Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 998 Consciousness

Although, Li Yue felt that the sudden appearance of the dragon was a false body with the soul of the dragon.

But the real soul of the dragon has been completely integrated with the body.

Even Li Yue couldn't fully perceive what this dragon soul looked like.

Moreover, Li Yue has no way to completely separate the soul of the dragon without destroying the body of the dragon.

Therefore, Li Yue subconsciously thought that the soul of the dragon had completely merged with the fake body of the dragon.

In fact, Li Yue at that time felt a little regretful about it.

After all, it is definitely not a comfortable feeling for a real dragon soul to be completely imprisoned in a body that does not belong to it.

It was as if Li Yue's soul was forcibly imprisoned in another person's body, unable to leave.

Li Yue could also feel the despair and helplessness in that situation.

However, the situation at this time undoubtedly overturned Li Yue's previous guess.

The soul of this divine dragon was not completely imprisoned in the body of the previous false divine dragon.

Because at this moment, although it was only the golden lightning that simply depicted his own appearance.

But this is still a real dragon soul.

At this moment, the soul of the dragon seemed to regain control of its own freedom.

However, what made Li Yue even more curious was how it separated its own dragon soul from the previous fake dragon body?

But before it didn't use this ability to separate itself, is there any special reason?

At this moment, many doubts appeared in Li Yue's mind again.

But everything that happened in the air did not end because of Li Yue's curiosity.

The golden lightning shuttled through the air, and the afterimage formed an illusory image of a dragon.

Almost no one could have imagined that this seemingly false image of a divine dragon turned out to be the real manifestation of a divine dragon's soul.

And at this moment, the soul of the dragon, which had been separated from its body, seemed to have regained its freedom.

It seemed to be jumping for joy in the air, shuttled and circled at an extremely fast speed, leaving golden afterimage streamers in the air.

However, it was only less than a second to "celebrate" for the regained freedom.

The phantom of the dragon returned to normal.

Started chasing towards the entangled fire dragon and water dragon in front again.


At this moment, this illusory dragon soul doesn't seem to have any weight in itself.

Its flying speed is naturally extremely fast.

It only took a moment to catch up with the water dragon and fire dragon that were entangled in front of them.

The next moment, without the slightest shyness, he directly bumped into it.

The phantom of the dragon, although it seems to be formed by the convergence of many golden lines.

Even its dragon scales are depicted vividly and very realistically.

But it still can't change the fact that it's just a phantom of a dragon, without a real body.

Therefore, even though its body collided with the fire dragon and water dragon flying in front, there was no physical collision.

And the phantom of the golden dragon also became more illusory at this moment, as if it was about to collapse, and gradually disintegrated.

However, the phantom of the divine dragon that gradually dissipated directly merged into the entangled fire dragon and water dragon ahead.

Dazzling golden rays of light gradually appeared on the bodies of the fire dragon and water dragon.

The golden light and shadow change,

Lines like golden streamers gradually filled the relatively single color on the bodies of the water dragons and fire dragons.

It didn't take too long, and the bodies of the water dragon and fire dragon changed greatly from before.

If it was before, it could be seen at a glance that these two dragons are just made up of water elements and fire elements.

It's not the words of fire dragons and water dragons that really have bodies.

So now, with the golden lines gradually perfecting various details on its body.

Pieces of golden dragon scales were drawn.

At this moment, these two divine dragons are almost no different from the real water dragon and fire dragon with real bodies in terms of appearance.

At this moment, the water dragon and the fire dragon did not have the consciousness of the dragon, and did not have the real body of the dragon.

It seems that the soul of the dragon has endowed him with the consciousness of a real dragon and possessed the body of a real dragon!


The blazing red flame became even brighter at this moment.

The water dragon, which seems to be carved out of crystal, also becomes more crystal clear.

It seems that from this moment on, it has real consciousness.


Even like a real dragon, it opened its mouth and let out a very loud dragon chant with the majesty of a dragon.

The sound of the dragon chant lasted for a long time, echoing in this special space.

However, behind the two divine dragons endowed with consciousness, the body of the dragon that was removed from the dragon soul seemed to have lost its original consciousness.

The dragon scales that were originally very bright and shone with golden light gradually lost their brilliance, as if they had changed from a color TV to a black and white TV!

And in the longan, which was originally embarrassing and energetic, it seems to have lost its color, and its consciousness has become lax.

And after the water dragon and the fire dragon uttered dragon chants.

The body of the dragon, which seemed to have lost the support of its soul, collapsed directly.

The dragon scales fell off the dragon body one by one, fell into the void, and then completely dissipated and merged into the surrounding void.

And soon, all the dragon scales on the dragon's body fell off and dissipated as if decayed by time.

Immediately afterwards, Shenlong's body also began to collapse.

The continuous collapse caused the body of the dragon to completely lose its original freshness, as if it had become a dead thing.

Moreover, as the dragon body continued to collapse, the body of the divine dragon continued to drop body fragments, turning into ashes and merging into the void.

In less than a few seconds, the huge body of the dragon, which was hundreds of feet long, completely collapsed.

Countless body fragments dissipated like ashes and merged into the surrounding void.

The moment when the body of the dragon completely dissipated.

The previous water dragons and fire dragons seem to have stronger consciousness and vitality.

It was as if the soul of the dragon had been completely transferred from the previous body to the two new bodies at this moment.

However, unlike before, these two new bodies are constructed by the power of two special elements.

Moreover, the main purpose of these two newly constructed dragon bodies is to attack Li Yue and prevent Li Yue from moving forward and approaching the center of this area.

"I don't know what treasure is in front of me, but let this dragon, even if it hurts its own dragon soul, to prevent me from moving forward."

At this time, Li Yue was even more curious about what was in front of him that made this divine dragon not hesitate to damage his own dragon soul and stop him from moving forward!


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