Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1090 Plants Containing Energy

Of course, in addition to the rooms used for living, if conditions permit, a person will naturally have many rooms that are of special use to him.

For example, the living room is used to receive guests, the restaurant is used to eat, and some people with a more scholarly atmosphere will have a study room dedicated to reading.

Such a room with a special function is needed for everyone.

Because everyone has their own hobbies and even jobs.

And often when doing these things, they don't like to be disturbed by others, and they don't like to be visited by other people.

Therefore, it is naturally more important to establish a room dedicated to doing something. In such an exclusive room, I have to say that the efficiency is quite high.

It seems that when Li Yue was thinking about his future evolution, he also built a room specifically for himself to be clean.

Think about the evolutionary path you will take in the future.

And the final result is naturally very good.

At this time, Li Yue almost didn't need to think too much to think that those rooms might have various functions.

From the functions of these rooms, Li Yue could naturally discover what hobbies and even abilities the previous owners had.

Of course, there may be a room in which the other party's collections are placed.

And if the other party really has his own "treasure pavilion", then Li Yue's gains from it may be unexpectedly great.

After all, in addition to the information about the owner contained in some items, some things themselves can be called harvests.

Of course, Li Yue didn't know at this time whether there really was something similar to the "Treasure Pavilion".

But it won't take long, because Li Yue is about to start exploring the surrounding rooms.

Li Yue didn't know what existed in the surrounding rooms.

Because he did not use his mental power to directly explore what existed in each room.

Instead, prepare to explore slowly one by one.

For Li Yue, although using mental power to explore is more convenient and faster, it loses the real fun of exploring here.

Like some treasure hunts, the real reward isn't how valuable the final treasure is.

Rather, it lies in the various dangers experienced during the treasure hunt, as well as the various things that can be memorable!

At this time, Li Yue was ready to explore slowly one by one.

Perhaps the harvest gained in this way will give Li Yue a different feeling.

In this room where the original owner may have lived, Li Yue found some books recording unknown information, as well as a note left by the owner himself before he anxiously left after encountering something.

However, such clues cannot be Li Yue's real gain at this time.

Because the words recorded in it are not the words Li Yue recognized.

Therefore, Li Yue could only choose to continue exploring several surrounding buildings in the hope of finding more valuable gains.

After Li Yue left the first room, he didn't hesitate much and chose another room not far away.

Although Li Yue did make a random choice.

But there are some reasons why I chose to explore this room first.

Because only the surroundings of this room seemed to be covered with all kinds of unknown flowers and plants.

These strange-looking flowers and plants, even though no one has taken care of them for a long time, are still growing well and very lush.

Flowers of various colors are also blooming, making people feel like they are in a wonderful sea of ​​flowers.

The reason why Li Yue noticed these flowers and plants was because of his strong perception, which allowed him to sense that these flowers and plants were not ordinary.

It actually contains various forms of special energy!

Plants contain some energy, which is quite normal.

It can be said that any plant that is not dead contains some energy.

This is something that Li Yue can easily feel after becoming stronger.

It's just that some plants contain relatively weak energy, while some plants contain relatively large amounts of energy.

Plants that contain a small amount of energy are generally ordinary plants and have no important role.

Some plants that can be called medicinal materials contain much more energy than ordinary plants, so they can be used as medicinal materials to treat various human diseases.

One of the medicinal materials that contains the most energy is ginseng, the "king of medicinal materials". The energy contained in ginseng is many times more than that of ordinary medicinal materials.

Therefore, ginseng also has the ability to continue to support the elderly who are about to die for a period of time, which is commonly known as "hanging their lives"!

The reason why it has such an effect is because the large amount of energy contained in ginseng plays a special role in the human body.

Li Yue had naturally seen real ginseng before.

After all, even the universe Li Yue traveled to was a universe dominated by modern science.

The mysterious power is rarely revealed to the public.

And because of the development of science and technology, many things have lost their original effects.

Naturally, it also includes medicinal materials that have been summarized in ancient China as having positive effects on people.

There are very few ginsengs that actually have a lot of natural energy.

But Li Yue had actually seen it.

It's just that the energy contained in ginseng may be very huge for ordinary people, and it can "bring back the dead".

But for the powerful Li Yue, it is no longer of much use.

Therefore, even if Li Yue senses the energy-containing ginseng, he won't care too much.

However, Li Yue, who had actually seen ginseng containing energy, naturally understood that the energy contained in ginseng was also very limited.

It can only have some effect on ordinary people.

But what surprised Li Yue now was that the energy contained in the various flowers and plants here was countless times more than the ginseng he had seen before.

Such huge energy even makes these flowers and plants seem to truly contain life.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this that these flowers and plants can still survive vigorously even if no one takes care of them for an unknown period of time!

Even the energy contained in it was accumulated to the point that even Li Yue was a little surprised.

It can be said that every plant here, if brought into modern society, can be taken by ordinary people.

Or it can cause ordinary people to explode and die because they cannot withstand such huge energy.

But if someone can endure it, he will definitely become a new transcendent.

Of course, turning ordinary people into extraordinary people is just a simple function of the large amount of energy contained in them!

And if these energies are absorbed by people who are already extraordinary, then their strength and abilities may be greatly improved!

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