Thanos raised his hand and jerked it in the air.

A space crack appeared, and a meteorite belt was connected behind the crack. Under the guidance of Thanos, a large number of meteorites passed directly through the space crack and turned into meteors and hit the three women.

"give it to me!"

Hela took a step forward to protect Ranran behind her. At the same time, countless sword peaks appeared. Hela pointed at the meteorite in the sky, and the sword edge turned into a storm and swept towards the meteorite.

The next moment, a special evolution bloomed in the sky, and countless meteorite fragments fell in all directions like dots.

Jessica pressed her hands on the ground, and countless vines from the underworld of Helm emerged, intertwining into a giant net over the city, blocking the meteorite fragments and also blocking Thanos' vision.


"Hi hi~!"

"Wake up!!!"

A melodious whistle sounded. It was clearly daytime just now, but at the moment the whistle sounded, it turned into night. A blood moon rose in the night sky, and a Kiva mark was particularly dazzling above the blood moon.


A pair of white bat wings spread out behind Aixilia, and the bat wings wrapped Aixilia and kicked towards Thanos.

"Sei ya!"

A knight's kick landed on Thanos' body, and kicked Thanos, who was unresponsive, from the air to the ground.


The moment it landed, the ground shook for a moment, leaving the mark of the Kiva clan on the ground.

Thor, who was seriously injured, couldn't help but shrink his neck when he looked at the three women.

I can't afford to offend him, I really can't afford to offend him. Are girls so fierce these days? That's Thanos, a ruthless person who has slaughtered so many planets.

"Did Ahilya succeed?"

Jessica, who didn't know Thanos, asked excitedly. In her impression, the person who got kicked by the Kamen Rider would probably die.

And Hela shook her head and said.

"No, it's not that easy."

Suddenly she seemed to see something.

"Jessica, open the door quickly and pull Ahiliya back!"

Although Jessica didn't know what happened, she immediately activated the power of the Daughter of Origin.

But it was too late, the space in that area was blocked.

I saw Thanos patting the dust on his body and wiping off the blood on his body.

"I admit, I underestimated you. I didn't expect you to be able to hurt me."

Aixilia, who was blocked in the regional space, still wanted to break out of the blockade. However, it was not so easy to break free from the space blocked by the space gem.

"This boring game should end. Your resistance has been in vain from beginning to end."

Thanos slowly walked up to Ashelia, raised his hand and grabbed her neck.

"Since you said you are Queen, let's start with you!"

As he spoke, the strength in his hands gradually increased.

Chapter 723, Five-Gem Thanos

"This boring game should end. Your resistance is in vain."

Thanos's voice is like the judge of the underworld, pronouncing the fate of all creatures in the world.

His hand holding Aixilia's neck became stronger and stronger.


The Yalan Armor could no longer hold up and was combined. Without the protection of the Yalan Armor, Aixilia was getting closer and closer to death.

Jessica and Hela wanted to save people, but Thanos directly blocked the space, preventing them from getting close.

"Damn it, let her go!"

An orange beam of light came towards Thanos, and Thanos fired a purple energy backhand to offset the attack.

"It's you!"

Thanos looked back and saw that it was Kurim and others who came. The battle in the mirror space was over. General Deathblade and Proxima Centauri were no match for them at all.

"It's easy for me to let her go and hand over the Mind Stone."

Kurim paused and glanced at the star gem in his hand.

Mu En’s words rang in his ears.

"Mr. Belt, in the next period of time, you must not hand over the Protoss Gems under any circumstances, do you understand?"

But he looked at Aixilia in Thanos' hands, and he knew what Aixilia meant to Mu En.

Thanos noticed the hesitation and confusion in Kurim's eyes and couldn't help but smile.

Unexpectedly, I seemed to have captured a very important hostage.

"What's wrong? Or is it that her value is not as valuable as the Mind Stone in your eyes?"

Looking at Thanos, everyone was shocked for a moment.

"You bastard!"

"Let her go and come and fight her if you can!"

"Hulk, I'm going to crush you!"

"What's the point of taking hostages?"

"A guy like you deserves to be the overlord of the universe..."

All kinds of yelling and cursing could be heard.

Thanos didn't speak, he just increased the strength on his hands a little more.

Aixilia's whole body has reached the edge of death.

"Why haven't you thought about it yet? I advise you to hand over the gem, otherwise it will not only be her who will die, but also all of you here and this orphanage."

As he spoke, Thanos raised his hand and pointed the shining Infinity Gauntlet at the Valentin Orphanage.


Kurim quickly called out to Thanos.

"Mr. Kurim!"

Stark also looked at Kurim with a complicated expression. On one side was the life of half of the creatures in the universe, and on the other was everything that Mu En cared about most.

He felt tremendous pressure just standing here, not to mention Kurim holding the gem in his hand.

"Mr. Kurim! You can't give it to him! We must have other ways."

"But Ahilya is in his hands."

"What should we do now!"

"Mu'en, here's Mu'en!"

"Yes! We just need to wait until Mu En comes back after solving the nightmare..."

Thanos spoke again.

"Have you thought clearly? My patience has its limits."


Kurim suddenly roared.

"I can give you the Mind Stone. But! You can't attack Aixilia and the orphanage!"

Thanos nodded.

"Of course, I always keep my promises."

"Okay, here's the Mind Stone for you."


"Mr. Kurim!"

"Dr. Kurim!"


Kurim glared at them, then walked towards Thanos step by step.

Thanos also looked at Kurim and others.

"Hand the gem with one hand, release the person with the other!"


Kurim handed over the Mind Stone in his hand, and Thanos kept his promise and let Ahilya go.

"It's now!"

Kurim instantly activated the heavy acceleration ability, and the entire neighborhood was enveloped in the heavy acceleration force field. Kurim pulled Aishilia over, and at the same time reached out and clawed at the star spirit stagnant in mid-air. gem.

However, the next moment he saw Thanos actually moving.

A purple energy beam shot towards Kurim.

Kurim hurriedly took Aixilia to escape, but the Protoss Gem fell into the hands of Thanos.

"The Star Spirit Gem is finally in hand."

Thanos grabbed the Mind Stone and placed it on the groove of the Infinity Gauntlet. It immediately fit in perfectly, and a powerful force instantly flowed throughout his body.

A pleasant smile appeared on his ugly purple sweet potato face, but his smile was even more ugly.

"Sorry, my plan failed."

Kurim protected Asilia and returned to everyone with an apologetic look on his face.

He originally thought of using heavy acceleration to catch him off guard, but he didn't expect that Thanos, who had collected four Infinity Stones, would not be affected by the heavy acceleration stance at all.

Stark shook his head.

"It doesn't matter. You have tried your best. If it were us, we wouldn't even have a chance."

Thanos, who had obtained the Infinity Stones, looked at everyone and sneered.

"Interesting ability. If it weren't for the protection of gems, I might have fallen victim to it."

Looking at Thanos, everyone put on a fighting stance, although most of them had just experienced a big battle and didn't have much strength anymore.

"Hehehe, do you want to play with me? But I have no interest in playing such boring games with you anymore."

Thanos smiled.

"Although you used tricks to break the agreement, I won't. According to the agreement, I will not attack this woman again, nor will I attack this orphanage again. But I don't know if you will be so lucky next time. ”

After saying that, Thanos used the space gem to disappear directly.

Looking at Thanos disappearing, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"What do we do next?"

Dr. Banner turned back to his human form and looked at everyone and asked.

Kurim replied slowly.

"Maybe we have one last chance."

Stark understood what he meant.

"You mean, the time stone?"

Kurim nodded.

"As long as the last gem has not fallen into his hands, we still have hope. As long as we hold on to the last gem until Mu En comes back, we still have a chance."

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