Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1048 A different space

It was the first time that Li Yue had not endured the strong rejection from Rune Space, and Li Yue seemed a little unaccustomed to it.

However, he did not dwell too much on this matter, but quickly came to his senses and knew what he really wanted to do at this time.

Although the highly concentrated mental power has been relaxed, Li Yue naturally did not sit idle, but began to feel this somewhat special rune space.

Because the situation after entering this space is different from Li Yue's previous experience.

So Li Yue also understood that perhaps his previous experiences could no longer become his own experiences at this time.

What he was facing now was more of an unfamiliar situation.

Of course, although the situation Li Yue faced may be a bit unfamiliar to him compared to before.

However, after carefully experiencing this rune space, Li Yue was somewhat fortunate to find that not all situations were different from his previous experiences.

At least, this space still contains the same silver-white clouds as those in the previous rune spaces.

This silvery white cloud is very similar to the mysterious atmosphere Li Yue felt before.

But what is not exactly the same as that mysterious atmosphere is that this silvery white cloud can not only be felt with perception.

Rather, it seems to exist in a physical form, just like white clouds floating in the sky, allowing people to clearly see its existence!

However, although he can truly see and feel the existence of this kind of cloud and mist, for Li Yue, who has entered hundreds of rune spaces.

He knew clearly that this silvery white cloud did not actually exist.

He was completely unable to truly touch this silver-white cloud, nor could he truly absorb these clouds into his body.

Moreover, the existence of this kind of cloud and mist seemed not to be absorbed or touched by Li Yuelai in the first place.

It is as if the original intention of this kind of cloud and mist was to create a special phantom that was needed to display visions.

When the illusion is completed and completely silent, that is the moment when this cloud and mist completely loses its effect and finally disappears completely.

"Since there is this special cloud and mist here, it seems that there are some similarities with my previous experience."

"As long as it's not completely different from my previous experiences, it can at least give me some mental preparation."

At this time, after feeling the existence of this special cloud and mist, Li Yue finally breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

At least, since this special cloud exists in this space, it means that it is not completely different from what I have experienced before.

As long as he is not facing a completely unfamiliar situation, it is a relatively good situation for Li Yue.

"Then, like the previous experience, do you need to experience a unique vision to understand the special ability it contains?"

In the previous situations that Li Yue experienced, these silver-white clouds would play their true role after enduring the strong repulsive force.

It began to transform into a unique vision, which Li Yue felt more carefully.

And often, the true meaning and ability contained in the runes are expressed in visions.

If you have never seen these special abilities before, or do not really understand them, you may not be able to instantly comprehend them from such a relatively abstract vision.

However, some special abilities are easy to understand for Li Yue.

Because although these abilities are relatively special,

But they were all within the scope of Li Yue's previous understanding.

For example, the vision displayed in the most complex rune is a unique world scene.

And this world was first instantly decomposed by some inexplicable force and disappeared completely.

Then it was slowly condensed by some kind of substance again, and reappeared, seemingly no different from before it disappeared.

Of course, there are still many details involved in the entire process of this vision.

In more cases, this ability seems to be more easily regarded as the ability to go back in time.

After all, when a world disappears and then reappears, the simplest case is that time goes back.

Just like the Flash used the Speed ​​Force to travel through time and reunite the broken world.

However, Li Yue understood from this vision a special ability that was different from time retrieval.

Like the Reality Stone in the Marvel world, it has the special ability to deconstruct and reshape things.

Previously, this special vision represented the ability to deconstruct and reshape things.

At this moment, Li Yue was naturally very curious about what kind of strange phenomena this runic space, which represented forgotten rules, would show.

However, as Li Yue came to this rune space, no special phenomena representing the manifestation of abilities directly occurred.

At this time, because he had not experienced the rejection of the repulsive force, Li Yue did not know when this vision would begin.

It seemed that the entire rune space was very quiet at the moment, as if it had not noticed Li Yue's arrival at all.

"Could it be that in this rune space, like other runes, there won't be phenomena representing special abilities?"

After waiting for a period of time, Li Yue did not feel that any vision was about to happen.

Therefore, Li Yue couldn't help but feel a little strange. Could it be that in this special rune space, there would be no phenomena representing special abilities?

"In other words, is there some special situation at this time?"

According to the previous situation, the vision represents the special ability contained in this rune.

And there is no vision, which means that this rune does not contain special abilities.

This is naturally impossible to happen.

After all, Li Yue had felt the effect of forgetting rules in this rune before.

Therefore, it is naturally impossible that this rune does not contain any special abilities.

But at this time, after Li Yue entered the rune space, there was no strange phenomenon like before.

According to Li Yue's guess, it may be because some conditions are needed to trigger the vision.

"The conditions that trigger the vision? In this space, only this silver-white cloud exists. So from this point of view, the triggering condition is probably this cloud."

At this time, only this silver-white cloud exists in this rune space, which means that if there is really a condition that triggers the vision, then it must be in this cloud.

At this moment, Li Yue had a guess in his mind, so without too much hesitation, he directly controlled his spiritual body and slowly approached the silver cloud!

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