For a moment, everyone on the battlefield seemed to be unable to breathe.

"Stephen, use your magic to save everyone!"

Steve's first reaction was to ask Stephen for help, but he saw that there was only a magic cloak left where Stephen stood.

At this moment, they knew that Mu En had failed.

That "Thanos" destroyed half of all life in the universe through the Infinity Stones.

"No! It shouldn't be like this, that Mu En will actually lose!"

On the S.H.I.E.L.D. battleship, Nick Fury shook his head repeatedly. He couldn't believe it was such a takeover, but the fact was right in front of him. Without thinking too much, he took out one of his own windbreakers that had been eliminated by the times. pager.

But the next moment he felt like something was wrong with him.

"Hill! Look at me..."

When he looked back at his assistant, he found that Agent Hill had also disappeared.



The pager fell to the floor.

Valentin and Jessica hurried into the room where Ashelia was resting.

"Asilia! Children! Children!"

However, when she entered the room, she found that it was gone. There was nothing.

A zipper door appeared, and the bishop walked out anxiously, asking with an extremely panicked expression.

"What happened! Why! Why can't I sense King and Queen!"

The bishop, who had always been extremely calm, showed a panicked look for the first time.

Jessica also shook her head in confusion. She collapsed helplessly on the ground, tears falling uncontrollably.

"I don't know! I don't know either. Just now, many people disappeared, just disappeared out of thin air!"

The entire world fell into chaos the moment the fingers were snapped under everything. The Earth Alliance lost this battle, and they lost completely.

They think that as long as they unite together, they can overcome all difficulties. They think that as long as they have pastoral grace, they can withstand powerful enemies.

But this time, they lost completely.

Chapter 734: Mu En also disappeared?

Avengers Tower, where all the survivors gathered.

The atmosphere in the conference room was particularly depressing.

Stark sat in front of the computer and kept rubbing his eyebrows. Anxiety, depression, irritability, and various negative emotions lingered in his heart.

Suddenly a beam of light fell, and Hela appeared in front of everyone.

Steve asked anxiously.

"How is the situation? Have you found Mu En?"

Hela shook her head.

Banner said with some despair.

"Could it be said that even Mu En..."

Kurim shook his head repeatedly.

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible! Mu En has transcended the category of normal living beings. In the words of our understanding, he has already become a god."

"But, even gods will disappear, right? Just like Loki..."

Hela denied.

"No, although we Asgardians regard ourselves as gods, neither I nor Thor can be considered a true god, and neither can Loki."

"Then what should we do now?"

Everyone fell into silence again.

"Sir, the death list has been compiled."

Jarvis opened the door and walked in.

Looking at the document in his hand, Stark shook his head.

"Put it down Jarvis, we're not in the mood to watch this right now."

Jarvis put down the document in his hand, and the first name in the document was Mu En.

Harry suddenly stood up and walked out the door.

"Where are you going young man?"

Steve stopped Harry,

Harry didn't look back, just put the bat-wing mask on his face.

"This city needs someone to maintain order. Peter doesn't want to watch the city he loves fall into chaos."

After that, he left the conference room.

RoboCop Murphy also stood up.

"Harry is right, we have lost, but the social order cannot fall into chaos because of this. I am going back to the police station. There are still many things that I need to deal with there."

Wang and several representatives of mages also left together. Kama Taj's loss can be said to be the greatest. The number of mages was not large. Some of them died in the war, and some disappeared under the snap of a finger.

Now Kamal Taj still needs them to protect, the boundary between the earth and other dimensions still needs to be maintained, and the position of the Supreme Mage still needs to be replaced by someone.

"They're right."

Stark suddenly stood up.

“We lost this war, and we lost it completely, which also made us clearly aware of our limitations.

But we cannot just stop there. We must shoulder the responsibilities of those disappeared comrades, and it is precisely because of these responsibilities that we must continue to move forward.

I believe that as we continue to move forward, we will be able to find a way to bring everyone back. "

Stark was not as discouraged after the war as in the original work, but instead became more determined and strong.

"That's right, the Infinity Stones!"

Rocket suddenly jumped on the table and shouted at everyone.

"Since Thanos used the Infinity Stones to destroy half of all life in the universe, can we also use the Infinity Stones to bring everyone back?"

Rocket's words immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Yes, the Infinity Stone has incredible power. Since it can take away half of the life in the universe, can it also bring back half of the lost life?

"So where should we look for the Infinity Stones?"

Steve's words were like a basin of cold water, extinguishing the fire of hope that everyone had just seen.

Stark looked at Kurim and asked.

"Kulim, you used the power of the Mind Stone to gain a body before, so can you sense the location of other Infinity Stones?"

Kurim nodded.

"Maybe I can give it a try."

"Really, that's great, maybe we really have a chance."

At this moment, the alarm in the conference room rang. Everyone looked out the window and saw a man covered in golden light hovering outside the window. The man's hand was holding a long gun and something that looked like a glove.

The man entered the conference room directly through the window, threw a damaged glove on the ground, and asked.

"Where is Nick Fury? And who of you knows Kamen Rider Eternal?"

"Nick Fury?"


Everyone looked at the stranger in front of them in confusion.

Carol also looked at everyone present. She was originally helping a planet that was being invaded outside the Milky Way. Suddenly, half of the invaders and indigenous people on the planet disappeared. Then she received Nick Fury's signal rushed back to Earth.

On the way back to Earth, she picked up a damaged Infinity Gauntlet and a spear stained with the aura of Muen in the ruins of the universe, so she came to Earth with these two things.

Jarvis told Carol what happened on Earth, and Carol finally understood what was going on.

"This is Thanos's Infinity Gauntlet. How did it become like this?"

Rocket picked up the Infinity Gauntlet that fell to the ground.

"Where are the Infinity Stones up there?"

"Infinity stones?"

Carol shook her head.

"I don't know, it was already like this when I picked it up."

Steve said looking at the Infinity Gauntlet.

"Will the Infinity Stones be scattered to all corners of the universe again after that guy uses them?"

Rhodes clapped his hands suddenly as if he thought of something.

"It's like Dragon Ball, right?"

Suddenly everyone's eyes turned to Rhodes.

Rhodes felt uncomfortable for a while.

"What's wrong, why are you looking at me? Haven't you read the Dragon Ball comic?"

Stark patted Rhodes on the shoulder and smiled.

"No, I just want to say that Rhodes, you are a genius. Maybe the infinite stones are really scattered to every corner of the universe."

"So, are we going to start looking for infinite gems in the universe next?"

After saying this, everyone was still a little excited. Are they going to have an adventure in the universe? Speaking of which, they haven't left the earth yet.

Carol looked at these optimistic guys and said.

"Leaving aside whether the Infinity Stones are scattered in the universe, let me ask you how many of you here have the ability to navigate the universe?"

Everyone looked at each other and thought, well, there are indeed not many people who have this ability.

Stark counts, Thor and Hela count, the others don't seem to work, even Steve can't even fly...


Not sure how much time had passed, Mu En suddenly opened his eyes, and several strange pictures appeared in front of Mu En.


Even Mu En was shocked for a moment.


When Mu En shouted, those strange guys also screamed and dispersed.

"You guy, why are you so surprised!"

The red guy among them looked at Mu En dissatisfied.

The purple guy jumped up and down, pointing at the red guy and laughing.

"Hahaha, Taozi was scared too, what a coward!"

"I, I am not scared."

"Oh, really, lying will cost you a thousand needles."

Mu En looked at these strange guys in front of him and was stunned for a moment. He recognized who these guys were.

"The Four Idiots on the Streetcar?"

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