Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1053 Never Forget

For almost everyone, the moment their memory begins is when they were just born and still a baby.

However, if they are not time travellers, normal humans will not have memories of what they see before them when they are just born.

In other words, these memories will be forgotten in a very short time.

When people really have memories and want to recall the memories of their birth, they will find that it is impossible to do so.

But, in fact, these pictures have always been kept in everyone's mind.

However, most people cannot recall the scene of their newborn birth.

When Li Yue was born, he was also an ordinary person.

This also means that before he gained superpowers, he also had no memory of his birth.

However, since Li Yue gained superpowers, his mental strength has increased significantly.

Not only did his memory grow to a terrifying degree, but memories that had been forgotten long ago also resurfaced in his mind.

In the end, Li Yue was able to completely recall the memory of the time when he was born.

And this memory is actually very important to anyone.

Because this means that you truly become a human being, a young life.

It also means that you have truly entered the real world and have your own unique life.

If everyone could recall the memory of their birth.

I am afraid that most people will regard this memory as their most important memory, and it is also the memory that people least want to forget.

At this time, Li Yue was buried in profound memory fragments deep in his memory.

In addition to the scenes of the earth world where he lived before, among all the memories, this memory means that he really came to this world, which is very important to Li Yue.

It can be said that the memory that Li Yue least wants to forget is this moment at the beginning of his life!

And as Li Yue went retrograde in the long river of his memory.

He walked through all kinds of memories, all kinds of moments that made him feel unforgettable.

And Li Yue's powerful mental power allows him to completely recall everything that happened every minute and every second of his previous life.

This act of going backwards into the long river of memory is like allowing Li Yue to review his previous life.

Although Li Yue is not too old, the things he has experienced are more fantastic and exciting than any ordinary person.

However, no matter how fantastic and wonderful it is, it always returns to the same ordinary moment in the end.

It is also an important moment that means a person is truly born in this world.

At this time, Li Yue had almost reviewed all the memories of his previous life, and it seemed that after recalling, he had completely forgotten all his memories.

But when the memory came to the moment of his birth, it seemed that all the forgotten memories suddenly reappeared in Li Yue's mind.

Among all the memories, there are happiness, sadness, hesitation and happiness.

Memories with various emotions can truly construct all the memories of Li Yue's previous life.

Li Yue understood that it was time for him to "wake up" now!

"Although, there are some sad and bad memories that some people may want to forget."

"However, it is this colorful memory that truly constructs a person's complete life."

"In life, if there are only happiness and happy memories, wouldn't it be too boring?"

At this time, feeling the surrounding scene and following his memory to change the scene when he was just born, Li Yue seemed to finally wake up from the constant memories.

"Of course, anyone can choose to forget memories that make them unhappy."

"But for me, every memory in my life is extremely important."

"So, I'm sorry, I will not choose to forget my life,

No happy or sad memories will be forgotten. "

"Because it is these memories that can make me have different emotions that really make my life more colorful!"

At this moment, Li Yue seemed to instantly recall the memory fragment of being walked by him and collapsing behind him.

In an instant, this special world, which seemed to be running retrograde with Li Yue's memory, suddenly began to stop running instantly!

The next moment, Li Yue suddenly turned around and looked in the direction he came from.

However, at this moment, there is nothingness at the end, and many scenes that I was familiar with before have begun to collapse at this time.

And at this moment, those collapsing scenes have been frozen in this moment!

"The memories should end here."

“And then, it’s time for me to continue on the normal track of life and keep moving forward.”

Looking at the memory scene where the collapse was taking place, Li Yue's face showed no emotion.

However, at this moment, Li Yue's whole person seemed to suddenly become determined, as if he had a goal for his life that he would strive for unremittingly.

And in the next moment, the entire world, which seemed to have stood still in time, began to move again.

However, this time, time seems to have started to flow backwards.

The scene that originally showed Li Yue going retrograde in his life memory began to change into a normal life trajectory at this moment.

And as Li Yue stepped forward, the memory scenes that had been constantly collapsing and disappearing began to be reshaped at the moment Li Yue's footsteps fell.

Every time Li Yue took a step forward, the scene under his feet began to come together again.

Although Li Yue's forward speed has remained unchanged, the speed at which the memory scene under his feet is being reshaped is getting faster and faster.

The entire memory world began to retrace its steps at a faster speed than when Li Yue traveled back through the long river of memory.

This is a special rune space, and the abnormal sound created by this rune space is also very special.

It turned out that based on all the memories in Li Yue's mind, a unique memory world that belonged only to Li Yue was generated.

In this world, there are all the memories of Li Yue's first half of his life.

There are very important memories for Li Yue about the earth world where he once lived.

There are also some less important memories, places that Li Yue only visited once in his life.

There is a face that Li Yue is very familiar with and can be regarded as his true good friend.

There was also a stranger's face that Li Yue saw randomly in his life while walking on the street.

These are insignificant memories, and there are also some sad memories.

Choosing to forget may also be a very good thing for some ordinary people.

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