Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 995 Water of Ten Thousand Strength

As the saying goes, fire and water are incompatible.

At this time, according to the normal situation, a water dragon gathered by water elements, and a fire dragon gathered by fire elements.

When they meet together and blend with each other, it is normal that there should be a reaction in which the two elements restrain each other.

The mutual restraint of two elements will cause both energies to be restrained by the opponent, and gradually weaken the strength of the opponent.

However, if people see the situation at this time, it will feel very incredible.

A water dragon that gathers water elements, and a fire dragon that gathers fire elements.

When they met together, they did not weaken the other party at all.

Even contrary to common sense, the two energies have undergone great changes, which has contributed to the momentum of the other party.

At this time, the water dragon and the fire dragon blended together, and there was no normal state of mutual restraint energy at all.

It seems that the two certificates can generate energy for each other, and each strengthens the power of the other.

"It seems that not only the flames are not ordinary flames, but the hurricane that just appeared, and the water dragon at this time should not be ordinary energy elements."

Seeing this unreasonable situation, Li Yue quickly understood.

It should not only be that the fire dragon has a different situation from the normal flame, but the hurricane that appeared later, and this water dragon composed of water elements, are not ordinary wind and water elements.

After all, if it is an ordinary element, then the basic rules of mutual generation and mutual restraint of elements will be followed.

The incompatibility of water and fire is a natural rule.

"It's just that I don't know what special effects this wind element and this water element that can't extinguish the flame have."

Although, Li Yue understood right away that these elements were not normal elements, nor would they follow the basic rules that normal elements should follow.

But from the previous flames, he could feel an ability that could burn his soul and spiritual power.

But at this time, for the hurricane that appeared later, and this crystal clear water dragon, which seemed to be carved from crystal, Li Yue could not clearly feel what kind of special ability it possessed.

Li Yue was still very curious about this. After all, this flame dragon has the ability to burn the soul and mind.

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No reason then, the later hurricanes and water elementals don't have special abilities like Charmanders.


Of course, it may be that the special ability of this hurricane and water element is hidden deeply, and it is not as clear as Li Yue's ability to burn the soul with this kind of flame.

Or maybe, the special ability possessed by this wind element and water element can only be experienced in person.

In short, under Li Yue's observation at this time, he could only slightly feel that these two elements were different from normal elements.

For example, this hurricane, in Li Yue's feelings, is grayish white, and every strand of the hurricane visible to the naked eye is like a soft steel knife.

If you are involved in such a hurricane, it is likely to suffer the pain of being cut by a thousand knives.

Even your body may be directly blown away by this strong hurricane, leaving only a skeleton.

Such an ability just sounds very cruel.

It seems that the Yin wind that only exists in hell can cut off the flesh and blood of your body one by one like a small knife, making you suffer unbearable pain.

It was the first time Li Yue felt such a cruel hurricane.

However, for such a hurricane, Li Yue would naturally not feel any fear at all.

Even the body formed by the concentration of his mind at this time, the toughness of its skin is even stronger than Superman's body of steel.

In the face of such a hurricane that can cut flesh and bone, even if Li Yue does not make any defenses,

It also cannot destroy Li Yue's body, nor can it break through Li Yue's defense.

Of course, although Li Yue didn't feel the slightest fear of such a hurricane, it didn't mean that such a hurricane was not powerful.

If it is an ordinary person, I am afraid that all the flesh and blood on the body will be cut off at the moment of being caught in the hurricane, leaving only a dry bone.

And even a strong man with the strength of the Heavenly Father, if he is caught in such a hurricane, even if he does not die, he will have a layer of skin scraped off and become dripping with blood.

And most importantly, when a hurricane sweeps through a person's body, it can also bring extremely unbearable pain to the person involved.

Therefore, this hurricane does not seem to have the main purpose of hurting people, but to make people feel the pain of a cruel criminal law.


As a modern young man, Li Yue naturally didn't experience the criminal law that only existed in ancient times, and the painful feeling of Ling Chi.

But even thinking about it, Li Yue could still feel that kind of pain, which was definitely not something ordinary people could bear.

And he naturally didn't want to really feel the pain of being lingering.

Even this hurricane doesn't seem to pose much threat to him at this moment.

But Li Yue was still most vigilant about this hurricane.

After feeling the hurricane, Li Yue naturally also felt the water dragon formed by the water element.

This water dragon, just looking at it from the outside, can't feel the threat it poses at all.

After all, crystal clear, like a dragon carved out of crystal, if it wasn't for the fact that it was soaring in the sky at this time, I believe many people would feel that it was an exquisite work of art.

And it doesn't seem to come from a mortal master sculptor at all, but from the hand of a god.

Of course, the water dragon flying in the air makes people feel that it already contains the breath of life.

Just looking at the exquisite appearance of this water dragon, Li Yue has an urge to collect it as his own collection.

However, Li Yue knew very well that this water dragon was not a real dragon with life.

It's just a collection of some special water elements.

It's not even a work of art by a famous artist.

So at this time, Li Yue naturally had no way to collect it as his own collection.

Moreover, after feeling the water dragon very carefully, although Li Yue didn't feel any special ability it possessed.

However, a very important discovery was made.

Li Yue discovered that although this water dragon is made of special water elements, its own weight far exceeds the maximum weight that normal water can achieve.

At this time, Li Yue could even feel that the water dragon he was facing at this time was not a water dragon composed of water elements.

It is like a planet that is even bigger than the earth.


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