Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 977 Energy Spread

The golden energy filled in this special space is of the same origin as the golden energy controlled by Li Yue.

Moreover, Li Yue felt that this golden energy might be a new energy derived from the lotus absorbing his golden energy.

Therefore, this golden energy instantly resonated with the golden energy released by Li Yue.

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The golden energy originally filled the entire space, floating quietly like a golden mist.

The moment Li Yue released the golden energy in his body, it began to surge violently.

Huge energy is constantly surging.

It was as if there was an invisible force stirring in it at this moment.

As the huge energy in this space continues to surge.

Li Yue also continued to release the energy in his body outwards.

As Li Yue released more and more energy, it also caused the golden energy to surge in a wider range.

The huge energies resonated violently with each other.

As Li Yue continued to release energy, his mental body in this space gradually turned into a golden figure.

There seemed to be a dazzling golden light that was constantly emanating from Li Yue's body. It was like a substantial golden light, showing a scattering pattern and completely illuminating the surrounding area.

In fact, if someone could slow down the time here tens of thousands of times at this time, they might find it.

What was continuously released from Li Yue's body was not just a bunch of golden light.

Instead, they were streaks of special energy that looked like golden lightning.

This energy, like golden lightning, was released from Li Yue's body, refracting like lightning and shooting out in all directions.

However, in the short period of time just released from Li Yue's body, this lightning-like refraction movement trajectory did not seem very obvious.

And because the speed of these golden energy lasers is so fast that it is completely difficult to distinguish with the naked eye.

That's why this situation occurs.

Like bunches of tiny golden light, they were continuously released from Li Yue's body.

Finally, it merges into the huge golden energy around it.

In fact, when these energies, like weak golden currents, completely left Li Yue's body and completely entered the huge golden energy around him.

It will show its original trajectory.

Countless tiny golden lightnings are constantly shuttling through the surrounding golden energy in a unique way of lightning movement.

Wherever the golden lightning passed, all the golden energy seemed to be instantly stimulated and began to surge continuously.

And a large amount of golden lightning kept shuttling in the surrounding golden energy, eventually causing the phenomenon that everyone saw at this time.

It was as if the golden energy in the entire space instantly resonated strongly with the golden energy released by Li Yue and began to surge violently.

Although what came into this space at this time was not Li Yue's body, but just a spiritual body that he condensed with the power of his mind.

And naturally, this spiritual body does not contain much golden energy.

At this time, Li Yueyue needed to use golden energy to replace the disturbed mental power, release it outwards, and explore the surrounding mysterious areas.

Therefore, if the golden energy is released in the normal way and the surrounding situation is explored, then the energy in Li Yue's spiritual body will be completely insufficient.

However, fortunately, this special space is filled with an extremely large amount of golden energy, and this golden energy is completely from the same source as the energy controlled by Li Yue.

Therefore, Li Yue naturally used local materials and released a small amount of golden energy under his control to resonate with the huge energy around him.

And because Li Yue's golden energy is much higher in level than the surrounding golden energy.

Therefore, although the amount of energy around him was huge, it was also triggered by the golden energy released by Li Yue in an instant, creating a strong resonance.

In doing so, Li Yue was preparing to use a small amount of energy to arouse the huge energy around him and help him explore the surrounding situation.

If Li Yue's mental power was not disturbed, then he would not need to go to such trouble to resonate with the surrounding energy at this time.

He only needs to use his mental power to completely manipulate the energy around him at will.

Unfortunately, Li Yue's mental power is now interfered with by something unknown, and he is unable to function normally.

So Li Yue could only act in a hurry and came up with such a method.

To use a small amount of energy to control the huge energy around you.

However, although this method was simple, the results produced made Li Yue very satisfied.

At this moment, he only used a very small amount of his own energy, and in a very short period of time, he completely caused a large amount of energy around him to resonate accordingly.

And as long as this energy resonance continues to spread outward, the coverage will become wider and wider.

Then more information will be conveyed to Li Yue.

And this is the new method Li Yue uses to replace his disturbed mental power and continue to explore the surrounding situation.

Perhaps, this method has many coincidences under certain circumstances, and it was finally completed.

If it weren't for the fact that the large amount of energy filled in this space is from the same source as the energy controlled by Li Yue...

Or maybe there is no such huge energy in this special space...

Then methods like Li Yue's would not work properly at all.

However, some things are impossible.

At this moment, since Li Yue's method can be implemented normally, any possible situation cannot be denied.

At this moment, the energy released by Li Yue completely caused the huge energy around him to resonate.

The surrounding energy also surged violently.

It was like a violent energy hurricane was set off in the entire space.

With Li Yue's area as the center point, the surging energy began to sweep towards the surroundings at an extremely fast speed.

If someone looked down from above at this time, they would find that a huge wave seemed to be rising on a calm sea.

A wave-like ripple centered on the area where Li Yue was located and spread to all directions at an extremely fast speed.

Wherever the "waves" passed, the originally calm golden "sea surface" suddenly surged violently.

But Li Yue, who was at the center of the energy storm, turned a blind eye to the surging energy around him.

He even began to close his eyes, as if he was quietly feeling something.

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