Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1064 Finally seeing the “tall building”

In short, although the architectural style of this tall building has some similarities with ancient Chinese buildings.

But just by looking at it with the naked eye, you can clearly feel that the materials used in its construction are definitely very high-end and valuable.

Even when Li Yue felt these building materials, he could clearly feel that they contained some extremely special energy fluctuations.

Although this energy fluctuation is very subtle, it is still impossible to escape Li Yue's powerful perception.

In fact, Li Yue could feel that even he at this time could not easily destroy this tall building.

And all this feeling comes from the precious building materials of this tall building, although it is not as gorgeous as some royal buildings carved with gold.

But it gives people a sense of incomparable harmony and a special beauty that seems to be a work of art.

Even for a being like Li Yue, who is very strong and has equally strong perception, this building seems to contain something even more surprising.

For example, if Li Yue did not use his naked eyes but only used his mental power to perceive, he would have discovered that there seemed to be a faint layer of azure light lingering around the perimeter of this huge tall building.

And in this cyan light, there are countless colorful brilliance, which are constantly flowing, as if containing some special and strange law.

The cyan light completely enveloped the entire tower, giving people a feeling that it was difficult to destroy.

Even Li Yue at this time could feel that from the outside, his strength might not be enough to completely destroy this tall building.

And this is something very unbelievable.

After all, although Li Yue at this time is just a clone formed by the fusion of the power of his mind, his real power is still terrifying.

Not to mention just destroying a simple building, even destroying a real planet would not require Li Yue's full strength.

However, such a powerful Li Yue felt that it was difficult to destroy when facing this tall building.

From this point of view, this tall building seems to have frighteningly powerful defense capabilities.

"It seems that this tall building with a formidable defense must contain something extremely important."

"After all, ordinary things are not qualified to enjoy such powerful protection."

At this moment, I felt that the building materials of this tall building were very precious, and at the same time, I also felt that the defensive power of this pavilion was equally powerful and scary.

Li Yue felt even more curious about what existed in it.

After all, a high-rise building was built using such precious materials, and such a strong defensive capability was imposed on this high-rise building.

If there are just some extremely ordinary things placed in it, it will naturally be something that people cannot understand.

And Li Yue would not think that there would be some relatively ordinary things placed in such a beautiful and powerful high-defense building.

Therefore, at this moment, Li Yue was very curious about what kind of "treasure" he could see when entering this pavilion.

Subconsciously, Li Yue quickened his pace.

The pace that originally seemed to be a little anxious and fast seemed to have stopped for an instant.

However, the next moment, Li Yue was seen raising his feet again, taking a slow but firm step forward.

The next moment, the scene around Li Yue changed instantly.

In just one step, Li Yue had already crossed dozens of kilometers, and in an instant he was actually in front of this huge pavilion.

At this time, Li Yue also saw that directly in front of him was a paint-red door several meters high.

Just like the mansions where princes and nobles lived in ancient times, they had huge courtyards that were several feet high.

And at the top of the crimson door,

But there was a plaque with words written on it that seemed familiar to Li Yue but did not recognize.

The text showed a golden color, as if it were written with gold as ink.

And there seems to be brilliance flowing in it, making people unconsciously focus on it.

Li Yue was also consciously attracted by this plaque.

However, at this time, he did not recognize the words written in gold.

But according to common sense, the words on this plaque may be the name of this pavilion.

However, it is a special text created by another universe and another intelligent civilization.

The whole thing is somewhat similar to the ancient Chinese characters that Li Yue recognized, such as seal characters.

However, they are not exactly the same!

Therefore, Li Yue felt something familiar, but he did not know the true meaning of these words.

"This should just be the name of this pavilion. Whether I recognize it now or not is not very important."

At this time, after Li Yue observed and felt the words on the plaque, he found that he did not recognize them.

However, I didn't feel anything special about it.

Therefore, Li Yue could basically conclude that the words on this plaque might just be the name of this pavilion.

Just like the Yellow Crane Tower and other famous ancient buildings with names when Li Yue lived on earth.

There is no special situation hidden in it.

Therefore, Li Yue, who did not notice anything unusual, quickly moved his eyes away from the plaque above and returned to the crimson door in front of him.

Feeling the door in front of him carefully, Li Yue was not sure what the material of this door was for a while.

But what Li Yue can be sure of is that this door is neither gold nor wood.

It was hardly any metal or wood that Li Yue recognized.

For a moment, Li Yue had no idea what special material this door was made of.

"Maybe it's a special material I haven't seen before."

Li Yue felt helplessly that the material of this door was something he had never seen even though he had traveled through many universes.

Of course, this situation is relatively normal.

After all, even if Li Yue has the ability to travel through the universe, he is well-informed.

However, he cannot see all the materials in every universe.

Just like the vibranium and uru metal that only the Marvel Universe has.

Or maybe the DC universe only has those special alloys.

If Li Yue hadn't really been to these universes, then he wouldn't have really seen them.

Now, although the material of this door is not within the scope of Li Yue's knowledge.

But Li Yue also knew that it might just be a unique product in a certain universe.

Moreover, the door is not important, the most important thing is what is hidden inside!

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