Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1028 Another form of difficulty

Although I thought of a simple solution to my inability to draw runes.

However, this simple method, combined with Li Yue's specific situation at this time, became not so simple again.

If a person has already had a first glimpse of this special cultivation system, it may be possible for him to truly understand the true meaning of this advanced rune in a short period of time by relying on his powerful talent.

However, for people like Li Yue who have almost seen and heard of this cultivation system for the first time, if they want to directly understand the true meaning of the high-level runes as soon as they get up, it is almost completely impossible. impossible things.

As we all know, everything must be done step by step, from simple to complex, and there must be a transition process.

It's like, no matter how talented a person is, he is the most talented prodigy in the world.

But it is impossible for him to fully understand calculus and other advanced mathematics knowledge in advanced mathematics without even knowing one plus one.

The so-called genius just means a person's talent in doing certain things.

It is not a demonstration of a person's true abilities.

Even a true genius must start with simple knowledge and progress step by step until he fully understands more advanced knowledge.

Strong talent means that his ability and speed in accepting certain things are beyond the average level of normal people.

However, if there is no acquired hard work to learn new knowledge, then things like "injuring Zhongyong" will happen.

Of course, at this time, Li Yue had almost never been hailed as a genius in his previous life.

But in fact, at this time, Li Yue was even more genius than a real genius. He could not be described with the word "genius" at all. Perhaps only "evil" could truly describe Li Yue.

However, even a "monster" person like Li Yue is not very sure at all when encountering this situation and having never been exposed to a unique cultivation system.

You can directly skip the basic training of this training system and directly understand the very advanced and complex training system.

In other words, Li Yue did not have any confidence at this moment that he could skip directly to comprehend the true meaning of some simple runes and directly comprehend the true meaning of such advanced runes.

Of course, it's not just Li Yue. This is something that almost no one can do with absolute certainty.

No one needs to tell Li Yue, Li Yue can also understand that the runes drawn on the barrier in front of him are relatively advanced existences in this rune system.

There are almost no relatively simple runes at all.

And being able to draw so many high-level runes on this barrier, and combine it with the real abilities contained in the runes, to build this special and powerful barrier.

Li Yue almost didn't need to make too many guesses to draw an obvious conclusion.

That is the person who built this barrier. In this special rune cultivation system, he has definitely reached the top level.

For such a powerful person, even the runes drawn casually may be something that ordinary people cannot understand in their lifetime.

At this time, in order to construct this barrier, it is obvious that its creator has used his true power.

Countless different runes were drawn together on this barrier, and each exerted its due effect.

Even Li Yue at this time could not fully understand all the unique abilities contained in this barrier.

What he learned at this time was that only this barrier could absorb spiritual power.

And it can repair itself, and has the ability to have special rules that can make people forget their memories in a blink of an eye.

Of course, this does not mean that the person who built this barrier must be stronger than Li Yue at this time.

First of all, Li Yue is just a clone formed by the fusion of mind and spirit at this time, and there is a huge gap between Li Yue's own strength.

Secondly, when the other party built this barrier, they didn't know how long it took and how much energy they spent.

Only then did this powerful barrier finally be built.

Regarding its own strength, Li Yue could draw a simple conclusion at this time, that is, the opponent was very strong and would probably surpass the power of his own clone.

But in fact, it is still uncertain whether the opponent is far superior to himself or equal to his own physical strength.

However, Li Yue could feel that the other party's real power might really be stronger than his own clone at this time.

But it may not exceed its own body.

Because, if it is really a person with multiverse-level strength like his own body, even a barrier created casually will have stronger characteristics than this barrier.

However, there may not necessarily be such special rules that will make people forget their memories in a blink of an eye!

Because this kind of rune can manipulate the rules between heaven and earth, even if you don't need to know too much about it, you can understand that it is an extremely advanced means of manipulating energy in its system.

And such advanced runes are definitely not something that beginners who have just learned this cultivation system can draw.

At this time, Li Yue, in some cases, was not even as good as a beginner who already understood this cultivation system.

He simply hasn't started yet.

Even if Li Yue is a "monster", when faced with something that he has never been exposed to before and is almost completely unknown to him, I am afraid that he will not be able to fully understand it in a very short period of time.

Therefore, at this time, Li Yue wanted to completely understand the true meaning of this rune, and be able to successfully draw these runes, and even use these runes to manipulate the rules between heaven and earth.

I'm afraid it's almost impossible to achieve.

At this moment, the seemingly simple method that Li Yue thought of still seemed very difficult for him to do.

At this moment, it seemed that Li Yue had no way to completely re-engrave these runes in his mind, and could only choose other options to prevent himself from forgetting the memory of these runes.

"Although the situation at the moment does seem to be the case, as someone who has never been exposed to this special training system, the possibility of understanding such advanced runes right away is almost zero!"

"But some things are not absolute."

"At least, for me now, this matter is not absolutely impossible to accomplish."

However, despite everything looking at this time, Li Yuedu had almost no chance of success.

But Li Yue himself was very confident in himself.

Because in the process of drawing the runes before, he had already felt what he should do to understand the true meaning of these runes!

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