Marvel Began Shuttling the Heavens

Chapter 1110 The Unshakable Dragon Gate

And if Shenlong continues to rush past at such a fast speed, he may directly hit the door instead of passing through it!

Given the strength of Shenlong's body, maybe even if it hits that door, there won't be any serious consequences.

However, if this situation really happens, Li Yue believes that it is probably something that this dragon cannot accept!

After all, when he is full of longing for something, but in the end finds that it is completely different from what he imagined, Li Yue himself cannot accept it easily.

However, even though Li Yue was worried about this dragon at this time, he had absolutely nothing to do.

He was unable to change Shenlong's actions, nor was he able to convey information to Shenlong.

He could only look at whatever was happening at this moment like a bystander.

But the speed of this divine dragon's soaring did not slow down at all despite Li Yue's worries.

It even kept accelerating its speed again as it kept approaching the door!

However, the gorgeous golden door not far away showed no sign of opening at all!


Li Yue couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

He could already imagine what was going to happen next.

That door just looks very extraordinary. In Li Yue's opinion, it is probably the dragon gate in the legendary "Carp Leaps over the Dragon Gate"

As long as you jump over, you have a chance to transform into a real dragon!

However, at this time, this divine dragon was already in the body of a divine dragon, so naturally there was no need to jump over this dragon gate to prove himself.

However, it was precisely because of this situation that Li Yue felt very strange.

After all, it has completely transformed into a real dragon at this time. Under normal circumstances, it is not difficult for a real dragon to jump over the dragon gate.

But why, when this dragon wanted to jump over, this door showed no signs of opening at all?

This is the biggest doubt plaguing Li Yue's heart at this time.

For a moment, Li Yue couldn't figure out what was going on.

And his existence can't change anything.

Therefore, he could only quietly watch the next development of things.

And as the divine dragon continued to accelerate, in just a short moment, the divine dragon had already rushed to the door with golden light in the sky.

Facing the door that was still closed, Shenlong seemed to turn a blind eye and rammed directly towards the door.

Of course, Shenlong's original intention was to jump over this dragon gate.

But because the dragon gate is tightly closed, it is naturally unable to fulfill its wish.

Finally, he ran into the closed dragon gate.

The moment the divine dragon hit the dragon gate, the already dazzling golden light on the dragon gate suddenly skyrocketed again.

The light flashing like a star exploding seemed to make this dragon gate look more majestic at this time!

At the same time, this door also looks very thick, as if no matter what happens, this door cannot really be opened!

And the fact is indeed the case.

Although this dragon's sprint speed is very fast, it has already reached an extreme situation!

But at the moment when it actually hit the dragon gate, the dragon gate did not tremble at all because of its extremely fast speed and the power it brought.

Even, at the moment when the golden light surged, the huge body of the divine dragon, which was nearly a hundred feet, was directly thrown back.

How huge is the dragon's body that's over a hundred feet tall?

It was coiled in the sky, like a dark cloud.

At this moment, a "small door" that was only a few feet high was bounced away!

This is an incredible situation!

Even though Li Yue had guessed about this before, it was still hard to believe when it actually happened.

At the same time, Li Yue's mind was almost completely integrated with this dragon.

It can make him feel everything Shenlong can feel.

At the moment when he was bounced away by the sudden surge of golden light, Li Yue's mind also felt an irresistible force acting on Shenlong's body.

It is as if that dragon gate is sacred and inviolable. Anyone who dares to affect this gate will be severely punished!

The Shenlong's body, which was hundreds of feet long, was instantly thrown tens of thousands of meters away by this almost irresistible force.

And when Shenlong's body finally stopped retreating and came to a standstill.

Shenlong's eyes looked at the dragon gate in the distance with some disbelief!

Perhaps, even he himself had not thought that this would happen.

I am not recognized by Longmen at this time?

At this moment, even Li Yue could feel the feeling of complete disbelief in Shenlong's heart!


As if he couldn't believe that he was no longer recognized by Longmen at this time, Shenlong suddenly looked up to the sky and roared.

The next moment, the body that was ejected once again rushed towards the dragon gate not far away at a faster speed!

Li Yue, who was fused with this dragon, could feel the strong unwillingness in the dragon's heart at this time.

Perhaps, he could not accept that he was no longer recognized by Longmen at this time.

It's like in ancient China, a direct descendant of a certain family was eventually not recognized by his own clan because of certain things.

This is something very unacceptable.

And Li Yue can also imagine that this door may be so important to this dragon because of this ability.

And being recognized by this dragon gate may be more important than the life of the dragon itself.

Therefore, at this moment when he learned that he was not recognized by the dragon gate, this dragon almost lost his mind.

It seemed to be desperate for its life, rushing towards the dragon gate not far away at an extremely fast speed.

It seems that he doesn't believe the result just now and wants to try again unwillingly!

However, Li Yue could already imagine the result.

There are some things that can change the facts just because you don't want to be willing to do so.

Sure enough, after Shenlong continued to rush towards the dragon gate at an extremely fast speed.

Longmen was still not shaken by Shenlong's impact.

And in the dazzling golden light that erupted again, the dragon's body, which was hundreds of feet tall, was once again ejected at a faster speed.

Perhaps because it was the second "provocation", the dragon gate began to become a little angry. This time, the distance the Shenlong was bounced was obviously much further than the last time.


However, Shenlong, who slowly stopped further away, still couldn't believe the facts at this moment.

It once again burst out at a faster speed, as if refusing to accept its fate, and once again rushed towards the distant dragon gate.

However, the result remains unchanged!

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