

After confirming that it was their daughter, the two hugged each other tightly.

"My good girl, you have grown up so much, and I have missed, what? Five years of time with my daughter!!!"

Suddenly, Scott seemed to think of something.

"By the way, time! The time flow rate in the quantum realm and the real world is different!"

Thinking of this, he let go of his daughter.

"Listen, Casey, I have some things to deal with. Maybe I can bring everyone back and keep them at home, okay?"

Casey nodded.

"Don't worry, Dad, I've grown up."

I don't know why, but hearing this, Scott only felt a sense of bitterness. For him, time had not passed long, but for Kathy, she had lost her father for five years.


Valentine, in the underground base.

Stark sat back on the chair, and the No. 1 Exploration Team and the No. 2 Exploration Team were still exchanging information.

Although they are separated by several star clusters, some information can be used to a certain extent.

"Sir, someone is looking for you."

Jarvis walked up to Stark, raised his hand, and a scene of a man shouting at the door of Stark Tower appeared in front of Stark.

"Hey, Mr. Stark! It's me, Scott, Ant-Man!

We met a few years ago at the German airport, that giant!

I have something to tell you! Very important! "

Stark frowned as he looked at Scott yelling in the picture.

"What is this? Whose prank is this past scene? Jarvis is on the death list..."

"Yes sir, Scott Lang, codenamed Ant-Man, his name is on the death list."

"Quick! Tell him to come over."

"Yes, sir."

Jarvis directly remotely controlled a sports car to take Scott to the orphanage.

After Jarvis brought Scott to the underground base, Steve recognized him at a glance.

"Scott?! You're alive!"

"Captain, long time no see."

Scott was also a little surprised when he looked at Steve on the screen.

Stark interrupted the two's reminiscing and asked directly.

"Okay Scott, do you have something important to say? Also, can you tell me how you survived?"

Scott raised his hand and rubbed his face and said.

"Mr. Stark, I believe you are familiar with quantum physics."

"Quantum physics? I have been doing research for a while, what's wrong?"

Stark didn't understand what he was asking about quantum physics. Could it be that his matter was related to quantum physics?

"This is what happened. Five years ago, just before the Thanos incident, I entered the quantum realm in order to help a friend..."

Scott told Stark about the quantum realm and expressed his conjecture about the difference between the quantum realm and the earth's time mechanism.

"The rules of the quantum realm are chaotic, and the time rules of the real world do not work in it. If we can take advantage of this chaos, then maybe we can do it..."

Stark answered directly.

"Time travel?!"

"Yes, it is time travel. I know this thing is very crazy, but I believe it may be feasible. We only need a special device to help us open the door to the quantum realm, and then travel from another time node Out, like, before Thanos comes..."

Everyone was shocked when they heard the news.

If they could go back to before Thanos appeared and collect the Infinity Stones before Thanos, then maybe they could bring everyone back!

Stark didn't speak, but looked at the screen.

"Do you think it's feasible?"

Kurim spoke.

"I think it is very feasible. After all, I have personally seen travelers who traveled through time and space."

He remembered that a long time ago, when he was still in the Knight Universe, future Shinnosuke had gone back to the past to fight alongside him, and Shinnosuke's son had never returned to the present.

Stark pondered for a moment and spoke.

"I think the interstellar exploration thing can be put aside for a while. You guys can go back to Earth first, and maybe we can go crazy one last time."

Steve nodded.

"I agree."

"I agree too."

"Very well, let's fight it one last time!"

Chapter 755, Surtur

More than a thousand years ago, Nine Realms.

On the battlefield, Mu En stood alone in front of thousands of troops. Behind him was the Asgardian coalition.

Looking around, the top of the mountain opposite was densely packed with Frost Giants and Balrogs.

"General, the information has come back. This time the leader on the opposite side is the flame giant Surtur."

An Asgardian warrior quickly came to Mu En and reported.

"I understand, you prepare everyone for the first wave of charge."


Several months have passed since Mu En joined the coalition. During this period, Mu En has won countless battles, large and small, with his tyrannical strength.

He made countless meritorious deeds and gradually reached the position of a general.

Looking far into the distance, Mu En could already see the life energy that was as strong as flames across the entire battlefield.

Surtur, the fire giant, is one of Odin's mortal enemies and the holder of the eternal fire.

In other words, he himself is part of the eternal fire.

As long as his crown and eternal fire are still there, no matter how many times he dies, he can be resurrected.

This is why later, after defeating Surtur, the God King Odin took the Eternal Fire away as a trophy and sealed it in Asgard's treasure house.

However, Surtur in this era has not yet had a decisive battle with Odin. As the ruler of the Flame World, he is ambitious and stands on the opposite side of Odin, intending to use the power under all things to become one of the rulers of the Nine Realms. .

"Haha, have you realized that something is wrong? Do you want Surtur to deal with me? It's a pity that it's not enough."

Looking across from him, Surtel Muen grinned.

Surtur on the other side looked at the Asgard coalition's position and snorted coldly.

"Young men, come with me and kill all those bastards across the way!"



Following Surtur's order, the Balrogs rushed out first, followed closely by the Frost Giants, fearing that they would lose their battle merit if they ran too slowly.

Only the dark elves followed slowly. At this moment, their king was still sleeping and had not yet awakened. They must preserve their vitality.

And they chose to follow the Underworld in order to use the means under the Underworld to awaken the king of their own family.

When Surtur ordered the charge, countless fireballs fell from the sky and covered the Asgard coalition's position.


Mu En gave an order, and the complex defense elves and the Warner Protoss set up a double barrier, relying on the barrier to prevent the impact of the fire rain.

"Artilleryman ready!"

The dwarves quickly loaded their magic cannons and locked onto the charging emperor.





Three rounds of volleys were fired, and bursts of magic shells fell towards the enemy like meteor showers.

A huge explosion was heard, and several mushroom clouds rose above the battlefield.

Relying on the dwarf's artillery, it directly reduced a wave of the opponent's effective strength.

This didn't mean much timing, though, because Surtur was still there.

As long as he is alive, there will be a steady stream of Balrogs being born, and Balrogs are different from Frost Giants.

The Frost Giants are a real race that needs to be reproduced, while the Balrogs are more like familiars splintered from Surtur.

Surtur looked at the magic artillery on the position, pulled out a flaming giant sword directly from the ground, and slashed towards the artillery position. A fierce flame slash came to the position in an instant.


There was an explosion and flames shot into the sky.

The next moment, the fierce flames seemed to be sucked in by something.

As the flames diminished, a voice appeared in front of Surtur's eyes. Mu En, wearing the Wizard's armor, casually opened a crimson magic to engulf all the flames.

Under the mask, Mu En smiled at Surtur.

"Hello, Fire Giant, Surtur. I heard that your flames are very good. Can you lend me the Eternal Fire to play with?"

"Hmph, you are the guy under Odin who claims to be the Kamen Rider, right! Are you a little kid wearing a mask on the battlefield because you are afraid of being recognized by others?"

"Haha, of course not. I'm just afraid that I'll be too handsome and blind your eyes."

"You sharp-tongued guy, I want to see what you are capable of."

Although Surtur's character is somewhat reckless, he is not a simple-minded character.

In an instant, he transformed into a flaming giant that covered the sky and the sun. He held a huge sword that could cut off mountains and slashed at Mu En.

Mu En did not rely on his strength, but pushed his strength to the extreme, and rushed forward directly to face Surtur's attack.


A cry of contention resounded throughout the battlefield. Mu En held the brilliant sword and ax and resisted Surtur's sword.

I have to say that in the Marvel world, guys with giant names in their names are not ordinary characters. At this moment, the power burst out by the flame giant Surtur has exceeded Mu En's expectations, but that's it. .

"What? This kid actually has such power!"

Surtur was also stunned. Although this attack was just a tentative attack and did not use all his strength, he still used 70% of his strength.

However, even so, I couldn't shake him at all.

"This guy is even stronger than they say."

Mu En looked at the flaming giant sword in front of him and smiled.

"Although getting bigger is very interesting, but, do you know there is a law among Kamen Riders, that is, you will die if you get bigger!"

The ring on Mu En's hand shines brightly.


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