Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 992 Elemental Manifestation

The golden lines seemed to be directly imprinted on the surface of the ball.

It seems to be formed naturally, and there is no strange or abnormal situation at all.

And the golden lines seem to be some kind of characters, and some kind of strange symbols.

Although ordinary people can't see the meaning of these texture symbols at all.

However, it can be clearly felt that there is some kind of truth in these golden lines and symbols!

It seems to represent the most basic text symbols between heaven and earth.

And this silvery-white ball glowing with golden light is currently spinning at an extremely regular speed.

Moreover, it can be seen that as the ball rotates, traces of energy are continuously absorbed into the ball from the body of the dragon.

Soon, the ball glowed with a strong silver-white light.

But in it, the bright golden lines became more and more conspicuous and bright.

The golden lines seem to have come to life and are constantly changing, as if they are expressing a special spell between heaven and earth.

I don't know how many times the golden pattern has changed, but as the golden pattern continues to change, the speed of its change is also accelerating.

From the previous period where the changes could be clearly seen, to the process of the changes being completely impossible to see afterwards.

What's even more strange is that, with the continuous changes of the golden lines, traces of golden electric light flickered on the silver-white ball.

Of course, everyone knows that the dragon can call the wind and rain, and just now this dragon also stirred up the situation and triggered lightning to attack Li Yue below.

So it is not surprising that it has the ability to control lightning.

But at this time, this kind of electric glow that contains gold gives people a very special feeling.

It seems that it contains the power of heaven and earth, enough to destroy everything in the world.

Moreover, the more surprising thing is yet to come.

With the emergence of one after another golden lights, the changes on the ball did not stop there.

Soon, a faint silver-white light emerged.

But this newly born silver-white light is very different from the previous golden electric light.

From the point of view of its movement law, it is like a breeze that can be seen by people.

Wind is generally composed of flowing air currents.

The air, however, is transparent and invisible, and cannot be truly seen by humans with the naked eye.

But at this moment, this faint silver light seems to be the wind revealing the figure, which makes people feel very strange.


But after the visible wind appeared, the changes on the ball still did not stop.

A red light suddenly appeared around the ball again.

Moreover, as if rising against the wind, the red light burned violently around the ball just like a flame in an instant.

Although I couldn't feel the temperature contained in it, the flame that appeared at this time seemed to be able to burn everything in the world.

The golden lightning, the silver visual wind, and this kind of flame that seems to be able to burn everything in the world.

At this moment, they are all surrounded by this sphere, presenting an extremely weird situation.

However, at this time, this strange situation still did not stop.

After the flame appeared, a blue light appeared again.

But this time, just as quickly, the blue light grew stronger in an instant, and finally converged into an azure light curtain.

This azure light curtain, like a vast ocean, is surging.

And when the final blue ocean appeared, it seemed that such changes had finally come to an end.

Eventually, four different things, which seemed to represent four different elements, began to revolve around the silver sphere.

And the golden pattern on the silver ball finally stopped changing, and stopped, forming four symbols.

Although, with human cognition, it seems that such strange symbols are not recognized at all.

However, what makes people feel very strange is that when faced with these four strange symbols, they almost subconsciously understand the true meaning they represent.

Lightning, Hurricane, Fire.

There is the last one, which represents an important element necessary for human survival, water.

So far, the four different elements have all been manifested by this ball in a strange way.


Four golden symbols representing different elements are imprinted on the silver ball, shining brightly.

Around the sphere, the four manifested elements are slowly rotating.

Of course, it is impossible for Shenlong's actions to stop completely at this point.

With the appearance of the four elements, a large amount of energy is also absorbed on the sphere.

The silver-white light flickered, making it almost impossible to look directly at it.

And soon, waves of powerful energy began to gather in Shenlong's mouth, as if a channel connecting different time and space appeared.


As the huge amount of energy continuously gathered in Shenlong's mouth, a thunderclap sounded first.

Along with the sound of thunder that resounded through the heaven and earth, a golden lightning spewed out from the mouth of the dragon first.

The dazzling golden lightning seemed to instantly illuminate the world of the film.

At this moment, it seems that everything else has lost its original color, only this golden lightning still exists.

And the golden lightning seemed to have life and consciousness. At the moment it shot out, it didn't directly bombard Li Yue on the ground.

Instead, it is like a long golden snake, spinning and shuttling around Shenlong's body.

Soon, the golden lightning grew from a small lightning to a thick lightning that was so dazzling that people couldn't look directly at it because of the continuous gathering.

Then, the golden lightning gradually disappeared in Shenlong's mouth.

Instead, what was spewed out by the dragon was a red light.

Between the flashes of red light, one can vaguely see that it itself is a continuously dancing flame.

But at this moment, the red flames danced in the sky, turning into a set of crimson dragons, aiming directly at the direction of Li Yue below, and swept away.

The fire dragon danced in the void, baring its teeth and claws, as if a fire dragon with real thoughts came into the world.

But after the dragon spewed out red flames, it still didn't stop.

Immediately afterwards, a silvery-white energy spewed out from the sky of Shenlong.

The moment the silver-white energy just appeared, it was hard to see what it represented.

However, when the silver-white energy gathered together, it formed a hurricane visible to the naked eye.

At a faster speed than the red fire dragon, the hurricane quickly caught up with the fire dragon flying in the air and entangled it in the center.

The so-called wind and fire is a perfect description of the situation at this time.

The fire dragon entangled by the hurricane not only showed no signs of weakening, but even increased the prestige of the flame.


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