"What do you think, we bring back Hela and let her inherit the throne? He is our sister and the first heir to the throne. And now that there is no influence of the power of death, he will not do anything crazy. action."

"Thank you for coming forward, brother. You are indeed someone who can think of using the Twilight of the Gods to deal with my sister."

Loki was really shocked by Thor's clever idea. How long has Hela been exiled? Now you plan to bring someone back to inherit the throne. Will the people of Asgard agree?

Moreover, didn't you notice Hela's expression when she heard that she was going to be exiled to Earth? There was no sadness on his face, it was all excitement. He must have gone after the knight now.


Valentin, Hela who was lying on the bed watching TV suddenly sneezed.

"It's really strange. My constitution can still catch a cold? Is it possible that someone is talking about me behind my back?"

He muttered and changed to a more comfortable position and continued to lie down.

Just as Loki was dealing with the situation and Thor was thinking about how to get rid of the position of king, Heimdall's voice came.

"King, a guest is here. It's my benefactor, Mu En."

As soon as he heard that Mu En had arrived, Sol was immediately overjoyed and all his worries were forgotten.

"Hahaha, my dear friend is here. Quick, tell everyone to prepare for the banquet! We must entertain our benefactors and friends in Asgard!"

Looking at Thor who went into silly fun mode as soon as he mentioned the banquet, Loki shook his head helplessly.

A beam of light fell, and Mu En, Stark and Jarvis landed on the Rainbow Bridge.

Stark looked at Asgard in the distance.

"Is this the legendary divine realm? It's different from what I imagined. It should be more gorgeous and glorious."

"Welcome to Asgard."

As a guard, Heimdall stepped forward and saluted to welcome the arrival of Shepherd and Stark.

"Hello Heimdall, I think you won't mind if I bring two friends to Asgard."

"Of course not. Your friends are also our friends. What's more, Mr. Stark is also a friend of our God King Thor. Please come with me."

Chapter 712, Stark and Asgard

Mu En, Stark and Jarvis arrived at the control room of the Rainbow Bridge under the leadership of Heimdall.

"Tony, look at this, this is one of Asgard's core technologies, the Rainbow Bridge. It can transport people to most planets in the known universe, and it is also a planet-destroying weapon."

After listening to Mu En's words, Stark stopped and took a good look at the Rainbow Bridge.

"Jarvis, can you scan this thing?"

"Scanning sir, unidentified energy signature detected."

Master Heim naturally listened to the conversation between Mu En and Stark. As the manager of the Rainbow Bridge, he naturally knew how great the Rainbow Bridge was, and he was often proud of it.

It's just that when he heard Stark asked Jarvis to scan the Rainbow Bridge, he felt a sense of disdain in his heart. After all, he was from a backward place like the Atrium. How could the Rainbow Bridge be scanned just by scanning it? ?

"No need to waste your efforts, sir. Without the authorization of the God King, the Rainbow Bridge is protected by Asgard's divine power. You cannot peek into the internal structure of the Rainbow Bridge."

Stark was not disappointed, but said with interest.

"Oh, is this unknown energy signal your Asgardian power?"

"Yes, the divine power that protects the Rainbow Bridge comes from the great father of the gods, Odin. His power protects the Rainbow Bridge and Asgard at the same time."

"It's really interesting. In my opinion, divine power is just a special energy with superior quality."

As he spoke, Stark raised his hand and put it on Jarvis' shoulder.

"Jarvis, turn on energy reception, let's try again."

"Yes sir, turn on energy reception."

As he spoke, a force from the dark dimension was transmitted from Stark's body to Jarvis's body, and Jarvis started scanning again.

"This power! Dark Dimension, I thought you were a friend of the God King, but I didn't expect you to be a believer in darkness."

Heimdall said as he drew the blade from his back.

Mu En raised his hand to stop him.

"Don't get excited. Stark is not a believer in darkness. To be precise, he is my contractor."

As he spoke, a dark and profound space quietly unfolded behind Mu En. It was the dark dimension that was once controlled by Dormammu, but now it belongs to Mu En.

"The scan is completed and a detailed data report is being generated."

"nailed it."

Stark clapped his hands.

"This thing is really powerful. It may take some time to generate data. Where should we go next?"

Heimdall glanced at Stark, then at Mu En, and finally put away the blade.

"I have ruled your Majesty Thor, and he will come to you in person soon."

As soon as Heimdall finished speaking, Mu En heard that familiar voice.

"Hahahaha, my dear friend Mu En! Welcome to Asgard!"

Thor and Loki led a group of people to greet Mu En and Stark.

"Oh, Stark, you're here too, welcome."

It was okay to see Thor, but Stark frowned when he saw Loki.


Loki smiled.

"Hello Earthlings, we meet again. I'm sorry for causing you trouble when I was on Earth, but I have changed my mind."

Thor also echoed.

"Yes, yes, Stark has realized his mistake and corrected it. If you still think it can't be done, I have made the decision. You can beat him until you are happy."

Loki's face darkened, no, how could anyone betray his brother like this?

Okay, I'll remember this account. You can ask me to help you with the documents later.

"Okay Tony, let him let go of the past. And this is Asgard's territory, so give him some face."

After listening to Mu En's words, Stark finally nodded.

He heard what Mu En meant. This was a place in Asgard where it was difficult to do anything. Once he got out of the situation, Asgard could do whatever they wanted with him.

Loki shrank his neck. He didn't know why he felt a chill on his back. He shouldn't be. As a descendant of the Frost Giants, he shouldn't be afraid of the cold.

Sol noticed something was wrong in the atmosphere and quickly changed the subject.

"Okay my friends, I've prepared a banquet. We won't get drunk today!"

Stark became excited when he heard about the banquet. He had not attended a banquet for a long time.

"The banquet, this is pretty good."

"Hahaha, right? I knew you would like it. Let's all get excited!!!"

Then everyone walked towards the banquet noisily.

Mu En originally wanted to get down to business, but seeing how happy they were, he didn't have the nerve to interrupt them.

At the banquet, Stark had completely integrated into it, singing and dancing with the Asgardians, and letting his nature go.

After accepting the grateful toast from the Asgardians, Mu En found a quiet place to sit down.

Looking at the noisy people at the banquet not far away, Mu En smiled and wondered how long such a life could last.

He looked up at Mu En and looked at the starry sky. The sky in Asgard looked a little different from the sky on Earth.

Oh, there are also meteors, one, two, hey, meteor shower, so rare.

This meteor shower is really good, it’s getting brighter and brighter, and there are more and more.


Mu En suddenly realized why the meteor was heading towards Asgard.

Thor at the banquet also reacted. Although he usually seems a bit ridiculous, he has awakened his divine power and is always paying attention to the situation in Asgard.

"The breath of the devil! Who dares to attack Asgard!"

With a loud shout, Thor turned into a bolt of lightning and soared into the sky from above the banquet.


Thunder light filled the sky and struck directly at the meteors in the sky.

And with the help of thunder, people on the ground could see clearly what was in the sky. What kind of meteors were these? They were clearly some twisted and weird monsters, exuding an ominous aura.

Looking at these monsters, Mu En frowned.

"These are not Marvel Universe monsters!"

Through the power of the soul gem, Mu En saw that these monsters actually shared a soul, a strange, powerful, and corrosive soul.

Although Thor blocked most of the monsters, some fish that slipped through the net successfully landed on the ground. The moment they set foot on the land of Asgard, the land under their feet turned black as if it had lost its life.

"For Asgard!"

At Heimdall's roar, the Asgardian warriors rushed towards the monsters.

"Mr. En!"

Stark came to Mu En's side immediately, and he who had been drunk just now suddenly sobered up.

"It's okay, I'm here."

After speaking, Mu En narrowed his eyes and looked at these monsters.

I thought to myself.

"So, the boundaries are almost overstretched, right?"

After saying that, he activated his own power, and a powerful aura burst out.

Chapter 713, Cracks in the Boundary

As Mu En's aura burst out, all the strange beasts noticed Mu En and took a step back involuntarily.

"I saw it, they were scared!"

Heimdall held the sword tightly in his hand and stared at these monsters.

"They're afraid of Shepherd."

Loki made a quick decision.

"Quick! Counterattack now! Destroy the monsters on the ground immediately, they are polluting the land of Asgard!"


"Come on!"

The warriors of Asgard swarmed forward and rushed towards the alien beasts.

"Tony, you go help them clean up the guys on the ground, and I'll go help Sol."

"Understood, just think of it as exercise after meals."

Stark walked towards the nearest alien beast, and at the same time the light on his body lit up, and he completed the transformation at the moment of punching.

Mu En stared at the vast night sky and immediately came to Sol's side.

"Thor, are you okay? Can you still stand it?"

Thor's whole body was surrounded by thunder, and with his hand, the lightning was so powerful that he directly obliterated countless attacks towards Asgard.

As soon as Mu En raised his hand, various elemental magics exploded, directly destroying those fish that slipped through the net.

"Thank you, Mu En. You came to Asgard as a guest. I didn't expect that it would be hard on you in the end."

"It doesn't matter, let's deal with these guys first."

Thor nodded and rushed towards the source of these monsters together with Mu En.

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