At Peter's house, Aunt Mei had prepared a table of meals, and Peter also returned home from college.

"Ding dong~!"

The doorbell rang, and Aunt Mei put the last dish on the table and took off her apron.

"Wait a moment, it's coming soon."

"Aunt Mei, is Mu En here?"

"should be."

The two came to the door together.


There was a sound of the lock and Aunt Mei opened the door.

The person standing outside the door was not Mu En, but a familiar but somewhat demonic man.

Ben looked at the much older Aunt Mei and said with a smile.

"Mei, I'm back."


For a moment, Aunt Mei looked at Ben in front of her and was speechless with excitement, her body trembling.

Peter looked at Ben with surprise on his face. His spider senses were activated to the extreme. He was not a weirdo, nor was he pretending to be someone else. He was the real Uncle Ben, his Uncle Ben.

"Uncle Ben!"

Ben said with a smile.

"Peter, you have grown up too."


"Uncle Ben!"

The excited adults hugged each other quietly.

Aunt Mei shed tears of happiness, Ben is back, he is really back, it is not a dream, this is not a dream.

She hugged Ben quietly, fearing that if she let go, she would wake up from this dream.

Mu En stood not far away and looked at the reunited family, with a smile on his face and murmured to himself.

"Peter, I finally fulfilled my promise and brought Uncle Ben back."

As he spoke, he looked towards the sky.

Uncle Ben is back, so is there a chance Sister Thalia will come back too?

Mu En raised his hands, and the power of the six infinity stones emerged in his palms. If he used the power of the infinity stones to snap his fingers, would he be able to bring Sister Thalia back?

But his reason told him that he couldn't do this.

The family hugged each other and cried for a long time and finally calmed down. Peter was the first to react and asked.

"Uncle Ben, how did you wake up, and you seem to have become so much younger."

Ben said with a smile.

"All this is thanks to Mu En."

"Mu En?"

Only then did they notice that there was another person not far from the door.

Seeing that everyone noticed him, Mu En waved his hand.

"I'm sorry, the scene of a family reunion is so warm and beautiful, so I couldn't bear to break it."

For a time, both Peter and Aunt Mei had a lot of questions to ask Mu En, but Ben greeted them.

"Okay, let's go in and talk about anything first. Let's talk while we eat and take our time."

Only then did Aunt Mei react.

"Yes, come in and eat first. The food is already prepared."

A large family sat around the dining table, eating and chatting.

Ben listened to Peter and Aunt May talking about what happened in the years since he was gone, and Ben also told them about what happened to him in the place where his soul returns.

"So, is there really an afterlife?"

Peter said with some surprise.

Ben nodded. Although he was once a loyal believer in God, now it seems that the world is not that simple.

"Then how did you come back?"

"This is all thanks to Mu En. He made a deal with Lord Death to exchange my soul back."

"A deal?! A deal that can bring back souls."

Peter looked at Mu En in surprise.

"Mu En, what did you trade for? Is it your own soul? How should I compensate you? I..."

"Stop, stop, stop!"

Mu En waved his hands repeatedly.

"Don't worry, I didn't exchange my soul for it. I just did a thing for the goddess of death. After the thing was completed, she handed over Uncle Ben's soul to me."

"Really? That's great. Thank you so much."


Suddenly Aunt Mei sighed.

Peter asked with concern.

"What's wrong, Aunt Mei, aren't you happy that Uncle Ben is back?"

"I'm happy, of course I'm happy. Nothing makes me happier than Ben coming back. Not only is Ben back, but he's also younger, but I..."

Mu En understood what was going on. Age is something that all women care about very much.

Especially when he saw that Uncle Ben had become so young when he woke up, while Aunt Mei herself had gray hair, she was naturally a little sad while being happy.

"I understand, Aunt Mei, look at my hands."

Mu En suddenly stretched out his right hand.

"What's wrong?"

Aunt Mei looked at Mu En's right hand in confusion, and saw Mu En suddenly snap his fingers and the fluorescence flashed.

I saw that the wrinkles on Aunt Mei's face receded, her white hair gradually turned black, and her whole person became younger.

"This is!"

Both Ben and Peter looked at Aunt May's change with some surprise.

Aunt Mei touched her face.

"What's wrong with me?"

As if she realized something, she rushed to the bathroom.

"Mu En, this is what you are doing."

Peter looked at Mu En at a loss.

Mu En smiled while eating his dinner.

"It's nothing. As you know, I have some superpowers."

Peter smiled and shook his head. Is this still a little bit of superpower?

Looking at Uncle Ben and Aunt Mei hugging each other excitedly, Mu En said jokingly.

"Congratulations, Peter. It seems that you will have a little brother in a while."

Peter also smiled knowingly.

"Really, that would be great, so that there will be someone who can accompany them when I am away."

Chapter 707, Hela and Asilia

After dinner, Mu En said goodbye to Peter and his family.

Having fulfilled his promise to Peter, Mu En was in a good mood.

A man hummed and sang and drove back to Valentine.

As soon as he stopped the car, Mu En saw the bishop.

"Bishop, is something wrong? Or is there something wrong with the people in the underworld of Heim?"

The first reaction when seeing Bishop Muen was that there was another problem with the Fangire family. After all, his main task now is to guide the Fangire family to complete their sublimation and evolution in the underworld of Heim.

But the Lord shook his head.

"It's not the clan's problem. This, how should I put it, is..."

Seeing the strange look of the bishop, Mu En was a little confused.

"It's not like what happened, but tell me, are there any problems that you and I can't solve?"

The bishop hesitated and said.

"As a minister, I shouldn't say anything more about His Majesty King's personal life. After all, I have been taught this before, but there are some things I still want to say."

"say what?"

"I know His Majesty King is charming, but please pay more attention to Queen's feelings."

"Haha? What's wrong with Ashelia?"

Mu En's face was filled with questions. What happened during his absence? Didn't I just leave Valentin for a few days?

"Anyway, Your Highness King, please take care of yourself."

After saying this, the bishop immediately withdrew, saying what he should and should not say as a minister.

"It's really baffling."

Mu En scratched his head in confusion and walked towards the hall.

On the way, I met Mr. Valcke, whose hairline had receded a bit. Valcke, who was holding a pile of thick documents, touched his smooth forehead.

"Mr. Dean."

"Long time no see Mr. Valk, thank you for your hard work."

Mr. Valk smiled helplessly.

"It's okay, I can still withstand it, but you should be more careful."

"What's wrong with me?"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Dean, I still have some documents to deal with, so I won't talk any more. Goodbye."

After saying that, Valk, like the bishop, also hurriedly left as if fleeing.

Confused Mu En raised his hand and asked about the bracelet.

"Izzy, what happened these days when I was gone?"

However, this time Izzy, who always answered questions, paused for a long time before speaking.

"Master, Senior Kurim told me that as smart butlers, our task is to help the master complete combat and work problems. We should try to avoid interfering in personal life, especially since Izzy has obtained her own body... ..”

"No, what on earth are you talking about? I'm just asking you what happened. Why did the atmosphere in the entire orphanage seem to be not right when I came back?"

"Izzy can only tell the master that the answer you want is in the hall, and he also asks the master to pay more attention to it."

Mu En frowned and walked quickly towards the hall.

"I want to see what's going on."

However, when Mu En stepped into the hall, he was stunned.

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