The scene changed again, and they came to a place with brighter light.

Sol, who was shaken so twice, was a little flustered. In order to cover up his panic, he picked up the small ornament on the side, looked at Stephen and said.

"So there's a new wizard on Earth?"

After saying that, I wanted to put the small ornament in my hand back to its original place, but...

Jingle bells——

The originally arranged ornaments were knocked to the floor. Sol, who was in a hurry, wanted to put these things back together and take them over, but he became more and more confused.

Looking at Sol in a hurry, Stephen couldn't help but wonder, is this god serious? Why does it look so unreliable?

"To be precise, I am a secret mage. You can just leave it there."

Putting down the small ornaments in his hands, Sol said with a strong face.

"Okay wizard, who are you and what do you want from me?"

Stephen introduced himself.

"I am Dr. Stephen Strange, the current guardian mage of the earth. I have some questions to ask you. Please sit down."

After the words fell, the surroundings shook again.

Thor suddenly realized that he was already sitting on the sofa in a living room. He felt a little confused and a little angry at the same time. This guy was really playing with himself. After all, he had saved the earth several times.

"Would you like tea?"

Before Sol could speak, a teacup appeared in Sol's hand.

Looking at the teacup in his hand.

"I never drink tea."

"Okay, so what do you want to drink?"

"Whatever, as long as it's not tea."

As soon as he finished speaking, the teacup in Sol's hand turned into a large mug of draft beer.

Thor was a little surprised. This was a good thing, but he had to taste it first to confirm whether it was an illusion.

"As I said before, I am the guardian mage of the earth. I have been monitoring those..."

"Tons, tons, tons, tons, tons, tons..."

The sound of Saul drinking heavily interrupted Stephen's words, and he saw that such a large glass of draft beer was drank by Saul.

"It's a good thing, but it's missing..."

Before Sol finished speaking, he saw that the empty glass was filled again.

"Is it so magical, automatic refill?!"

As he said that, Thor was shaking again.

Stephen was numb. It had been a long time since this guy had drank.

"Ha——! It's great, but this wine is a little less powerful than Asgard's."


Stephen snapped his fingers, and the beer glass in Saul's hand changed again, turning into a bottle of the source of life.

The strong smell of vodka drifted away, and Thor suddenly became interested.

"Wait a moment!"

Stephen interrupted.

"When I finish asking the questions, you can drink whatever you want."

Although he was a little regretful, Thor still put down the source of life in his hand.

"Ask me if you have any questions."

"As I just said, I have been monitoring people and things from other places because they may be potential threats and dangers, and your adopted brother Loki is also one of them."

Thor agreed very much with Stephen's evaluation of Loki.

"Yes, he deserves it."

Stephen sat up straight, stared into Sol's eyes and said.

"So, why did you bring him to Earth?"

Thor said calmly.

"We are looking for our father."

There is nothing to hide about this, and it might be faster to find locals on Earth to help.

If Sol hadn't disappeared suddenly, he would have thought of trying his luck with his good friend.

Stephen nodded.

"So, if I tell you where Odin is, you will leave the earth if you find Odin, right?"

"Of course, uh, not necessarily. I want to go see my friends. Well, of course, I'm not in such a hurry. Maybe I can wait until I bring my father back to Asgard before I come back to see them."

Hearing Sol's words, Stephen raised his eyebrows and smiled again.

Thousands,".:!Xun?!';.Free.:;!?Fei'xiao?"!.:Said':.!skirt:",?:2!!,5,"'".5;; ?',5"!9!!5?!3:0,;0 "Great, then let me help you find it."

Chapter 685: Family reunion

Hearing Stephen say that he wanted to help him, Sol also grinned. His level of making friends was too high, and he made new friends so quickly.

"Ah hahaha, that's great my friend, I respect you."

After saying that, I picked up the vodka in my hand and there was a burst of vodka.

"Huh~! So exciting."

After enjoying the drink, Sol suddenly said something.

"If you knew where my father was, why did you call me and tell me?"

"I have to make it clear to you first. Your father is very determined not to be disturbed. He chose to self-exile for a period of time."

The conversation changed, Stephen looked at Thor and said.

"And you don't have a phone, how can I call you?"

"Well, I don't have a phone number, but you can, yes, send me an email."

Stephen was speechless.

"Yes, I could send you an email if you were on Earth, but do you have a computer? Do you have an email address?"

Thor took a swig of vodka.

"Of course not, what is that for?"

Stephen felt that he was about to lose his strength. He had heard that this Thor's brain was not working well, but he did not expect it to be to this extent.

"Okay, let's not talk about this anymore. I think your father's self-exile time has come to an end."

"Really? That's great. Take me to see him quickly so that I can teach him about Asgard."

"No problem. If I remember correctly, he should be in a certain space in Norway. I'll look for it."

Suddenly, the surrounding scenery shook again, and Saul almost fell. The original reception room turned into a library, and Stephen was looking for a spell with a book.

"Not this, not this, well not this book."

After that, the surrounding scene changed again.

"No, I don't know about that either."


The scene changed again, and Thor felt like he was on a roller coaster.

"That's enough. Stop it. Stop shaking. Can't we just walk up the stairs properly?"

"Aha, I found it. It's this spell, but I don't know if I should add some Asgardian spells to synchronize it with it."

"Did you hear what I said?"

Sol was a little angry. Although he recognized Stephen as a friend, he still felt that this guy was playing tricks on him.

Stephen closed the magic book.

"Of course I heard you, can I get a lock of your hair?"

Sol was even more angry. This guy actually dared to mess with his hair.

"I'm warning you, no one can touch my hair. Ouch!"

Before he finished speaking, Stephen appeared behind him and pulled out a lock of his hair.

However, Stephen didn't give him a chance to be angry at all, and took him directly to the hall of the sanctuary.

"Hey, I told you, stop shaking like that. Can't you just walk up the stairs properly?"

Stephen ignored him and continued to build his magic.

"Hey man, did you hear me?"

Constructed of magic, Stephen waved a spark portal and appeared.

"Okay, your father is waiting for you."

Thor glanced at Stephen and then at the portal.

What should I do? I was so angry. I seemed to hit him, but he helped me find my father.

Forget it, bear with it.

"Okay, thanks anyway."

Stephen reminded kindly.

"By the way, don't forget to bring your umbrella."

"Of course, that's my baby."

As he spoke, Thor raised his hand.

A clanging sound came from upstairs.

Stephen seemed to realize that something was not going well.

Suddenly, Thor's originally not very good mood became wonderful. You stinky wizard dared to mess with me. You must be punished for these things.

But Sol still said sorry with a straight face.


With a buzzing sound, the umbrella returned to Sol's hand. He patted the umbrella and poured away the glass shards and other debris it carried.

"Okay, you can give my brother back to me now."

Only then did Stephen remember that there was another Loki.

"Oh, of course."

With a wave of his hand, a fireworks portal appeared.

"Ah——! Damn it! I want to go home! I want to go home!"


Loki fell to the ground hard and bounced up a little.

He shook his flowing hair and became angrier than ever before, roaring angrily.

"Damn bastard! I was in free fall for almost half an hour!"

Stephen glanced at Loki indifferently.

"Well, he should be more honest now."

Seeing Loki being treated like this, Thor was not angry but felt great.

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