"It's really interesting. Should I also get an artificial intelligence to play with?"

Mu En also researched artificial intelligence when he was studying with his teacher, but he felt that this thing would not save him during the war in New York, so he put it aside. Now that he thinks about it, it would be good to have a personal butler, at least. You can ask him to ask for help when you can't do it yourself.

"So what should this artificial intelligence be called?"

Chapter 96: The first appearance of the dopant

Tonight in New York is destined to be a sleepless night. The battle between Stark and Obaday shocked everyone.

At this moment, the two of them were flying high into the sky.

"Sir, his armor can also fly."

"Nonsense, I've seen it all. Calculate the maximum height that his armor can fly."

"Sir, the energy remaining is 15%. The possibility of being able to fly to that height is..."

"Shut up, I'll do the math myself!"

Stark said numbly and increased his power to fly high into the sky.

"Sir, the battery remaining is 12%."

Not long after, Jarvis's voice sounded again.

"Eleven percent battery remaining."

"Sir, the battery is remaining..."

In this tense moment, Stark was annoyed by reminders of Jarvis's presence.

"Shut up and show the remaining power on the panel. I'll see it myself!"

The height was still climbing to the limit, and the Iron Overlord behind him had already caught up, and his big mechanical hand from deep inside grabbed Tony.

"Haha, Tony, where are you going to run now? Facts have proved that my mecha is more advanced than yours in every aspect!"

Obadai controlled the mecha and hugged Stark tightly.

Stark looked at the Iron Overlord, which was already covered with frost. His goal had been achieved.

"Haha, then how do you deal with the surface ice problem?"


At this moment, a red light indicating an alarm came on in Obadai's cockpit. The ultra-low temperature outside had caused problems with his mecha.

Suddenly, Obadai's mecha turned off and fell towards the ground.

Stark struck a winner's pose in the air.

However, before Stark could fully enjoy this moment of victory, Jarvis's voice sounded.

"Two percent left."

The energy under caution could not support Stark to hover in the high altitude, and he fell straight to the ground like Obadie.

"Activate emergency backup energy!"

The backup energy source was activated, and Stark struggled to maintain the balance in preparation for landing.

However, he accidentally fell to the ground.

He got up from the ground and immediately called Xiaojiao to report that he was safe.


Pepper was really surprised to receive Tony's call, and asked with concern.

"Oh, Tony, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, it's just that this thing is out of power. I'll be right there where you are."

Just as Tony was about to take off his suit, Iron Overlord's huge figure reappeared. With this thick armor, this guy actually withstood the impact of falling from a high altitude.

Obadai controlled the mecha and punched Stark.

With his flexible body, Stark jumped high to avoid the blow, and at the same time started the engine and punched Iron Overlord hard on the head.

However, he can even withstand falling from a high altitude, so this punch cannot cause much damage to him at all.

Taking the opportunity, Obaday hugged Stark, activated his armor, and attempted to strangle Stark directly.

"Warning, warning, weapon systems damaged, defensive armor extensively damaged."

Stark quickly checked for weapons that were still functional.

"Activate the incendiary bombs!"

Ballistic ports stretched out on both sides of the armor, and hot incendiary bombs poured out.

It was so intense that I ate a whole lot of it, including my own.

"Damn it!"

By accident, Obaday let go of Stark.

Stark took the opportunity to duck.

"You did a great job, Tony, but how many times can you use this move?"

Obadai looked at the empty surroundings and started the thermal scan directly.

Stark, who was hiding behind the motor, was directly detected.

"Hey, hide and seek, isn't it? It's really fun, but it's a pity that the game is over now."

A rocket rose from Iron Overlord's shoulder and locked onto Stark.

"Damn! It seems there is only one way now."

At this point, all Tony could think of was detonating the reactor downstairs.

However, just when he was about to call Pepper to cooperate with him, a familiar voice sounded.

"You look really embarrassed right now, Iron Man."


Agent Oba turned the gun's muzzle and fired a rocket towards the roof.


The rocket exploded with a sound, and the explosion raised a ball of flames, and a red human figure stepped out of the flames.


Obaday was stunned. He looked at Stark in front of him. That's right, this is Stark!

"No, this is Tony, who are you!"

Mu En snapped his fingers.

"I'm just a passing Kamen Rider, please remember it!"

Mu En twisted the knob on the belt.

【Must kill! Full Throttle!Speed!]

Mu En jumped up, and the energy shadow of Doletron appeared behind Mu En, and he flew towards the big guy with a kick.

"Sei ya!"


This kick directly kicked the Iron Overlord away. Mu En landed smoothly and turned around slowly. The moment he turned around, the Iron Overlord behind him exploded.

"Mu En! Why are you here?"

Stark walked out from behind the motor with a confused look on his face. He was about to detonate the reactor in the company, but why did Mu En suddenly run out?

Mu En smiled.

"Do you believe me when I say I came out for a night run?"

"Running at night? From the orphanage to Stark Tower?"

Mu En shrugged.

"Well, your good butler asked me to come. He is really worried about you."


Stark immediately called Jarvis out and asked him to explain what was going on.

"Sir, this is the emergency plan you left. In an emergency, I can draw up a first aid plan on my own."

Stark was silent, because he did write this in Jarvis's program.

"Tony, you won't blame me for stealing your head, right?"

Mu En said jokingly.

Stark released the transformation and shook his head.

"Of course not, thanks man, I think I need a good rest tonight."

However, at this moment, a strange light came on.


A golden, fat, weirdo climbed out of the Iron Overlord.

"Tony Stark!"

The weirdo roared loudly at Stark.

Stark frowned, listening to this weirdo's voice, he asked doubtfully.


"Stark Industries is mine! All wealth is mine!"

Stan, who transformed into a money geek, raised his hand and sprayed out energy gold coins one after another.


Mu En immediately started the engine and took Stark to a safe place at super high speed.

Tony asked Mu En with a solemn expression.

"Did Stan become a vampire? Why didn't my vampire detection program detect it?"

Mu En shook his head.

"It's not the Vampire. I'll explain it to you later. Now I have to deal with him."

Mu En put down Tony and walked in the direction of the money weirdo.

Chapter 97, I am Iron Man

"Tony! No, Kamen Rider!"

The Money Dope pointed a finger at Mu En and roared, his anger accelerating the penetration of memory toxins into his body.

Mu En shook his hand and said calmly.

"What a troublesome guy. It's not enough to create an Iron Overlord. Do you have to turn yourself into this ghost?"

"You forced me to do this! You forced me to do this!"

Obadai raised his hands, and countless gold coins and bullets poured out.

Mu En quickly dodges with his super speed.

"It seems that it is impossible to ask anything from your mouth with this ghostly appearance, so I'd better get rid of you as soon as possible!"

Mu En raised his hand.

"Heavy acceleration!"


The accelerating force field instantly unfolded, adding money into the body, and Mr. Belt started the countdown.

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