Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1030 Integration into runes

You only need to completely concentrate your mental power, and then use the concentrated mental power with almost no distracting thoughts to explore this kind of rune, and you can truly integrate with this kind of rune.

And when your spirit is completely integrated with these runes and reaches the same frequency, your mental power will be able to peek into the real mysteries contained in these runes.

This method was a method that Li Yue had accidentally obtained before to pry into the mysteries of these runes.

Even though Li Yue was still not sure at this time, whether the method of peering into the secrets of runes in this unique training system was basically the same as what he was using at this time.

But what Li Yue can be sure of is that no matter whether his method is really the same as the method in this special cultivation system, his method can really work.

"Perhaps, the method I am using at this time is a little too complicated and difficult!"

"Perhaps, in this special cultivation system, a unique system and method has been formed for how to pry into the mysteries of runes."

"Moreover, perhaps the method used is far easier than the method I discovered at this time."

"After all, not everyone has as strong mental power as I do at this moment, and can directly break through the special barrier of this rune after being highly concentrated."

When Li Yue knew that his method of highly concentrated mental power could really work, Li Yue had some guesses in his mind.

Perhaps in this special system, a simpler method of spying on the mysteries of runes has long been evolved.

After all, not everyone has such a strong mental power as Li Yue now.

After being highly concentrated, you can directly break through the barriers of the strange runes themselves, truly enter the runes, and integrate with the runes.

If they are people who have just started practicing, it is absolutely impossible for them to have as strong a spiritual power as themselves.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for them to rely on their highly concentrated and powerful mental power to truly integrate with these runes and pry into their secrets like themselves.

This also means that in this special cultivation system, there is definitely a simpler way that even ordinary people can use to pry into the mysteries of runes.

Of course, Li Yue could not really detect such a simpler method at this time.

However, although Li Yue did not understand the special methods that even ordinary people could use.

But for Li Yue at this time, it was enough to know that he could use high-intensity concentrated mental power to pry into the mysteries of the runes.

Because, whether it is a simple method or a method like Li Yue's that requires extremely strong mental power to use at this time.

Their original meanings are the same, all to explore the true meaning contained in this rune.

It's just that the simpler method is easier to implement.

However, methods like this that require extremely strong mental power have a threshold for use. Only people with strong mental power like Li Yue can truly use it.

However, for Li Yue, as long as he can explore the secrets in this rune at this time, it doesn't matter no matter what method he uses.

Even if, using this method, his mental strength, which was originally comparable to that of a multiverse level powerhouse, may be weakened.

Or even get back to where it was before burning potential.

But for Li Yue at this time, this did not make him feel any flinch.

Because as long as you can pry out the secrets contained in this kind of rune, even if all your previous plans fail, it will be completely worth it.


A new unique cultivation system brings people more than just another way to become stronger.

Especially for Li Yue at this moment, he urgently needs to take advantage of various cultivation systems to make up for his shortcomings.

Therefore, if you can really understand this cultivation system, you can truly understand the true power and meaning contained in this rune.

Li Yue's help at this time is absolutely precious enough.

Therefore, even if he concentrates his mental power intensively, everything that Li Yue had planned before may go unexpectedly.

However, today's Li Yue still has no hesitation in his choice at this time.

What he has to do is to concentrate his mental power once again.

But this time, Li Yue was not trying to resist the pressure from heaven and earth around him.

Instead, one must use a highly concentrated mental state to forcibly break through the defensive obstacles of the rune itself.

Finally, let your spiritual power be integrated into the runes and peek into the real secrets contained in the runes!

And then, Li Yue, without any hesitation, did exactly that.

He directly mobilized himself, burning his body's potential, and obtained mental power comparable to that of a multiverse-level powerhouse.

The huge mental power was concentrated to an extremely high degree and gathered in Li Yue's mind.

The powerful gathering of mental power instantly affects the surrounding real world.

A mental force field that was countless times more powerful than before instantly appeared around Li Yue's body.

The terrifying mental force field instantly caused the surrounding gravel and debris to float from the ground as if they had lost gravity.

Almost everything within a few thousand meters was affected by the mental force field caused by Li Yue's concentrated mental power.

Almost instantly, an area with abnormal gravity was formed.

In an instant, he concentrated his huge mental power to a high degree.

Let Li Yue become the master of heaven and earth almost instantly.

Everything around him seemed to be able to be manipulated freely by Li Yue.

Countless things floated in the sky following Li Yue's thoughts.

However, at this time, Li Yue focused almost all of his attention on the strange runes in front of him.

The runes originally drawn on the barrier by several rays of light seemed to be getting closer and closer to Li Yue at this moment.

Li Yue's eyes seemed to have lost everything else, only the runes on the barrier were shining with a brilliance that could not be ignored.

Li Yue could feel that his highly concentrated mental power seemed to be attracted by the runes in front of him.

The mental power gradually approached the runes, like meteors approaching from a distance. The strange runes gradually became brighter and brighter in Li Yue's eyes.

It seemed like an instant, and it seemed like a full century.

Li Yue concentrated his energy and finally came to the front of the strange rune.

The next moment, Li Yue's mental power did not stop, but rushed directly towards the runes shining brightly in his eyes without hesitation.


It was like a sudden shattering of glass.

Cracks suddenly appeared in Li Yue's eyes.

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