Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1044 Deconstruction and Reconstruction

Just now, Li Yue had a real understanding of most of the hundreds of runes.

Although it contains many similar abilities, it also follows the rule that the more complex the runes are drawn, the more powerful the abilities are.

Among them, there are special abilities that are more powerful than the swallowing ability, such as fusion, self-recovery (repair), entity virtualization and other special abilities.

There are also some abilities that are much weaker than the devouring ability.

However, whether these abilities are strong or weak, they all follow this pattern.

The more complex the runes are to draw, the more powerful the abilities they contain.

Even if it is just a stroke or even a millimeter difference in drawing, the abilities will show a difference in strength.

Therefore, Li Yue was very confident before that the most complicated rune to draw must contain the ability to forget that has reached the power of rules.

However, what happened next exceeded Li Yue's expectations.

Although the ability contained in this rune is indeed the most powerful ability that Li Yue has perceived so far.

If its ability is truly used, it is not even weaker than the Reality Stone, one of the Infinity Stones that can play a great role in the Marvel Universe.

This is a powerful ability that can completely deconstruct and reshape everything at a level smaller than atoms.

Just like in the Marvel world, if you have the Reality Stone, you can modify the real world at will.

Using this ability, an original object can be instantly deconstructed and divided into a special state smaller than atoms.

But more than that, this ability can also reshape anything that is analyzed into a molecular state.

Therefore, if this ability is used properly, it can completely reshape the entire world according to the user's wishes.

Similarly, it is completely possible to completely destroy the reality of a world.

Of course, the obvious difference between this rune and the real reality gem is that it is just a special ability.

The effect of using it does not depend on the ability itself, but on the will of the person who uses it.

For example, if Li Yue uses this ability,

Then he can completely achieve the same effect as the Reality Stone in the Marvel Universe.

It is not difficult to use this ability to instantly change the entire universe.

However, if an ordinary person uses this ability, he will not be able to truly achieve the effect of instantly changing the universe like Li Yue did.

I'm afraid that even if I try my best, I can only change an ordinary object the size of an apple.

Of course, the reason why there is a huge gap between using the same ability.

An ordinary person, whether it is his mental will or the energy contained in his body, is far from comparable to Li Yue at this time.

Li Yue can provide powerful willpower and energy to change the entire universe.

But ordinary people, even if they sacrifice their souls, cannot support the huge energy required to reconstruct the universe.

Therefore, even if they can really use this ability, naturally they will not be able to truly change the entire universe.

This is the huge difference between this ability and the Marvel Reality Stone.

Because the Reality Stone itself is an energy source with infinite energy.

It can manipulate the reality energy of the entire Marvel Universe, and naturally can easily modify the reality of the entire universe.

As for the special abilities in this rune, it is necessary to consider the user's real energy and strength.

However, even so, it cannot change the fact that this ability is very powerful.

If it weren't for Li Yue facing this ability, he wouldn't have felt something like the rules of the universe.

I'm afraid he has attributed this ability to the rules of the universe.

In fact, it seems that it is precisely because the use of this special ability requires the user's energy and cannot directly mobilize the energy of the entire universe to complete it, so this ability cannot truly reach the level of the rules of the universe.

However, even Li Yue already understood the power of this ability.

And I also basically understand why this ability does not reach the level of the rules of the universe.

However, this cannot be changed. Li Yue did not feel the true ability of the rules of the universe in the most complex runes, but only felt a special ability that was infinitely close to the power of the rules of the universe.

This situation seems to have directly overturned Li Yue's previous speculation that the more complex the runes are to draw, the more powerful they will be.

Because in this most complex rune, he did not feel the special forgetting rules that could really make Li Yue forget his memory.

As for the real rules of forgetfulness, I don’t know which rune actually exists.

But what is certain is that Li Yue has not really felt the runes containing the rules of forgetfulness so far.

"Could it be that I can only find the rune with the rules of forgetfulness by sensing these hundreds of runes one by one?"

At this time, it was certainly not impossible for Li Yue to find the rune that contained the forgotten rules.

Moreover, the method of finding the rune is also very simple.

It's just a matter of sensing the hundreds of runes at this time.

Afterwards, Li Yue could always perceive the rune that truly contained this forgotten rule!

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I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later! I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later! I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later!

I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later! I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later! I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later!

I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later!

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