Hulk and Abomination.

As for him, although he was dismissed from the post of general, he turned to politics and became the secretary of state. It is really annoying.

And as I just said, he was causing trouble in the Avengers Civil War, and now he's focused his attention on Banner's head. Don't you think it's strange? "

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that this is indeed the case. When Banner was in the Avengers, he had the protection of the Avengers. Even if Ross became the president, he still could not attack the Hulk.

But now that the Avengers are in pieces, the entire alliance has ceased to exist in name only. If Banner hadn't been protected by Mu En, he might have attacked Banner long ago.

If you think about it carefully, this guy's methods are really dirty.

Chapter 678: Hulkbuster Special Operations Team

Mu En put the USB drive away and said.

"Anyway, I'll accept the information first. There won't be any problems with me in Banner."

Natasha lay on the back of the church, looked at Pastor and smiled.

"Master Dean, you see that I have collected information for you. Shouldn't you give me a proper salary?"

Mu En couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

"You, a dignified former S.H.I.E.L.D. super agent and member of the Avengers, are still short of money? If you want money, just wink at those wealthy businessmen and powerful people and they will be willing to pay for you."

"You can't say that, Mr. Dean, after all, money is yours only when it comes into your own hands."

"Okay, okay, I'll ask Mr. Valk to double your salary later. Let's not talk about Banner's important matters. I'm leaving first."

After a few perfunctory words, Mu En turned and left.

Watching Mu En leave, Natasha smiled and shook her head.

"Should I say you don't understand amorous feelings, or should I say you are single-minded?"

On the modified Chevy, Muen plugged a USB flash drive into the control panel.

"Izzy, analyze the information."

"Yes Master."

Through Izzy's actions, the intelligence significance of a group of people was revealed.

This is a special combat team with a total of six people, three of whom are more concerning.

One is Scream, which is a relatively classic villain in the original world. He can attack by sending out ultrasonic waves from his mouth.

The other one is the scorpion, which should have been the little spider's rival, but if this scorpion met the current little spider, I'm afraid even a scorpion wouldn't be enough to defeat him.

There was also a man whom Mu En had no impression of, named Carl Creel.

When he first saw this name, Mu En was really not impressed, but his ability made people a little concerned.

Carl Creel, codenamed Absorber, can absorb the energy and matter he touches for his own use, and can also assimilate his body into the matter he absorbs.

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