Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1077 Distorted Time and Space

With the power Li Yue possesses now, even if he is really close to a black hole that can swallow everything, he may not be able to cause real harm to him.

Gravity, a force that can bend space and time, actually has a very limited impact on Li Yue.

Although the special power contained in this building can also bend the surrounding space and time, it is also insignificant compared to the powerful gravity released by a real black hole.

Therefore, the force field formed by this special force may be able to bend space and time and change the trajectory of surrounding objects.

But the real threat is probably not too great.

At least that's the case for Li Yue.

Therefore, Li Yue did not find it difficult to deal with the force field formed by the special forces surrounding this building.

As long as Li Yue wanted to pass through this special force field and approach the building, he could easily do so.

However, although Li Yue felt that it was not difficult to approach this building at this time, Li Yue still maintained due caution.

Don't underestimate anything you don't understand. Of course, the same goes for people.

Li Yue naturally understood that being cautious sometimes might be of unexpected help.

Of course, caution is the key to caution, and Li Yue would naturally not be cautious enough to back down directly.

Faced with this kind of thing that may not have much impact on Li Yue, although Li Yue is cautious, he will not back down at all.

Therefore, without any hesitation, he directly controlled his body and flew to the area where the building was located not far away.

Li Yue was not flying very fast at this time. After all, the building was not too far away from Li Yue's location, so there was no need to rush.

It only took a few seconds for Li Yue to approach the floating building in the air.

However, the moment he was very close to the building, Li Yue clearly felt a very strange change in the surrounding space.

He seemed to be enveloped in some special force field.

Moreover, the space between him and the building seemed to be distorted by an invisible force.

Even Li Yue's vision began to become a little blurry at this moment.

The building in front suddenly became no longer so clear, as if his sight was blocked by a strange fog.

However, soon, things in Li Yue's sight became clear again!

However, the building that was originally in front of Li Yue had disappeared directly in front of Li Yue and appeared to the side of Li Yue.

And if Li Yue continues flying in the direction he was heading before, he will not be able to really approach the building at all, but will deviate from the building.

In other words, it can be said that Li Yue has been simply affected by the distorted space force field at this time.

"Sure enough, even though I had just approached this place, I was already enveloped by this special force field.

A special kind of distortion also occurred in the time and space between himself and the building. "

"Furthermore, I can feel that the direction I am heading in has not changed in any way from before, but the building appears on my side."

The moment he was enveloped by this special force field, Li Yue already knew his current situation clearly.

He has fallen into a strange time and space distorted by special forces.

Of course, this strange spatial distortion will not cause any harm to yourself.

However, it will cause some strange changes in its trajectory.

In his feelings, his direction of travel has not changed in any way, but at this time, if he continues to move in the previous direction, he will never be able to truly approach the building in the distance.

This feeling is as if the direction in which you are going has not changed, but the building in front of you has automatically changed its position.

"And more importantly, I estimate that no matter how I change my direction and point my target at that building, I will inadvertently deviate from the right path again!"

Moreover, Li Yue understood even more that the distortion of time and space was naturally not just that simple.

After all, if you look at the situation at this time, it seems that as long as you continue to move forward according to the building you see, you will be able to find the real direction and finally get really close to that building.

But is it really that simple? Li Yue had doubts about this.

And he also had some kind of premonition in his heart.

However, Li Yue did not hesitate too much at this time, but directly changed his direction.

Turn to where the building is in your sight.

Then continue towards the building.

However, just when Li Yue was sure that his direction had not changed, he felt that the scene in his sight had changed again.

The building that was originally directly opposite him appeared on his side again.

"As expected, if you don't know that this is a distortion of time and space caused by some kind of force field, I'm afraid some people may suspect that they have encountered A Piao."

This weird feeling is like meeting "A Piao". If an ordinary person encounters it, he will definitely feel a sense of fear in an instant.

However, for Li Yue, it was just a small matter.

After all, before this, Li Yue had already guessed what would happen at this time.

And the fact is exactly what he thought. Even if he deflects his direction according to the location of the building, he will still be affected by the distorted time and space again, making it impossible to truly approach the building.

"Although I had expected this, when I really felt this strange situation, I was still a little surprised by this situation."

Although Li Yue knew earlier that the situation might evolve into what it is now, when his guess was confirmed, Li Yue was still a little surprised by the situation.

It's like although humans are afraid of certain things, after actually encountering them, they can't help but feel very curious about this situation.

At this time, the curious Li Yue was ready to make more attempts to carefully understand how this special power distorted the surrounding time and space.

"Since you can't approach this building by flying slowly, why not try what will happen if you continue flying towards this building in the shortest time!"

At this time, Li Yue felt that perhaps his flying speed was a little too slow, so he gave this time and space distortion enough reaction time to distort the surrounding space and time again, causing him to deviate from his previous trajectory again.

However, if your speed is fast enough, so fast that even the opponent cannot react instantly when he wants to distort time and space, can you avoid the situation you encountered before?

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