Stark nodded.

"Okay, we have almost integrated the information, so let's prepare a detailed combat plan."

In the original script, the surviving Avengers were divided into three teams and went back in time to find the Infinity Stones, and they only had one chance, but now everything has changed.

They couldn't help but mass-produce Pym particles, and the number of people gathered here was far greater than the original show.

Just as they were making plans, a zipper door appeared out of thin air, and Jessica walked out of it.

"Mr. Stark, I heard from Izzy that you are going back in time to search for the Infinity Stones. I want to participate too."

Stark frowned slightly as he looked at Jessica.

"Sorry Miss Jessica, what we have to do is a very serious matter, not a game for children."

"I know, that's why I hope to join you. I have the authority of the Heim Underworld in me. If you encountered any trouble in the past, I can bring you into the Heim Underworld. This will not only avoid trouble, but also bring you into the Heim Underworld. It also prevents us from disturbing the past through accidents and mistakes.”


Stark hesitated a little. He knew that Heim Underworld was a very buggy ability. He had studied it with Mu En before, but Mu En didn't seem to pay much attention to this ability, or he used it to transfer. Use it, or use it as a warehouse.

When Stark hesitated, Calim asked Jessica.

"Jessica, are you sure your ability to open doors will still be useful after you go back to the past?"

Jessica nodded.

"And as the daughter of the origin, I have the ability to travel back in time and space. However, this ability has many limitations, so I thought of joining your plan and going back to the past together."

Kurim knew about the power of Helm's underworld, he looked at Stark and said.

"Bring Jessica with you. She may be able to play some unexpected role at critical moments, and her strength is not weak."

Seeing that Kurim also spoke, Stark nodded and looked back at the others.

Others agreed upon seeing this, after all, they are not short of Pym particles now.

"Okay, everyone, sit down and get ready, we will meet in half an hour!"



More than a thousand years ago, Nine Realms.

The final battle is about to begin. After Hela awakens the power of death, the Asgardian coalition is overwhelming.

Hela even gave up her status as a superior princess and became a vanguard officer. Under her command was a group of warriors who were not afraid of death. They always charged at the forefront and fought for their beliefs, and their belief was Hela.

Mu En is still fighting while searching for traces under all things. This damn guy hides himself very well, but Mu En has also reached his approximate location.

At the end of the principle battlefield, in the depths of Jotunheim, a powerful wave of gamma radiation once appeared, and it was easy to guess that that wave was caused by all things.

The 761st Palm, the Nine Realms War, the final battle

In Jotunheim, the final war broke out completely, and the entire planet turned into a battlefield. The Asgardian coalition and the resistance forces gathered here to prepare for the final war.

Odin rides on an eight-legged horse, holding the Eternal Spear and staring ahead. Hela sits on the back of the giant wolf Fenir and stands beside Odin.

As Asgard's honorary general, Mu En stands on the other side of Odin.

The Asgardian coalition forces have been assembled, and they are in high spirits under the leadership of Mu En.

On the opposite side, two giants as huge as mountains were also looking at this side eagerly.

The Fire Giant Surtur and the Frost Giant King Laufey are also Odin's old rivals.

Laufey looked at Odin and shouted.

"Odin, it's time for this to end! This is your burial place today!"

Odin returned with a cold snort.

"Humph, after so many years, your skills have not grown much, but you have become much thicker-skinned. But you are right about one thing, the war should end! The Nine Realms need a stable environment to cultivate and thrive!"

Surtur waved the giant sword in his hand and laughed.

"Hahahahaha, then use your head, Odin, to lay the foundation for a new order in the Nine Realms!"

"Father, why are you talking so much nonsense to them? They are just two defeated generals. Let our Asgardian cavalry crush this last enemy!"

Hela's eyes were full of fanatical killing intent, and she could no longer bear it any longer.

Odin glanced at Hela, and finally raised the Eternal Spear in his hand and pointed it in the direction of the Frost Giant and Fire Giant.


With an order, Asgard's army galloped towards the opponent.

Surtur also waved the giant sword in his hand and pointed at Odin.

"Kill them all!"

Frost giants and balrogs came out in full force.

The final war has begun.

Odin drove the eight-legged horse and waved the eternal spear in his hand and rushed towards his opponent, the Frost Giant King Laufei. Mu En also faced Surtur, and Hela led her bodyguards to rush to the battlefield. .

Wearing the Wizard's armor, Mu En wields the brilliant sword and ax in his hand. The power of each sword is more powerful than the last one.

"Damn Kamen Rider, do you still think you can defeat me? I have become stronger!"

Surtur roared, and the giant sword in his hand burst into flames.

Qian??"Xun:?"Free;;?fee'",,小!!说!" skirt:";':2;5?5?5;?9"?5:;:3?0,' .!;0 "Really? Why didn't I see it?"


Surtur roared, and his body made of magma and flames became even larger, causing Jotunheim, which had been frozen all year round, to melt.

"I will burn you to ashes!"

While roaring, a scorching flame spurted out from his mouth. This flame seemed to be able to incinerate everything in the world.

"It's a good flame, but unfortunately, it's useless to me!"

Mu En held the sword with one hand in his right hand, and passed his left hand across the front of his belt.


A red magic circle rose up in front of Mu En, instantly engulfing all the flames. This terrifying flame had no effect at all in front of Mu En.

"Well, it's really good, but I don't like taking other people's things for nothing. So, give it back to you!"

The palm passed across the front of the belt again, the magic circle flipped over, and the engulfed flames spurted out instantly.

Surtur immediately raised the giant sword in his hand to resist, and the scattered flames fell on the frost giants charging forward behind Surtur, and the unlucky guys were instantly turned into ashes.

Surtur was extremely angry when Mu En used his own flames to attack him, and he rushed towards Mu En with the giant sword in his hand.

The war escalated, and Mu En discovered that Surtur and the frost giant Laufei had indeed become more powerful than before.

"So, Ten Thousand Things has finally taken action against you, right?"

Mu En thought in his mind, swaying to avoid Surtel's sword, and raised his hand to place it on the brilliant sword and axe.


"High Touch! Shining Strike!"

Switching the sword and ax in his hand to the ax form, Mu En began to swing the sword and ax with the blessing of magic.


The huge ax blade slashed at the flame giant. Surtur tried to block it with his sword, but the ax directly cut off his giant sword.


The giant ax passed through, and a huge hole was opened directly in Surtur's chest.

Blood spurted out like lava.

However, the next moment, the hideous wound began to heal, and Surtur laughed wildly as if he had not been affected in any way.

"I am, immortal!"

While laughing wildly, he grabbed the broken flaming giant sword and rubbed it with his hands. The blade that was cut off by Mu En completed the regeneration.

But Mu En's attention was not on Surtur at all.

"It can't be wrong! That breath just now, that stinking breath full of negative emotions and gamma radiation!

It is under all things! "

Soon, all the wounds on Surtur's body had healed, and the weak breath disappeared in an instant.

"Don't be distracted when fighting!"

Seeing that Mu En was distracted, Surtur directly swung his giant sword towards him.

When Mu En saw this, he immediately dodged to avoid it, but Surtel suddenly turned his sword as if he had already predicted Mu En's movements.


The careless Mu En was chopped down from the air by Surtar.

"Damn it, you were so careless."

Seeing that his attack finally caused damage, Surtur became more and more excited.

"Hahahahaha, this feels so good, this feeling of growing strength."

The excited Surtur walked towards Mu En while talking to himself.

"Kill you first, and then kill Odin, so that the entire Nine Realms will become ours. No, not only that, but the world outside the Nine Realms will also be ours!"

"Have your spring and autumn dreams!"

Mu En snorted coldly, and one ring after another scratched his belt.

"Reality! (Reality)"

"power! (power)"

"Space! (Space)"

"Time! (time)"

"Infinite! (Infinite)"

The power of the four infinite gems exploded at the same time at this moment. Mu En instantly bounced off the ground and kicked directly towards Surtur, with dazzling magic circles unfolding under his feet.

Surtel swung his sword directly towards Mu En.

But the next moment, something he couldn't believe happened. His sword passed directly through Mu En's body.

"Sei Ya!"

The magic arrays were superimposed layer by layer, and Mu En kicked Surtur in the chest.


The magic was activated, and these magic circles were superimposed and imprinted directly on Surtur's chest, and he kicked him towards the frost giant Laufey.

Chapter 762, Under the Entity and Everything

Odin saw Surtur flying towards Laufei and immediately activated his divine power.


The runes on the Eternal Spear shone brightly, and a powerful storm was immediately released, sending Laufei flying away.

Two giant blades as huge as mountains collided heavily.

But it was not over yet, Odin once again raised the Eternal Spear in his hand.


In an instant, Jotunheim was shrouded in dark clouds, and violent thunder suddenly fell, hitting the two giants accurately.

Mu En also activated magic again, preparing to hit the target.

However, at this moment, a terrifying energy burst out from Surtur and Laufey's bodies.

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