Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 990 The Final Offensive

As I said before, this huge and dense "cloud layer" is formed by the gathering of the mysterious atmosphere that Li Yue felt before.

However, perhaps because the mysterious atmosphere is too large, it has been completely gathered together to produce a certain visual color, showing a gray-white state.

And with the agitation of this phantom of the divine dragon, this huge mysterious aura seemed to have really turned into a "dark cloud", completely covering the world.

And after that, as the dragon hovered in it, bright silver lightning burst out one after another, and was even controlled by the dragon to attack Li Yue below.

However, after all, Li Yue's strength is very strong, so he was not hurt by such an attack.

Even the most frightening lightning in nature had no effect on Li Yue.

And at the last moment, Shenlong suddenly stopped the body that was hovering in it.

And the mysterious aura that gradually calmed down did not continue to produce silver lightning.

Even the original black color gradually began to return to the previous gray and white.

However, the next moment, the divine dragon set its sights on this layer of mysterious aura.

It suddenly opened its dragon mouth, as if it had a real black hole, creating an extremely powerful attraction.

Of course, in fact, there is no black hole in the mouth of this dragon, but a silver-white ball.

And the powerful attraction is released from this sphere.

At this moment, it seemed that everything around him could not resist this powerful attraction.

In fact, in this mysterious space, except for Li Yue below, there is only this huge mysterious atmosphere.

Therefore, when Li Yue was not affected in any way, the only thing affected was this mysterious aura.

And this mysterious aura has no self-awareness itself, and naturally has no ability to resist the strong gravitational force released by the dragon.

In just a moment, this group of mysterious aura was instantly pulled and flowed towards Shenlong's mouth.

The mysterious aura, like a cloud of off-white smoke, is attracted by the powerful gravitational force from Shenlong's mouth.

A whole cloud of mysterious aura was gradually attracted into Shenlong's mouth.

To be more precise, it entered the silver-white bead in Shenlong's mouth!

After all, it was the silver ball in the dragon's mouth that produced a strong attraction.


Just a short moment passed, and the huge mysterious aura that was enough to cover the entire sky was completely absorbed into the silver ball in Shenlong's mouth.

And when there was no more mysterious aura left around, the divine dragon finally closed its mouth slowly.

And the ball exuding silver-white light also disappeared from sight.

The next moment, Shenlong's gaze paused for a moment, then slowly moved down.

He looked down at Li Yue who was still walking forward step by step.

The time has only passed by less than a few seconds, so Li Yue has not gone far at this time.

At least, it is still within the visible range of Shenlong's eyes.

However, although Li Yue only moved forward a few steps again.

But for Shenlong, if Li Yue didn't take a step forward, it would make it even angrier.

Because its duty at this moment is to prevent outsiders from getting half a step closer to the "forbidden area".

However, Li Yue at this time not only ignored its previous attack, but even seemed to ignore his own existence while blocking his own attack.

move on.

This naturally made Shenlong feel a feeling of being ignored, resulting in extremely angry emotions.

However, at this moment, Shenlong is ready for the last attack that he is about to release, and it is also the most powerful attack.

If such an attack still can't stop Li Yue from moving forward, then it has no other way to continue to stop Li Yue.

Because after this attack is released, it will have difficulty even maintaining its physical existence with the remaining energy.

And the moment after the attack was launched was also the moment when the phantom of the divine dragon completely dissipated!

At this time, in order to prevent Li Yue from continuing to approach the "forbidden area", this divine dragon has undoubtedly tried his best at this time.

He didn't even hesitate to use up all the energy he absorbed at this moment.

If the next attack still can't stop Li Yue, then it really has no way to stop Li Yue from continuing to approach!


At this moment, this divine dragon phantom has absorbed all the mysterious aura above the sky.

And such a huge amount of mysterious energy did not cause Shenlong to react abnormally.

However, his originally somewhat illusory body became more solid at this moment.

Moreover, the momentum and majesty it exudes is also constantly rising.

The body, which was already nearly a hundred feet long, nearly doubled in a short moment.

On the previously silver-white body, the dragon scales like fish scales gradually glowed with golden light.

Like a golden thread, it was redrawn on the scales.

At this moment, this phantom of the divine dragon possessed the strong majesty that only a real divine dragon possesses.

But at this moment, the dragon's face was originally full of anger, and at this moment, the angry expression has almost completely disappeared.

Instead, it was an expression of incomparable calm.

The two shimmering eyes seemed to contain a trace of refined emotions, and they were staring closely at Li Yue below.

At this moment, it seemed that this divine dragon no longer had the soul of a divine dragon, but not the meaning of a divine dragon, as before.

At this moment, this dragon seems to be a real dragon that can ride the clouds, ride the fog, and call the wind and rain.

Even Li Yue, who was strolling down below, felt the great change of the divine dragon in the sky.

Li Yue finally stopped walking slowly, raised his head and looked into the void.

"Have you absorbed the energy of the mysterious aura, making yourself closer to the real dragon body?"

Looking directly at the huge body of the dragon above the sky, Li Yue and the glowing eyes of the dragon looked at each other without losing any momentum.

And Li Yue also really felt the great changes in this dragon.

To put it bluntly, at this moment, this divine dragon has truly barely possessed the power of a real dragon.

"It's a pity that even if you absorb a lot of energy, your power will be closer to that of a real dragon."

"But a fake is a fake, you can never become a real dragon!"

However, even the power of this divine dragon increased countless times in an instant.

And in itself, it seems that there is not much difference from the body of a real dragon.

But in Li Yue's view, a fake is a fake.

This illusory dragon with only the soul of the dragon but no will of the dragon, no matter how much energy it absorbs, it is impossible to change its own essence and become the body of a real dragon!


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