Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1108 Transformed into a real dragon

The scene of fading away from the mortal body and transforming into a real dragon.

Li Yue couldn't help but feel a little intoxicated.

Although he had seen the true dragon soul in the form of a true dragon flying in the sky before.

He even truly experienced the magical offensive launched by the Dragon Soul against him.

However, the situation at this time was completely different from the situation Li Yue encountered before.

A real dragon appears in front of Li Yue. Li Yue may be surprised and amazed.

But he won't really be completely attracted by Shenlong.

But now, when Li Yue really faced a scene that seemed to have just faded away from the mortal body and was gradually turning into a real dragon.

But Li Yue's whole mind seemed to be attracted by this scene.

Li Yue could even feel as if his mind had separated from his body.

He completely entered the dragon pattern carved on the alchemy furnace in front of him.

The next moment, he seemed to have truly transformed into this dragon.

However, his body seemed to be bound by an irresistible force, and he had no ability to move at all.

In this way, I don't know how long the time lasts. It may be ten thousand years, or it may be tens of millions of years.

In short, Li Yue felt in his mind that he seemed to be completely sealed. Not only was his "body" completely unable to move at all.

Even his own spiritual consciousness seemed to be completely sealed, unable to think about anything or even perceive the surrounding situation!

His eyes seemed to have lost the ability to see, and everything in front of him turned into a scene of nothingness.

He didn't know what was going on at this time, nor did he know why he came here, and why he became a scene of nothingness in front of him.

I don’t know how long this has been going on.

Suddenly, a faint beam of light caught Li Yue's attention, and at this moment, Li Yue's consciousness was completely awakened.

Although I didn't "recall" why I was in this void.

But he seemed to feel that as long as he moved towards that faint beam of light, he could truly leave this dark place!

Therefore, Li Yue did not hesitate and directly controlled his body and moved towards the faint light.

At this time, Li Yue only had one belief in his heart, which was to rush towards the weak beam of light in the distance. No matter what was in front of him, he would not stop moving forward.

The extremely firm belief allowed Li Yue to move forward without hesitation, forgetting his current situation or even anything else about himself.

He only knew that no matter what, he had to move towards that faint light.

In this way, Li Yue walked forward for unknown how long.

That beam of light seemed to be very close to me, but it seemed that I could never really get close to it.

However, as Li Yue continued to move forward, he could feel that the originally very weak light was becoming brighter.

It seems that my continuous progress is working.

That ball of light is also getting closer to me as I move forward.

And this seems to be the only belief that supports Li Yue to move forward.

He knew that no matter how long the process was, as long as the distance between the two parties could be shortened, one day it would be able to truly approach the light in the distance.

In this way, Li Yue kept moving forward, almost forgetting everything.

And as he moved forward, the originally very weak light in front of him gradually became brighter and brighter.

The distance between them seemed to be constantly shortening.

Until a certain moment, Li Yue suddenly felt that the light in front of him suddenly changed from a little bright to very dazzling.

Even I felt a hint of warmth.

At this moment, Li Yue seemed to "recall" everything in an instant.

Its body and consciousness were sealed in a strange void space.

Everything around is nothingness.

Moreover, his own spirit and consciousness cannot perceive the existence of anything.

It seems that it will never have the chance to see the sky it once flew in!

There is no chance to experience the proud feeling of soaring into the sky again!

Perhaps, it will always be trapped in this void space, and will never be able to find its former self.

However, until the appearance of that beam of light, it completely awakened its sealed consciousness!

From this moment on, a firm belief emerged in its heart to break through the seal and leave this dark place.

At this time, the light in front of it had gone from being very weak at the beginning to becoming very dazzling and bright after it kept moving forward.

Perhaps it was because it was about to get really close to that ball of light.

At this time, it found that its own feelings suddenly seemed to be awakened again.

Although its gaze could not see anything around it except the dazzling golden light in front of it.

But its perception can already feel its own physical presence.

And its body seemed to be bathed in a holy light at this moment, full of a warm feeling.

What it didn't know was when that dazzling golden light shone on its body.

Its body has also undergone tremendous changes.

Golden lines gradually lit up from its body.

The golden lines are intertwined together to form an existence similar to fish scales.

Alternatively, it could be called dragon scales.

That's right, at this time, Li Yue, after being attracted, entered the body of a divine dragon, as if he had turned into a real divine dragon!

However, at the beginning, this divine dragon seemed to be sealed in a land of nothingness.

Even consciousness and feelings are completely sealed, and you can't feel anything around you at all.

It wasn't until the appearance of that golden ray that the dragon was awakened again.

Then, the sealed body began to be unsealed under the shining of golden light.

It's like going through the process of letting go of the mortal world and transforming into a real dragon all over again!

Although the whole process did not take very long, it gave Li Yue a very novel feeling.

His mind at this time seemed to have become one with this divine dragon, and he felt a wonderful process of fading away from the mundane world and transforming into a real dragon.

Soon, the entire body of the divine dragon was infected by golden light, emitting a holy and bright golden light.

At the same time, this dragon was also moving forward, truly approaching the taunt's shining golden light.

At this time, after getting really close, I finally saw clearly what this ball of golden light was.

It turned out to be a very gorgeous door that seemed to be made of gold.

The golden door shone with a dazzling golden light, so dazzling that it was almost impossible to look straight at it.

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