Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 988 The Wrathful Dragon Phantom

Even at this time, Li Yue couldn't blame the other party for being too aggressive and cruel.

After all, the other party had already "kindly" warned him when he just broke into here.

The oppressive power of the mysterious aura on the mind and spirit is the best proof that the other party wants to prevent Li Yue from entering here.

It's a pity that the oppression caused by that mysterious atmosphere can be regarded as an effective warning to some weaker people.

Some weaker people are under the mental oppression that they cannot bear, so they naturally understand that there are existences in this area that they cannot contend with.

However, sometimes people's utilitarianism will affect the choices people make.

Maybe some people who are more self-aware will understand that their own strength cannot compete with the powerful existence in it. Although they covet some things in this area, but at this time they know that they are no match for the opponent, so they will naturally choose to leave here. Do not go any further.

And some people who are dazzled by the benefits may ignore such warnings and move on, wanting to enter the center of this area to find the treasures they covet.

In the end, he never thought that there were more dangerous things waiting for him ahead.

Such a person, even if he dies under the dragon chant that contains dragon's power, it is completely his own fault and there is no cure.

At this time, although Li Yue didn't want to admit it, he seemed to be the second type of person.

However, Li Yue was not completely the kind of person who was dazzled by his interests and forcibly broke into the center of this mysterious area in spite of the other party's warnings.

Because in Li Yue's view, the "weak" sense of oppression caused by the mysterious atmosphere before did not make him think of it as a warning to him at all.

After all, suppose you stumbled into a beast's den and inadvertently got a simple prick in the foot with a spike.

I'm afraid you wouldn't have thought that this spike is the trap that the owner of this cave has placed here to warn outsiders who enter their territory.

At this time, Li Yue had exactly such thoughts.

It's entirely because the oppressive force of that mysterious aura on his mind is really weak, so weak that it can't attract Li Yue's attention at all.

It is even more unexpected that this is a warning issued by someone for breaking into the other party's area.

In Li Yue's original view, this oppressive force was just a normal reaction of this mysterious atmosphere and his own mind.

It's because as I move forward, the amount of mysterious aura becomes larger, which makes me gradually feel a sense of oppression.

But he didn't expect that such oppressive power was intentionally done by the other party, in order to prevent him from continuing to go deeper, and gave a warning.


"However, I don't need to defend myself."

"After all, even if I want to understand all this at this time, I still haven't weakened my will to continue entering it."

"And now, I won't just turn around and leave."

However, although it is different from the kind of person who is dazzled by interests.

However, Li Yue has self-knowledge, and he will not turn around and leave here just because he has figured it out at this time, and will not continue to go deep into it.

Because, even if he encountered so many obstacles, for Li Yue, it was completely painless.

Moreover, the other party's behavior of wanting to reject people so much made Li Yue even more curious about what special things were hidden in this mysterious area.

Of course, to be able to support Li Yue's behavior of entering the center of this area despite the threat, apart from his strong curiosity about what exists in the center of this mysterious area, what is more important is that Li Yue has absolute confidence in his own strength .

The oppression of the mysterious atmosphere before, to Li Yue at this time, is just like a massage, without any threat.

Even the dragon chant containing the power of the dragon that he suddenly encountered afterwards only had a slight impact on Li Yue's mind and body at this time.

As for making Li Yue feel afraid, it has not reached this level at all.

Therefore, even after this, there are still more powerful attack methods deployed by the opponent ahead, which is insignificant to Li Yue.

It is absolutely impossible for him to ignore the strong curiosity in his heart and just turn around and leave.

Therefore, Li Yue's decision at this time naturally did not change in any way because of the appearance of this dragon.

He will continue to move forward until he enters the center of this area and finds something mysterious that can satisfy his curiosity.

And after he strengthened his will to move on, Li Yue simply didn't care about the phantom of the dragon hovering in the "clouds" above the sky.

He continued to take steps, walking forward like an ordinary person.

At this time, the phantom of the dragon in the sky seemed to have noticed that Li Yue continued to ignore his warning and continue to move forward.

An angry breath emanated from the already majestic dragon's face in an instant.

This divine dragon was finally furious because of Li Yue's "provocation".


The next moment, with the wrath of Shenlong phantom, the whole sky instantly became completely dark in Li Yue's perception.

As if a storm is about to hit, it makes people feel very depressed unconsciously!

The clouds formed by the gathering of mysterious aura also changed from the previous gray and white to black, like a dark cloud, covering the world.

And in the dark clouds, a silver-white dragon is constantly circling, shuttling between the dark clouds, looming.

And under the shuttle of the dragon, streaks of silver-white lightning also suddenly appeared.


A thunderbolt exploded instantly.

The next moment, a silver lightning bolt several times thicker than Li Yue's body suddenly struck down from the sky, pointing directly at Li Yue who was walking forward on the ground.

Facing such a sudden attack, Li Yue didn't seem to care at all, and just waved his right hand lightly.

The next moment, a bright golden light emerged from Li Yue's cuff, rising against the wind, and instantly soared to tens of feet in size.

Like a sharp giant sword, it directly meets the silver lightning that strikes down from the sky.


Lightning has always been the most feared force in nature.

At this time, the silver lightning that hit Li Yue almost seemed to be able to destroy all existences.

However, the moment this silver lightning collided with the golden giant sword released by Li Yue below.

As if meeting a nemesis, it was instantly annihilated by the golden sword light and completely disappeared into the sky.

But Shenlong, who was stirring up the situation in the clouds, seemed to become even more angry when he saw this situation.


A more majestic dragon's chant than when he first met Li Yue suddenly sounded out!

This divine dragon became even more furious at this moment!


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