Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1070 As bright as the starry sky

Before, when the entire giant gate turned dark.

After Li Yue felt the changes in the giant gate, he instantly stopped increasing his power.

However, for the sake of safety, Li Yue did not directly withdraw the huge power he released.

Instead, it maintains the power it had when it made the door react, without any increase or decrease.

After all, who knows whether the weakening of Li Yue's power will suddenly stop this special change that finally occurred, and it will not appear in the future!

And I don’t know whether Li Yue’s behavior was a mistake, or whether Li Yue’s behavior of maintaining the release of power was simply meaningless.

In short, the special reaction of this door has not been interrupted.

The entire door was swept by a dark halo, gradually turning into darkness, just like the night sky without a trace of starlight at night.

The silence, darkness, and loneliness are a little scary.

However, the night sky, like the darkest night, did not last long.

Immediately afterwards, this door was in front of Li Yue again, and another special situation occurred.

A faint light suddenly appeared not far from where Li Yue's palm touched the giant door.

It's like a pop flying rapidly from far to near.

The light that was originally weak or even dim soon became brighter.

Until the end, it was as bright as a shining star.

Especially after connecting it with the giant door that looks like the night sky, it seems that this ray of light is really like the only bright star in the dark night sky.

"So, the current scene is a night sky?"

"And what I need to do now is to light up the stars in the night sky?"

At this moment, Li Yue easily thought that the dark giant door symbolized the dark night sky.

And what he needs to do next may be to light up the countless stars in the night sky just like he did just now.

"But the only question now is, how can we light up these dim stars?"

However, although I thought about what I might need to do in the future.

But the only question before Li Yue is, what should he do to light up all the stars in the starry sky like he just did?

Although a star had been lit just now, releasing light like a bright star.

However, Li Yue didn't know why this star was lit.

In other words, Li Yue didn't know what he had to do to continue to light up other stars.

This situation made Li Yue feel a little confused.

He didn't know exactly what he should do to light up the next star.

But just when Li Yue was feeling a little confused about what he should do to light up the next star.

Another reaction that Li Yue didn't expect happened again.

Near the first light spot that was lit up like a bright star, another light spot appeared again.

And its light is gradually changing from dim to bright.

It didn't take long for the originally dim light to become very bright again, like another bright star.

"Could it be that all I need to do is keep the power released at this time without any change, so that I can light up all the stars in this starry sky one after another over time?"

At this moment, although Li Yue felt a little confused by the abnormalities that appeared one after another.

But he still made some bold guesses. Judging from the previous situation, it seemed that he didn't need to do anything more.

As long as he can maintain a constant release of power, the stars in this "starry sky" will light up one by one on their own.

Of course, this was just Li Yue's guess, and he could not yet confirm whether his idea was correct.

However, Li Yue was not kept waiting for too long.

Immediately after the second star changed from dim to bright,

A third dim light point appeared around it again.

The whole process is no different from before.

Soon, the third star also changed from dim to bright, truly becoming a bright star.

"It seems like it's not that difficult!"

At this moment, Li Yue was basically certain that he could light up all the stars in this "starry sky" as long as he kept the released power unchanged.

From dim to bright, shining stars.

And this night sky that was originally dark, lonely, and without a trace of light will eventually become a bright starry sky filled with stars in the near future!

However, there are still some questions lingering in Li Yue's mind, that is, what is the meaning of this situation?

It seemed that in the end, this giant door became a starry night sky.

Perhaps, for some people, this is a very beautiful night sky scene.

However, this does not seem to be that important to Li Yue.

After all, Li Yue has long passed the period when he once looked up at the sky and marveled at the beauty of the stars and the vastness of the universe.

Because even the real universe, Li Yue had experienced it personally.

Therefore, even if this giant door really creates a beautiful night sky scene, it doesn't seem to have much meaning to Li Yue.

Of course, Li Yue's purpose was to open this giant door and enter the pavilion behind the giant door.

Therefore, he had to face this giant door, and also had to guess what the meaning of this giant door showing such a scene was.

In other words, what Li Yue was struggling with was how to really open this giant door and enter it.

"Although it is not clear what the significance of such a situation is, since this situation has already occurred, it is better to continue to wait and see what will happen!"

Although Li Yue felt a little confused about the appearance of this scene, he was still prepared to wait and see what would happen when the bright starry sky really appeared!

In order for the stars to continue to light up above the giant gate that had turned into a dark night sky, Li Yue did not change the power he released at all.

The same power has always been maintained.

And it seems that Li Yue's behavior really has an effect.

In short, while Li Yue did not change his power output, the door did not undergo any abnormal changes.

However, the originally dim stars began to become brighter and brighter, and eventually became extremely shining bright stars.

Almost immediately, dozens of bright stars appeared, scattered around Li Yue's palm.

It's like stars dotting the night sky, making the entire night more beautiful at this moment.

The number of stars is still increasing, and as time goes by, the rate of increase becomes faster and faster!

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