Li Yue has already made a decision in his heart. As for when the time comes, whether Li Yue will choose to "take risks" will be explored by himself based on the confidence of the novel.

Fortunately, with the help of a large number of linguists, I found the real method of alchemy.

Or maybe before the journey is over, you are extremely lucky to find knowledge about the words on the book.

In short, no matter what the final result is, Li Yue can accept it.

Now, Li Yue is ready to put all this aside for the time being and continue to explore on this special floating island.

After all, besides alchemy, there are more unknown things attracting Li Yue here.

Perhaps, some things are no less attractive to Li Yue than refining elixirs.

"There should be nothing in this room that can arouse my concern."

"Besides, I don't know yet whether the layout of this room has some kind of pattern or deep meaning, so it's better not to cause too much damage!"

In Li Yue's impression, alchemy is not just something that can be truly accomplished by using an alchemy furnace and adding enough medicinal materials.

The most profound memory in Li Yue's memory is that while watching Journey to the West, Taishang Laojun could refine the nine-turn elixir that can bring people back to life.

As for Taishang Laojun's alchemy technique, if it really exists, it is definitely a top-notch alchemy technique!

From the process of Taishang Laojun refining alchemy, it is not difficult to see that refining alchemy is a very labor-intensive and not easy task.

At least, the seven or forty-nine days of alchemy refining time was beyond what Li Yue could have imagined.

After all, for a modern young man like Li Yue, let alone sit quietly for seven or forty-nine days.

Even if it lasts forty-nine hours, I'm afraid I will become very irritable inside.

Of course, Li Yue is no longer an ordinary person at this time. There is no problem if he really sits for forty-nine days without eating or drinking.

However, from these harsh conditions, Li Yue could also imagine how complicated and difficult real alchemy was.

Moreover, Taishang Laojun's alchemy room must contain some special rules.

At this time, the alchemy room where Li Yue was located could not be compared with Taishang Laojun's Tushita Palace in terms of scale and senses.

But as the saying goes, although a sparrow is small, it has all the internal organs.

It was just a simple alchemy room, and it might have many profound meanings that Li Yue couldn't understand at this time.

As a layman, if Li Yue rushes into this room rashly, he may inadvertently break some of the rules contained in it.

Therefore, when Li Yue explored this room, he used mental power that he was not originally prepared to use.

Now, Li Yue knew almost everything in this room.

However, what Li Yue was not sure about was whether there was anything he hadn't discovered yet.

After all, although Li Yue's mental power is very powerful, after being disturbed before, Li Yue understood that his mental power was not omnipotent.

So if there are things here that can block Li Yue's exploration of spiritual power, it is a very normal thing.

At least, Li Yue discovered a special situation when he used his mental power to explore before.

That is, although his mental power can explore the material of the alchemy furnace in the center of the room, he cannot truly observe the scene inside through the alchemy furnace.

Under normal circumstances, Li Yue's mental power is very powerful, let alone just a layer of metal less than a few dozen centimeters.

Even the underground Batcave built by Batman, Li Yue's mental power can go hundreds of meters underground to find it!

Therefore, it is normal for him to be able to use his mental power to explore the situation in a metal material of more than ten centimeters.

However, just when Li Yue was using his mental power to explore the entire room, he discovered that he could not penetrate the outer wall of the alchemy furnace with his mental power.

Observe its interior.

However, he was not without any discoveries.

He could feel that in the alchemy furnace, there seemed to be a flame that had not yet been extinguished, emitting extremely hot temperature.

However, it seems that this scorching temperature can only be truly felt when Li Yue releases his mental power.

As long as Li Yue withdraws his mental power, he will not be able to feel this scorching temperature.

And from the surface of this alchemy furnace, there is no abnormality that can be seen with the naked eye.

However, Li Yue knew that his feeling of mental power was absolutely unmistakable.

There is definitely something special in this alchemy furnace.

"It can emit scorching heat, like an unquenched flame."

"It seems that there are unfinished elixirs in this alchemy furnace?"

At this moment, Li Yue suddenly had a suspicion in his heart that surprised him.

That is, there is an elixir that has not yet been refined in this alchemy furnace.

"Perhaps, it is indeed possible. After all, the owner here seemed very anxious when he left."

"If there is still a furnace of elixirs that have not been successfully refined in the alchemy furnace, it is also possible."

After this speculation appeared in his heart, Li Yue quickly remembered that the owner here left in a hurry.

If before leaving, the owner here was preparing to refine a furnace of elixirs, but the refining had not been completed yet.

In the end, because of the rush, I left directly and never came back here again.

So it is normal for there to be a furnace of unfinished elixirs in this alchemy furnace!

I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later! I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later! I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later!

I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later! I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later! I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later!

I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later! I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later! I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later!

I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later! I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later! I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later!

I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later! I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later! I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later!

I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later! I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later! I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later!

I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later! I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later! I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later!

I haven’t finished writing it yet, so I’ll post it first and I’ll revise it right away. Everyone will read it later!


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