As Mu En walked towards the teleportation gate, Little Bat followed Mu En through the teleportation door.

"Mr. En!"

Kurim yelled and wanted to go too, but the portal was closed directly.

"Izzy, quickly confirm the coordinates of Mu En!"

"Alarm, the master's signal source has disappeared, the alarm signal source has disappeared!"

Chapter 144: The person who took away Uncle Ben’s soul! ! !

After passing through the portal, Mu En came to a quaint hall. When he was in the laboratory before, it was still night outside, but after arriving here, the sky outside the window had turned into daytime.

Mu En looked at the surrounding environment with interest. He had only seen Kama Taj in movies before, and this was the first time he saw this temple belonging to the mage in the Marvel Universe with his own eyes.

As a scientist, Mu En should be a staunch materialist, but as a time traveler, his own rebirth is already very unscientific, so Mu En is not as interested in magic as other scientists. Reaction.

“Is this Kama Taj?”

Gu Yi narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Mu En with a smile.

"You seem to know a lot of things. Please sit down."

Saying that, Gu Yi made a gesture of invitation.

"Just a little bit of '100 million'."

Mu En sat down at the coffee table generously. The little bat flapped its wings and stopped on Mu En's shoulder, staring at Gu Yi with a pair of orange eyes.

Ancient One was still smiling.

"Really? Then tell me what you know about me?"

Mu En looked at Master Gu Yi with a damn face and said calmly.

"The Ancient One, the Supreme Mage, the leader of the Karma Taj Magicians, and the guardian of the Time Stone."

"Any more?"

Gu Yi looked at Mu En and asked.

Seeing Gu Yi's strange eyes, Mu En said again.

"What else do you want me to say? Black magic? Dark divine book? Or Dormammu, the demon god of the dark universe?"

Gu Yi was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

"It seems like you really know a lot."

Mu En said straight to the point.

"Master Gu Yi, I don't like to beat around the bush. If I have something to ask, I'll ask directly. Do you know who took Uncle Ben's soul away?"

Gu Yi looked at Mu En and did not answer directly. Instead, he waved his hand and a tea set appeared on the coffee table. Gu Yi calmly began to make tea.

"You know? Some things are already destined, and these destined things cannot be changed."

Mu En frowned, was this guy hinting at something?

"I'm sorry, Master Mage. I'm a scientist. I don't believe in fatalism. I think everything can be changed."

"Really? So what do you think magic is?"

Gu Yi made tea and poured a cup for Mu En.

"I believe that magic, like science, is a way to control energy. Magic is another way to control and use energy."

Mu En picked up the tea cup and carefully looked at the tea leaves swirling in the tea.

Gu Yi looked at Mu En and nodded with satisfaction.

"Great explanation, I think you have the potential to become a mage."

Mu En shook his head.

"Come on, Master Gu Yi, do you think I don't know? To become a mage of your lineage, you need to experience grief and despair. Only after you have completely lost all thoughts about this world can you step into the threshold of becoming a mage. I have experienced I am in despair, but despair cannot overwhelm me."

Mu En looked at Gu Yi firmly.

"When despair comes, I will be the last hope."

Gu Yi looked at Mu En and his eyes became more and more satisfied.

"That's great, a good realization. I feel more and more that you can become an excellent mage. It's a pity that I have already chosen a successor, and that successor is destined to take over my position. Otherwise, I don't think you will be able to become an excellent mage." A good successor."

Mu En ignored Gu Yi's words. He knew who the successor Gu Yi mentioned was, and that person should be Doctor Strange. Mu En still remembers that he helped her perform surgery.

He picked up the tea cup and took a careful sip of tea. A refreshing aroma of tea spread from the tip of his tongue, followed by the bitterness of the tea. After the bitterness, a faint sweetness slowly emerged.

"Good tea, but not enough Master Mage. You haven't answered my question yet. Who took away Uncle Ben's soul? Was it Mephisto?"

Under Mu En's gaze, Gu Yi poured another cup of tea for Mu En.

"Nice taste. I have never met anyone who appreciates this tea."

While saying that, he also poured himself a cup of tea.

"Do you remember what I said? Some things have been doomed for a long time. Do you think a person who is destined to leave, where will his soul go?"

Mu En suddenly fell silent after listening to his words.

Where does the soul go after death? hell? No!

As Gu Mu Eun knows, the souls of ordinary people do not enter hell after death. Only those who are tempted by demons will enter hell after death.

Suddenly an extremely powerful existence appeared in Mu En's mind.

"Goddess of Death!"

Gu Yi looked at Mu En with a smile.

"It seems like you really know a lot."

After receiving Gu Yi's affirmation, Mu En's face became uglier than anything else.

He knew very well who the goddess of death was. As one of the five gods of Marvel, the law that controls death is the manifestation of the end of all things. If she takes away Uncle Ben's soul, what can I do to snatch it from her?

Gu Yi looked at the somewhat decadent Mu En, stood up and patted Mu En on the shoulder.

"Kid, you don't have to put too much pressure on yourself. Some things are already doomed, but there is no chance of change."

Mu En raised his head and looked at Gu Yi.

"Master Gu Yi, do you mean there is still a chance? Do you have any other ideas?"

Gu Yi shook his head.

"No, I have no way. Compared with the supreme existence of Death, I am too small. I am just the guardian of the earth, protecting the earth from outside invasion. I have no way to help you ask for help from the goddess of death. soul."

Mu En sighed.

"But you said there is still a chance."

Gu Yi smiled.

"Yes, I really have no choice, but you are different."

"Me? Are you kidding, Master Gu Yi?"

Mu En was stunned. Even you, the Supreme Mage Gu Yi, can't do anything. What can I do?

Ancient One consoled him.

"Don't belittle yourself, child. There is the possibility of creating miracles in you."

Mu En was a little confused. Did he see a different future in himself?

Gu Yi spoke directly as if he knew what Mu En was thinking.

"My child, I once peered into the future through the Eye of Agamotto, but you did not exist in the future I saw. I also know that I just discovered you yesterday, but I saw myself in you. A power I’ve never seen before.”

Mu En is even more confused about the power he has never seen before?

But the little bat on his shoulder spoke proudly.

"That's natural. The noble power of the Demon King can't be seen by a mage like him at will."

Chapter 145: The Responsibilities of the Mage

Facing the disrespect from Little Bat, Gu Yi was not angry.

He just looked at Mu En and said.

"My child, just before I met you, I tried to use the Eye of Agamotto to explore your future, but I didn't see anything in you."

"See nothing? Do you mean I have no future?"

Gu Yi shook his head and said while looking out the window.

"You should know an old saying from the Chinese state, the great road is fifty, the heavenly performance is forty-nine, and one of them can escape."

Mu En scratched his head.

"Isn't this a common setting in fantasy novels?"

Although magic sounds like fantasy, it should be incomparable with this one.

Gu Yi explained patiently.

"Actually, this principle is universal in many situations. Although many things in the future are already determined, there are also variables, and in my opinion, you are that variable."

Mu En was stunned. How could this girl change her face so quickly? Did she say before that her fate was determined? Why are you saying you can change now? Is not this contradictory?

Seeing Mu En's expression, Gu Yi coughed slightly and said.

"I mean, if it were someone else, maybe fate has been sealed, but for you, there might still be a glimmer of opportunity."

"Where's the opportunity?"

"I don't know. You need to find this yourself."

Mu En frowned, doesn't that mean you didn't say anything?

However, Mu En still bowed slightly to Gu Yi sincerely.

"Thank you, Master, for your enlightenment."

Gu Yi looked at Mu En and smiled.

"Want to take a look outside? Go see the whole of Kama Taj."

Mu En happily accepted the invitation from Ancient Yi. He also wanted to see what this mysterious mage temple looked like.

Gu Yi waved his hand, and the door to the room opened, and Mu En followed Gu Yi and left the hall.

The true face of Karma Taj gradually unfolded in front of Mu En's eyes. It was like a huge college, with classrooms, playgrounds, libraries, and dormitories.

On the spacious playground, the Master's disciples were practicing, lining up in a neat square formation, chanting neat slogans, and every move seemed to be carved out of the same mold.

However, for some reason, the more Mu En looked at it, the more he felt that this place didn't look like the Master's Temple, or even more like the Shaolin Temple.

Approaching, how can any mage train to practice swords, guns and sticks? He obviously knows cool magic, but he has to rush forward and fight in close combat. Is it true that as the saying goes, a mage who can't fight in close combat is not a good mage?

Along the way, every mage who met Gu Yi bowed one by one. They didn't say much to the stranger Mu En. After all, he was led by Gu Yi himself.

After walking around, Ancient Yi took Mu En to the highest point of Kama Taj, overlooking the overall situation.

"How does it feel?"

Mu En scratched his head and smiled.

"Haha, it feels good. Everyone is in good spirits."

They are indeed very energetic. Each mage is as energetic as a berserker. If you really learn magic one day, you must not be like them. Isn't it good to be a master and just show off your skills in the back row? Those who insist on wielding swords and guns are not at all as graceful as a master.

When Gu Yi heard Mu En said yes, he nodded with satisfaction.

"That's good. If one day I'm no longer here, I hope you can help Kama Taj when she needs help."

Mu En's face suddenly paled. It seemed like he was explaining the funeral arrangements.

Suddenly he remembered the plot of the fall of the Ancient Master in Doctor Strange. Did he already know his future?

Mu En looked at Master Gu Yi, who had a calm expression on his face, and it was impossible to tell what he was thinking.

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