Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1000 Instant Annihilation

When the soul of the dragon was transferred from the previous body to these two new bodies made of special elements.

These two divine dragons, who didn't seem to have any consciousness at first, seem to have come back to life. They have changed from dead things manipulated by people to living creatures with real consciousness and soul.

Although, in fact, even if you really have the soul of the dragon, you can't be considered a real dragon at all.

However, at this time, perhaps after changing to a new body, the remaining soul of the dragon seemed to be freed from the feeling of being restrained for a while.

The soul of the bound dragon, even if it has a real dragon body, cannot truly have freedom like before.

And having freedom, even if it is just a remnant soul, means that it can do what it wants to do according to its own will.

It's a pity that the situation of breaking free at this time only lasted for a short moment.

After that, the soul of the dragon seemed to be bound by that inexplicable power again, and had to manipulate the new body to continue the unfinished attack.

And this also means that the two dragons flying in the sky at this time once again set their eyes on Li Yue below.

Because the meaning of their birth is to completely destroy Li Yue below.

Although the previous actions took a long time.

But in fact, the whole process only took less than ten seconds.

And in this space, it is even more impossible to clearly feel the passage of time.

Therefore, this short period of a few seconds may be shorter than the normal passage of time.

However, for Li Yue, this time is long enough.

If it wasn't for every moment, a new situation would appear in the attack released by Shenlong, he might not be able to wait so long at all.

However, at this time, Shenlong did not hesitate to consume the few remnants of his soul left, and the powerful attack unleashed was finally completely completed.

At this time, what Li Yue was about to face was exactly this dragon, the strongest attack in almost its heyday.

However, Li Yue did not have much interest in such a powerful offensive.


If it is said that before Shenlong continuously released attacks and used various special abilities to perfect his attack form this time, it could still attract Li Yue's curiosity.

So after all the attacks are completed this time, how powerful the offensive will be unleashed is not very attractive to Li Yue.

If Li Yue wanted to, he could even easily destroy the opponent's offensive, so that the opponent's attack in its heyday was completely disintegrated before it could exert its original attack power.

However, maybe in Li Yue's heart, he wanted to experience for himself how powerful the attack power of Shenlong's full-blown attack would be.

Therefore, Li Yue didn't do this, and didn't want to directly disintegrate the attack released by the opponent before receiving the opponent's attack.

And Li Yue, who was very confident in his own strength, hardly made any form of defense, but simply faced the opponent's attack directly.

And the fire dragon and water dragon that are entangled in the sky will not wait for Li Yue's reaction kindly and not attack because Li Yue did not make any defensive posture.

Their bodies rushed directly to Li Yue below at a speed countless times faster than before the offensive was completely completed.

A fire dragon shining bright red light, and a crystal-like water dragon shining brightly, swooped down directly from the sky.

In the air, their bodies are still constantly entangled with each other.

Like a pair of dragons playing with pearls in the auspicious mythology, it turned into a streamer of water blue mixed with fiery red.

Like a meteor falling from the depths of the universe to the ground, it rushed towards the area where Li Yue was.

But at this moment, Li Yue just quietly looked up at the void, as if he was looking at the vast and boundless universe.

However, they turned a deaf ear to the upcoming offensive like a falling meteor.

Time is fleeting, and the falling speed of the "meteor" almost draws a bright stream of light in the void.

And the next moment, an attack like a meteor hit Li Yue's body instantly.

At this moment, it seemed as if the surrounding time and space were instantly frozen.

In the entire space, there is only this bright and dazzling light left.


The dazzling blue-red streamer fell directly like a meteor.

And at the place where it fell, Li Yue's body was standing there impressively, not feeling the slightest fear of the meteor that was about to fall on him.

Even, facing the two giant dragons that were about to collide with him, Li Yue had no intention of avoiding it at all.

Two red and blue dragons, entangled together, gathered extremely powerful forces, and directly slammed into Li Yue's body fiercely.

It was as if space had come to a standstill at this moment.

The attack of the two divine dragons carried such a huge force that almost made the entire space tremble slightly.

But at the moment when the two dragons were less than one meter away from Li Yue's body, the whole world suddenly became quiet.

I saw the bodies of the two dragons falling in the air, and suddenly stopped at a distance of less than one meter from Li Yue.

From Shenlong's eyes, one can feel a hint of disbelief.

However, Li Yue's expression was very calm, as if he had expected this situation a long time ago.

Or it can also be said that the reason for this situation is entirely because Li Yue used some means.

"Maybe, you have to attack me because of your mission. Maybe you have to stop me from going forward because you are controlled by others."

"And I, although I also have a little longing for you in the past."

"But now, I have to choose to do so."

Li Yue didn't care whether the soul of the dragon could understand what he was saying, but just talked on his own.

"Because, no matter what, I want to enter the center of this mysterious area to have a look, what is the mysterious treasure that you are trying so hard to protect without sacrificing the power of the dragon soul!"

Facing the extremely unbelievable eyes of the two dragons looking at him, Li Yue's face did not appear too big.

The next moment, Li Yue waved his right hand lightly facing the two giant dragons that were less than one meter away from him and whose bodies were a hundred feet in size.

Immediately afterwards, there seemed to be a breeze blowing by, making the space that seemed to be stagnant in time finally have a little movement.

However, this faint breeze created an extremely terrifying scene.

I saw that the two dragons, less than one meter away from Li Yue, seemed to wither instantly under the blowing of this breeze.

And the fire dragon that burns like a raging fire, and the water dragon that is crystal clear like crystal.

At this moment, it instantly turned into ashes and dissipated into the void.


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