However, such a powerful existence cannot defeat the twists of fate.

In the end, one of the real bodies died, and the remaining soul did not die well. It was captured by others, sealed here, and became a gatekeeper spirit.

Perhaps, some people would say that this divine dragon itself has fallen, leaving only a remnant soul. I don’t know when the remaining remnant soul will completely dissipate due to the passage of time.

But now, despite being sealed, he has become a gatekeeper.

But it also escaped the fate of completely dissipating the remaining soul. Isn't this a very lucky thing for it?

Li Yue basically agreed with this idea. Taking the form of this gatekeeper spirit could indeed prevent the dragon's remnant soul from gradually dissipating over time.

After all, the person who made this door may have made this door specifically for the remnant soul of the dragon.

Therefore, the materials used should be very precious and have a very special ability, that is, they can absorb and store a large amount of energy.

These energies become the source of energy for the remnant soul of the divine dragon, ensuring that the remnant soul of the divine dragon will not gradually dissipate due to the passage of time.

The large amount of energy makes the Dragon Soul become more and more powerful as time goes by.

So far, Li Yue doesn't even know how many years have passed since the existence of this door and this dragon soul.

Therefore, when this dragon faced Li Yue before, it was able to exert a power comparable to that of a real dragon when it was still alive.

It's a pity that the reason why it can exert such a powerful force is that no one has broken in here for an unknown period of time.

And this door has absorbed and stored a huge amount of energy during these long years.

It is this huge energy accumulated over time that allows it to use the remnant soul of a divine dragon to exert strength comparable to that of a real dragon.

However, just as it disappeared after Li Yue successfully blocked its strong attack.

Perhaps it was because most of the huge energy accumulated over a long period of time was consumed. In the end, in order to maintain his own existence, he had no choice but to give up and continue to attack Li Yue.

Therefore, don't just focus on this dragon's remnant soul, which seems to have a long and immortal life, and forget the huge price it has to pay for it to be reduced to its current form.

First of all, although the fate of the remaining souls gradually dissipating over time has been changed.

But its fate is tied to this door in some special form.

If this door has always existed, its remnant soul will naturally not dissipate.

However, if this door is broken by an intruder one day, then this dragon will eventually dissipate completely along with the broken door.

This is the price it pays to become such a gatekeeper.

Different from the door god in ancient Chinese legends, it is not worshiped by people but exists on the doors of thousands of households. If a single door is broken, it will not cause much harm to the real door god.

But there is only one remnant soul of the divine dragon, and it is sealed on this door, unable to escape.

Therefore, if this door is broken, it will also completely dissipate with the broken door.

And that's just one of the huge costs it pays.

And another price is that at this time, it has completely lost the freedom to travel in the starry sky.

Freedom is something that those who have it don't care about, and no one wants to get it even if they pay any price.

As the saying goes, life is precious and love is more valuable. If you care about freedom, you can throw away both.

Although many people may not agree with this sentence, the meaning it expresses is that freedom is above all else, including love and life.

Although Li Yue didn't quite agree with this, one thing he absolutely agreed with was that freedom was important.

At least, if Li Yue himself loses his personal freedom and is trapped in a certain place, he will not be able to leave as he wishes.

He absolutely couldn't accept this happening.

Now, although the remnant soul of this divine dragon has kept its remnant soul immortal, it is trapped here for eternity and cannot truly leave this door.

For this dragon soul, this situation undoubtedly means that its own freedom is completely controlled by others.

Li Yue didn't know what the dragon was really thinking at this time, but if Li Yue encountered such a situation, then Li Yue would definitely use various methods to break through the constraints and control his own destiny and freedom.

Perhaps at this time, freedom may really be more important than life!

Therefore, at this time, Li Yue could think of the huge price this dragon paid in order to keep his remaining soul immortal.

Not counting being trapped in this special space for eternity, he is also sealed in this giant door, surviving as if on the last breath.

Moreover, its own will is not even free.

Because, when outsiders like Li Yue intrude, it still needs to obey the instructions of the person who created this place and prevent outsiders from entering here.

Even in the process of stopping it, he would do his best to prevent outsiders from entering here, even at the expense of his own remnant soul.

Unfortunately, this time it encountered a being like Li Yue whose strength far exceeded it, so no matter how hard it tried to prevent Li Yue from entering, it was impossible.

Until this moment, Li Yue had actually come here and saw the difficult situation of the remnant soul of the dragon.

The entire dragon soul is sealed on this door in some special way, making it almost impossible to leave forever.

In this regard, Li Yue also felt helpless and sorry for this dragon soul.

"Unfortunately, with my current strength and knowledge, I don't seem to be able to help you."

Of course, Li Yue also had plans to help this dragon's remnant soul.

Unfortunately, at this time, although Li Yue was powerful, he didn't have any good ideas on how to really help this dragon's remnant soul.

After all, Li Yue now has no idea how this dragon soul is sealed here.

Therefore, let alone find a way to really help this dragon.

Perhaps, if Li Yue wants to destroy this door, he can do it relatively easily.

However, if this is really done, the remnant soul of this divine dragon will also be shattered along with this door.

As for how to unlock the dragon's seal and allow it to escape from the door, Li Yue had no idea at this time.

Therefore, Li Yue could only do nothing about the current situation of this dragon soul.

"However, maybe during subsequent exploration, I will be able to find the details of how you were sealed here."

"And we can also find a way to remove you from the seal."

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