Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1007 The Barrier of Manifestation

The golden energy possessed by Li Yue, although controlled by Li Yue, was very harmonious and seemed to pose no threat.

However, after Li Yue let go of control of the golden energy, it would instantly show its powerful destructive power.

But now, Li Yue has basically given up control of the huge energy gathered in his palm.

So in a short moment, the huge golden energy that was originally gathered in the center of Li Yue's hand instantly lost Li Yue's control and began to become chaotic.

Although it had only been gathered for a short period of time, at this moment, a huge amount of golden energy had already gathered in Li Yue's palm.

And such a huge golden energy, after losing Li Yue's control, instantly exploded with powerful destructive power.

However, such a huge amount of energy can even produce a power comparable to that of a nuclear bomb.

But at this moment, Li Yue, who was outside the barrier, did not feel at all the powerful momentum and power that should have erupted from the energy after losing his control!

At this time, Li Yue, who was outside the barrier, could not feel the momentum generated by the energy explosion at all.

It was as if there was no energy at all in front of him.

On both sides of the barrier, it's like they are two completely different worlds.

In the space where Li Yue was, everything was calm and nothing was abnormal.

However, on the other side of the barrier, as Li Yue let go of the control of the energy gathered in his hands.

Soon, the extremely huge golden energy began to spread around at an extremely fast speed.

At this time, although Li Yue had basically let go of the constraints on the golden energy, he naturally did not ignore the golden energy completely and allowed it to spread freely in the barrier.

At this time, Li Yue used a simple method to let the golden energy spread to the surroundings regularly and evenly in this special barrier.

Of course, as the energy continues to spread around, even though Li Yue has just gathered a huge amount of golden energy, it is still not enough to complete Li Yue's plan at this time.

Therefore, Li Yue did not stop the energy transmission in his body.

There was an almost continuous flow of golden energy, mobilized by Li Yue, and transported along his arms to the palms in the barrier.

Then, let go of the restraints on the energy and allow the energy to spread around.

At the beginning, although Li Yue had already sent a large amount of energy into this barrier.

But Li Yue, who was outside the barrier, still couldn't feel any abnormality at all.

It was as if the energy he conveyed was completely lost in the sea, without causing any waves.

Although Li Yue also had some doubts in his heart, whether his plan at this time could succeed and let this barrier manifest itself.

But Li Yue did not stop sending a large amount of energy into it.

And because of Li Yue's persistence, it seemed that his plan finally had a real effect.

As Li Yue continued to transfer energy, dozens of seconds had passed.

The energy Li Yue sent out already accounted for almost one-tenth of the total energy in his body at this time.

Finally, the seemingly empty space in front of him suddenly began to change.

First, Li Yue saw a faint golden light suddenly flashing in front of him.

If Li Yue hadn't been focusing all his attention on the invisible barrier in front of him, maybe Li Yue would have missed this faint flash of golden light.

"It seems that my plan can really work!"

Although this golden light was very weak, it even disappeared completely in an instant, as if it was just an illusion caused by Li Yue's excessive concentration.

But Li Yue knew that this was a sign that his plan would really work.

Therefore, Li Yue, who finally waited for the barrier to react, had almost no hesitation.

Increase the speed of energy delivery again.

And soon, as Li Yue's energy transmission speed increased again.

In front of him, it was finally no longer the original scene where there was only a void of space.

The next moment, a golden light suddenly appeared and grew rapidly with time.

The originally weak golden light began to surge rapidly, and in almost an instant, it became very shining.

Moreover, golden light slowly began to emerge from the position of Li Yue's arm, and then continued to spread toward the periphery as time passed.

"It seems that my plan finally succeeded!"

Looking at the strange situation in front of him, Li Yue was finally convinced that his plan was gradually working.

Golden energy has filled this barrier.

And it merged with this barrier, so golden light appeared in front of Li Yue.

Li Yue's original plan was not to use the huge energy he had gathered to explode with huge force to cause the barrier to collapse.

Instead, it uses huge energy to merge with this barrier.

After all, even if a collapsed barrier really manifests itself, its effect on Li Yue will be very limited.

But after a barrier fused with his own energy manifests itself, it naturally plays a very important role for Li Yue.

At this time, as Li Yue continued to transfer huge energy into this barrier, this plan finally took effect.

The emergence of golden light means that the energy Li Yue transmitted into the barrier has begun to gradually integrate with the barrier.

With the integration of golden energy, this barrier gradually released golden light, allowing Li Yue to truly see the existence of this barrier with his naked eyes.

Soon, the golden light in front of Li Yue became very bright.

During the entire process of the barrier manifesting, golden energy formed streams of light at a speed visible to the naked eye, spreading rapidly around like cracks in bulletproof glass after being hit.

In less than a few dozen seconds, the golden light had become almost shining.

In front of Li Yue, an energy barrier with a range of several kilometers appeared.

However, what has been fused and manifested by the golden energy at this time is far from the true size of this barrier.

Because the golden light is still spreading outward at this moment, it seems that as long as Li Yue integrates enough energy, it will not stop at all.

As for Li Yue, he naturally didn't pay much attention to the size of this barrier.

Because he only relied on guesswork, he could also imagine that the barrier connecting the two spaces was almost endless.

Therefore, Li Yue naturally did not naively think that his golden energy could be completely integrated into this barrier at this time, allowing this almost boundless barrier to be fully manifested as a whole.

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