"Please wake up, isn't he standing right in front of us?"

"Huh? It seems true."

Looking at the two drunken drunkards, the night elves' faces became colder and colder. These Asgardians were really disgusting.

"Did you go investigate that thing that fell from the sky today?"

"Yeah, how do you know?"

The two drunk people still didn't understand the situation.

"Tell me, what did you find?"

"What was found? What else could be found? Of course..."

As usual, he suddenly woke up.

"No, who are you? Why do you ask this?"

Although they love to drink and often miss work due to drinking, as a member of the reconnaissance cavalry team, he knows very well that the nature of the mission is not allowed to be disclosed to anyone.

"Tch, you're so drunk and still talking so hard, tell me what did you find?"

As he spoke, two sharp blades slowly emerged from the dark elf's cuffs.

The bright blade looked coldly illuminated by the two bright moons of Vidanil.

"No, who are you!"

In an instant, the drunkenness of the two people dissipated and they sobered up. They immediately pulled out the weapons from their waists.

But it was too late, the sharp blade scratched their necks, and the two fell backwards.

The dark elf glanced at them and spat.

"Bah, damn Asgardians."

Before being discovered, he melted into the darkness again and disappeared.

Soon, the bodies of these two people were discovered by others, which shocked the entire city-state for a while. You must know that this is the core city-state of Vidanil, and it is guarded by the Asgardian coalition. It is not that easy to sneak into. Yes.

For a time, ordinary residents in the city-state fell into panic. The person who died today was Asgard's reconnaissance report, so they might be the ones who died tomorrow. The matter got bigger and bigger, and eventually it reached Hela's ears. middle.

Hela, who was sitting on the throne, summoned her men to discuss the matter.

"What do you think of this matter?"

"Your Highness, Princess, we have detected dark energy from Walter Elheim on the corpse of the deceased, so we can initially speculate that it was the dark elves who did it."

"Princess Qi, these two deceased were members of the reconnaissance cavalry, and just yesterday the reconnaissance cavalry went to investigate the falling star, so I suspect that they also came for the star."

"Princess, this matter is of great importance. Those dark elves were able to sneak into the city-state through our layers of guard. I'm afraid they have gained a new power. We need only the remaining ones!"


Everyone started discussing in a flurry, and things gradually shifted from the two dead cavalry to the current situation of the fight against the rebels.

The war has been going on for a hundred years. The war is cruel and the consumption it brings is huge.

As a result, the coalition forces are no longer monolithic, and many different voices have begun to appear. If Odin did not have the absolute power to suppress Xiao Xiao, I am afraid that the current situation would only be more dangerous.

Moreover, what most of them were afraid of was only Odin's reputation, and it was not Odin who was sitting on the throne now. They immediately expressed their thoughts and tried to influence Odin's decision through Hela.

"That's enough, Haiya, tell me what you think."

Hela stopped everyone arguing and then looked at the cavalry captain Haiya.

The ones who died were Haiya's men and his comrades. It was undoubtedly the biggest blow to him. Obviously everyone was drinking and laughing together yesterday, but the next day everyone was separated from each other.

But after all, he is a person who has experienced the baptism of war, and Haiya behaves extremely rationally.

"Back to Princess, my subordinates believe that the most important thing at the moment is to seal the city gate and investigate the spies who have infiltrated. They are most likely coming for Tianxing, and there may be more than one person infiltrating, so our top priority is to arrest It would be best to interrogate them and find out from their mouths how they sneaked into the city."

Hela heard his answer and nodded with satisfaction.

"Did you all hear it? From now on, the whole city will be under martial law. Catch all the little mice hiding in the corners!"

Chapter 749, Griffin Knight, Dwarf Gunner

"Quick! Catch him!"

"Don't let him get away!"

There was a chase, and a figure ran through the alleys of the city-state, followed closely by a group of Asgardian soldiers.

"Tch, stupid dark elf, messed everything up."

Those who fled in panic were none other than the Frost Giants who had sneaked into the city-state. After they successfully infiltrated into the city-state, they dispersed to collect information about the stars.

Unexpectedly, the stupid dark elf killed the people who were scouting the knights in just one night. Didn't this tell the people in Asgard that they were coming for the stars?

After the dark elves killed the people who were scouting the cavalry, Hela directly ordered that all the strangers be arrested and interrogated strictly. Two unlucky guys had already been arrested.

"Damn it, are these Asgardians still chasing you?"

The Frost Giant looked back at the Asgardian soldiers and accelerated again.

"Stop! Don't even think about running away!"

However, as soon as he ran through an intersection, he saw another group of people blocking him from the front.

There were walls several meters high on both sides of the alley. There were Asgardians in front and behind, and he was surrounded.

The Asgardian soldiers drew their weapons and slowly surrounded the Frost Giant.

"Stand still!"

"be honest!"

"Let's capture him without mercy!"

The Frost Giant looked around with a sneer on his face.

"Haha, just a few of you want to catch me? You're not qualified enough!"


With a roar, the Frost Giant retreated from its disguise, its body began to swell, and its skin turned blue. At the same time, a cold air swept in all directions.

"What! It's a Frost Giant!"

"Call for support!"

There were only a dozen or so people who came to hunt him down, and those chosen by Laufei to perform the mission were all the best among the best, so there was no way they could keep him.

"Hahaha, since you have discovered it, let me have some fun too!"

The Frost Giant waved a huge icicle and smashed it directly into the crowd.

"Quickly retreat!"


Several people who had no time to retreat were knocked to the ground.

They had thought that the people who had sneaked in were just a few dark elves. After all, they looked the closest to ordinary people and would be easier to sneak in. However, they did not expect that there were actually frost giants who had sneaked in this time.

Misstep, they are no match for the Frost Giants in this kind of terrain.

Completely opposite to the panic state of the Asgardian soldiers, the Frost Giants became more courageous as they fought. They themselves are a bloodthirsty and militant race, and it was completely frustrating for them to perform infiltration missions.

"Come on, let me smash you!"

The frost giant laughed wildly and waved the icicle in his hand.

Suddenly, a sharp eagle whistle came.

A black shadow in the sky swooped down towards the Frost Giant.

"Look! It's the cavalry captain Haiya!"

"It's that gryphon knight Haiya!"

Wearing armor and holding a spear in hand, Haiya leaned on the back of the griffin and rushed towards the frost giant.


The Frost Giant would also directly hit Haiya with the icicle in his hand.


There was a muffled sound, and the icicle in the frost giant's hand shattered instantly, and the spear with a cold light went straight towards the giant's heart.


Bloody light burst out, and the frost giant hurriedly swung the spear away with his hand, directly grazing the back of his hand, and shot through his shoulder.

But it wasn't over yet. Haiya flew the griffon into the air again, turned around and dived down again.

Although the Frost Giant is huge and powerful, he is no match for the agile Griffin Knight.

The Frost Giant who was selected by Laufey to perform the mission was not stupid. He recognized this guy riding a griffon, and this guy killed countless of their compatriots on the battlefield.

Qian!?Xun!,Free!?Free?.:!;Small,"say?'skirt"!;;!2""5;:!?5?!"!"5!,9;5'3? ?!??0'0 No, he has to leave here. He doesn't want to die yet. He still wants to pass on the information here.

In addition to looking for the so-called sky star when they sneak into the city-state, they also have another task, which is to find out the defense map in the city-state.


After understanding the current situation, Frost actually roared angrily, then turned around and knocked down the house on the side. Suddenly the smoke and dust obscured Haiya's sight, and the Frost Giant took the opportunity to run towards the gate of the city-state.

"Humph, you want to run away? It's not that easy!"

Haiya snorted and blew the whistle, and a group of cavalry came towards the frost giants.

Soon, the frost giants were surrounded by cavalry before they arrived at the gate of the city-state.

Haiya rode a griffin in the air to dominate the audience.

"Knights, attack!"

With an order, the cavalry raised their weapons and charged towards the frost giant.

The charging cavalry, even the frost giants, had to avoid its sharp edge.

After just a few rounds of charges, the Frost Giant was severely damaged.

"No! I can't die here yet! Damn the cavalry, damn the Asgardians! Damn all of you!"

On the verge of death, countless negative emotions flooded my mind.


With a roar, green light representing gamma radiation shot into the sky, directly forcing the cavalry back.

"How is this going?"

Haiya in the air showed doubts.

The Frost Giant, controlled by gamma radiation energy, went completely berserk and rushed towards the cavalry.

"This wave is gamma radiation!"

Mu En, who originally planned to go to the palace to see Hela, was attracted by the violent fluctuations of the frost giant.

Mu En is very familiar with this radiation wave. After fighting against everything under the sun for so long, Mu En can recognize it immediately no matter how hidden his energy wave is.

“Under everything!”

Mu En felt the abnormal movement of this gamma radiation and suddenly frowned.

"Is it such a coincidence? That guy is also in this time and space?"

Regardless of coincidence or not, Mu En decided to go take a look first to see what was going on.

Combining the frost giant's body with the power of gamma radiation, this radiation-mutated giant burst out with extremely powerful power.


He roared and punched the ground, causing the solid floor to crack instantly.

The cavalrymen were immediately shaken by the bombardment of this punch, and their neat formation instantly dispersed.

"Retreat! Keep distance and reorganize!"

Once the cavalry loses their formation advantage, their power will be greatly reduced.

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