Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1102 Controlling Flame

Perhaps Li Yue could think of other ways to completely refine this thing that was constantly exuding a cold aura.

However, the energy and effort required are probably much more than the simplest method at this time.

Even if you use the wrong method, unexpected situations may occur!

At this time, using the sea of ​​​​fire in the alchemy furnace, which is like a world of flames, to roast this special thing and make it completely refined is naturally the simplest method that consumes the least energy and effort.

It should also be the safest method!

However, all of this is limited to those who know how to manipulate the world of flames in this alchemy furnace, and can truly use this simple method!

However, unfortunately, Li Yue was not someone who knew how to manipulate the world of flames in the alchemy furnace.

Therefore, wanting to use this simplest method to completely refine this special thing seemed to be the most difficult method for Li Yue.

"Perhaps, although I don't know how to operate this alchemy furnace now, nor do I know how to control the flames in it."

"However, maybe this is not a very difficult thing in the first place. Maybe once I get started, I will find that it is actually very easy and possible!"

However, although Li Yue clearly knew that he did not know how to control the flame in this alchemy furnace.

However, Li Yue thought that maybe this was not a very difficult thing in the first place!

Perhaps, when you actually operate it, you will find that this is actually a very easy thing!

"Of course, whether it's really what I think, I still need to give it a real try!"

However, although Li Yue thought so, it remains to be verified whether the facts are really what he thought.

Therefore, Li Yue felt that it was necessary for him to give it a try first.

After preparing to try, Li Yue naturally had nothing to hesitate.

He escaped directly from the world full of red flames in the alchemy furnace.

The next moment, Li Yue's mind returned to his body, and the scene in his eyes returned to normal again.

The scene in front of him remained unchanged from the beginning!

There was still an alchemy furnace that looked very simple and mysterious, placed in front of him.

However, when he saw this alchemy furnace again, Li Yue always felt that the coiled dragon pattern carved on it seemed to be emitting a strange light at this moment.

Especially the Shenlong's eyes, which were dim before, emitted a very dazzling crimson light.

However, it only lasted for a moment and then completely disappeared!

Moreover, when Li Yue focused his attention and observed carefully, he found that there seemed to be no difference from before!

"Perhaps this carved dragon pattern has a special meaning!"

If it were anyone else, they might just think it was an illusion of their own.

But Li Yue didn't think so.

His eyes were so sharp that the situation captured by him could not be an illusion of Li Yue's.

Therefore, the dragon pattern just now definitely shone with a faint light.

Especially in his originally dim eyes, a crimson red that was as bright as a flame flashed for an instant.

Moreover, this crimson was even brighter than the crimson sea of ​​fire that Li Yue saw inside the alchemy furnace.

Although it was only a short moment and passed by in a flash, it left a very deep impression on Li Yue.

Others may attribute this situation to a special illusion caused by being in the red sea of ​​fire for a relatively long time.

But Li Yue didn't think so.

He has every reason to be sure that what he just observed is

It must have really happened.

The moment my mind left the world of fire inside the alchemy furnace and returned to reality.

Perhaps this ancient and mysterious alchemy furnace felt itself and had some special reaction.

However, this reaction only lasted for a moment and then completely disappeared.

But now, I may have the opportunity to truly feel and see the true appearance of this alchemy furnace.

Perhaps this alchemy furnace was not like this when it was operating normally.

Of course, these are some of Li Yue's guesses. Whether he can actually see the alchemy furnace in use is still unknown to Li Yue.

However, Li Yue originally wanted to try how to truly control this alchemy furnace.

Originally, Li Yue didn't have any better way to start.

But when he felt some changes in the patterns carved on the alchemy furnace, Li Yue suddenly felt that he might have found a way to try to control the alchemy furnace.

Before his mind entered the inside of the alchemy furnace with his eyes that could see through the essence of everything.

Li Yue's attention was also attracted by some special dragon patterns on this alchemy furnace.

After all, the dragon's body and posture were carved lifelike, as if the real dragon appeared in front of Li Yue.

But the most important eyes, it seems that when the carving was done, the carving craftsman had no patience.

Therefore, this can make people feel the most real part of Shenlong, but it has not been carefully crafted. It is just a rough carving and perfunctory.

As the saying goes, giving up halfway and giving up halfway, it is nothing more than this situation.

However, although Li Yue noticed this strange situation at that time, he did not pay too much attention to it.

However, after experiencing what just seemed like an illusion, Li Yue suddenly understood.

It's not that the eyes of this divine dragon are somewhat dull.

It's because the eyes themselves lack a special charm.

After the delusion-like situation that Li Yue had just experienced, Li Yue felt it for the first time when a crimson light flashed like a flame in his eyes.

This divine dragon seemed to suddenly come to life from its previous lifelessness.

Moreover, if you add in the changes that Li Yue felt in these illusions about the overall changes in the dragon pattern.

Li Yue could even restore the entire dragon pattern in his mind, as if it had come alive.

This naturally made Li Yue instantly understand that the dragon pattern carved on the alchemy furnace was not without any effect.

On the contrary, this dragon pattern may be the key to truly controlling the world of flames inside this alchemy furnace.

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